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haiduong's Guestbook

flody888Jun 27, 2010

Thank you for thecompliment!! I think EVERYONE on TSR are SO NICE! I'm actually a grumpy person but b/c everyone is so nice I've tried to be nicer too. \:\) I guess it's working. \:P (Oops. There's a slip-up! \;\) ) Actually, that says a lot. If everyone tried to be nicer, what a nicer world this would be. \:wub\: You've been so kind too. \:\) And I just can't believe how creative you are. Please nurture that talent!!! It's great that you have TSR as an outlet though. \:\)

YrS92Jun 27, 2010

You're very welcome\:\) And yeah, I'm 17 too, 18 in December\:D Have a great day, hugs, Senja

VoodooBGJun 27, 2010

   Just wanted to tell you that I love your paintings!! They are awesome! Thanks for sharing them \:wub\:

HarmoniaJun 27, 2010

hi, thanks for nice comment on my One Shouldered Dress With Cut Out-Was \:wub\: glad you like it! enjoy!

AshleyBlackJun 27, 2010

Hello! Thank you so much for your kind message in my guestbook! Have a great day! \:\) - Ildi

flody888Jun 27, 2010

Oh, I just noticed! Mortimer knocked over your plumbbob!!!! Better watch out for him! \;\) (Nice detail!)

flody888Jun 27, 2010

Oh, and thank you for the painting of Little Mila!! \:wub\: I totally adopted her and am keeping her dry and well fed. \:\) She is SO CUTE! But she looks so miserable in that picture that people MUST adopt her! \;\) And I noticed your new nursery set as I was coming to your guest book. More cute things! \:\) And you changed your banner again! Actually, I love little Mortimer's grumpy face. He's so cute. (I wouldn't adopt him though. He seems like a handful! LOL) Enjoy what's left of your weekend! \:\)

flody888Jun 27, 2010

Hi Hai Duong!! \:\) Yes, that's his sister Chia (the baby who said Cheese...actually both she and Cort said 'Cheese' LOL) Thank you for saying she's pretty...I've noticed that all the girls in the family have giant heads. LOL I'm debating whether I should cheat and shrink their heads or just weed out the bad genes. LOL And, actually, now that you mentioned girlfriends, I realize that none of my sim kids have had boyfriends or girlfriends yet! \:o  I'm too busy skilling them up, making them do homework, making sure they're eating, peeing on the toilet, and going to bed on time! I don't have time to let them have any romance! LOL When they grow up, then they can date. :P  (I'm so strict! \:D)

YrS92Jun 27, 2010

Hi\:\) You're very welcome, they are great paintings\:wub\: Have a great day, hugs, Senja

PralinesimsJun 27, 2010

Good night my dear \:D here in germany its 4°clock in the morning! my mum kills me haha_= i wish you a blessed sunday and a beautiful week !! *sendyoulotsofhugsandkisses* keep on simming!! xoxo ciao ciao 

PralinesimsJun 27, 2010

its the truth!  you should be an designer ! the colours you have chosen for the banner and avatar ....Amazing!!! the cute red-striped shirt and the loveley bubbles...it looks simply beautiful! and your creations are stunning ! you are such an precious artist !  its just your beginning but you´re on the top!! and for me you´re one of the best artists here on TSR \:rah\:\:rah\:

PralinesimsJun 27, 2010

Hi\:\) i mean everything! the banner the previews the avatar! everything looks so professional! your creativity is endless!\:wub\:\:rah\:

PralinesimsJun 27, 2010

Wow your new design is awesome ! i think its your best deign!! thank you for your hard work! you are a very talented artist!! i wish you a amazing sunday and a wonderful new week!! ciao ciao my dear\:wub\:

DOTJun 27, 2010

Hi hi \:\)  Thank You so much for taking the time to leave a comment on my Love Set \:\)  Your Morning Set is wonderful.  I love this kind of art \:\)

DT456Jun 25, 2010

Also you have a great friday! \;\)

gissenceJun 25, 2010

Thanks for the wonderful compliment on my KNIGHTS COURT lot.

flody888Jun 24, 2010

Aw, thanks for the compliments again. \:\) I think Chia is my favourite baby too. \:\) You totally deserve whatever good credit you get. Your consistency in style and quality totally speak to how hard you probably worked at it. \:\) Unless you're a genius savante and it all came naturally and in like 10 seconds, b/c then I would just be jealous!! \:D

sims1latina88Jun 24, 2010

your welcome!! Have great week too!!\:\)

HarmoniaJun 24, 2010

hi, thanks for lovely comment on my set Trashy Collections Masochist Set \:wub\: glad you like them \:\) happy simming!!

sims1latina88Jun 23, 2010

Thanks for your comment!!\:D you can get her hair here: http://cazyxdarkplace.blogspot.com/search/label/female%20hairs

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