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haiduong's Guestbook

shaml_sim Jun 6, 2010

Hey Hai! Thanks for your comment on my Interesting Book screenie, I'm glad you liked it \:D And yes, I totally agree, as intrigued as the Reaper is about the book, he doesn't seem to realise he's actually the one we're all watching \;\)

PralinesimsJun 6, 2010

Hello Hai\:D wow your new design is amazing!! its you best desing i think!! really great job!! thank you so much for the lovely comment on my Sim Judy\:\) im happy you like her!(now i have the same problem like you...my game crashes after i start it\:\( i need to uninstall it!! arrggghh\:\( i wish you a wonderful day and a wonderful time!! *HUGYOU*\:wub\:\:wub\:

kamilka257Jun 5, 2010

of course you didn't offend me ! I just thought you could know him \;\) thaj you for all the comments \:\))

Susan372Jun 5, 2010

Thanks for your compliment...I'm feel so happy...haha...Your creations is great too...Vietnam is a good place,^^

b-bettinaJun 5, 2010

Hello! \:\) Thank you very much for your wonderful comment and for signing my guestbook, I truly appreciate it! \:wub\: I put some effort into making my previews indeed, and people who notice that are making me sooo so glad! \:\) Thank you very much and have a great day! \;\) B.

Lie76Jun 5, 2010

Hi haiduong\:wub\:I love your work\:\)You are so talented your work are Amazing. Have a nice day and a great weekend  take care Hugs Lie

flody888Jun 5, 2010

Hello again! Thank you for the many nice comments on my screenies! Yes, toddlers are pretty fun to watch. I've watched them play and tried to take pictures of them before but this was the first time I saw them stick their tongue out! Too funny! \:D I was so shocked though when Chia actually leaned it for the picture in Cheese 2! It was like she wanted her picture taken! \:D That was just too cute! Thanks again for the sweet comments! I totally think Chia deserved them. \;\) Happy weekend to you (again!) \:\)

SaliwaJun 5, 2010

hi \:\) thanks for all nice comments .. take care \:\)

flody888Jun 5, 2010

Oh, maybe I'll take your advice and get rid of my packages!! If it works I will be happy to play but disappointed with no package cc. I don't mind basegame stuff (did you know most basegame tables have a funny edge you can recolour to make them look more antique/weathered?) but I'm with you in that some cc is indispensible!!! Anyhoo, I hope you enjoy your weekend! \:\)

flody888Jun 5, 2010

I downloaded the last patch and now MY game is crashing EVERY SINGLE TIME I try to play!!! It's ok in Create-a-sim, in Edit Town mode, and Build mode but not for actual playing (which is what I do the most since I'm not a builder/creator)!!! I'm hoping that as soon as I install the EP everything will be OK but I don't know!!! Sorry. I'm done venting. \:\)

Tyty30Jun 5, 2010

Hello, thanks for your comment on my sim Alice Cullen \:o

DOTJun 5, 2010

Hi hi \:\) Thank you for commenting the Ribbon Lamp Set.  I'm glad you like it \:\)  Enjoy and Happy Simming \:rah\:

kamilka257Jun 4, 2010

And about that funny pics with Xzibit - http://www.yodawgyo.com/ - check this out :-) Best wishes once again!

kamilka257Jun 4, 2010

Haha, no it's Xzibit! I'm a girl \:D Xzibit is the American rap artist who used to be the host of a TV show called "Pimp my ride" in which they took people's cars (in fact they were wrecks) and made them look as if they've just been taken from the factory. He used to make funny - and in fact stupid - remarks and soon people started to make fun of him, which resulted in pics like that one in my story \:\) Or... maybe did I get sth wrong, I mean maybe I mizundastood ya ;P (because I don't believe you don't know this show, USA is your neighbour :P)Anywho, thank you very very much for the feedback, I love receiving comments as well as writing them \;\) Hugs and kisses!

Emo_princess_8374Jun 4, 2010

Hey, thanks so much for commenting on my screenshot \:D

flody888Jun 3, 2010

I forgot something else! \:D Some people don't like the game updates but for me, one of the winter ones REALLY reduced my game/launcher problems. I have all the updates except for this June update (which I will probably download this week. If you use mods/hacks/whatever, make sure they are updated and will work with the patch. Modthesims has great advice about what to do before adding a patch/update (which you probably already know but I thought I'd better add just in case). GOOD LUCK!!!!!

flody888Jun 3, 2010

Oh, I reread your post b/c I forgot some details. (My memory only works a little bit at a time \:D ) Maybe try reinstalling (and updating) again. I know it's a pain, but that must work. After that happened to me, I became very conservative with my mods and cc. I didn't want to go through that again! I don't know if that's the answer to the problem though. I followed advice from Martine in the second last (?) issue of LIVING SIMS . I check each set of downloads in a test game (new town, no cc except your new downloads, don't  need to save it after). I've come across some sites that crash the game immediately. Then I never use their stuff again b/c it's not worth the frustration when there are so many other great creations out there. I've heard that high-poly hairs and objects cause crashes too. However...I love all my cc, so I save the stuff I love in a different folder for just-in-case and don't want to use at the moment, and just install all the stuff that I know is safe so far and I can't live without for everyday gaming. Argh! I'm sorry I can't be more help!

flody888Jun 3, 2010

Hi haiduong! I'm so glad you're feeling better! \:\) It's amazing how different one feels when sick and then healthy. Every perspective changes! \:D  And about your game...oh gosh, I can sympathize with your frustration! I HATE it when my game crashes repeatedly ! \:mad\: I follow the same steps you do. So far, when I play a fresh game with no cc (except store content), the game will work. And if you reinstalled your game and used no cc, I would think that would work too? Maybe ask the forums as to why you're having problems?. Unfortunately, I'm no technical guru. \:\(

Tyty30Jun 3, 2010

Hello, thank for your comment on my sim Olivia \:\)

CleotopiaJun 3, 2010

Hey! It looks amamzing. Which one do I have to use? With the bike or with the shoes? They look both awesome!

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