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haiduong's Guestbook

Tyty30Sep 27, 2010

Hello, thank for your comment on my Audrey Hepburn \:\)

BluEllaSep 27, 2010

Hi! Thank you so much for nice comment on the "Blur Set -Dress-" \:wub\: Take care \:\)

lillkaSep 27, 2010

Thanks so much for your nice comment\:wub\:have a nice day \:D

da_sweet_alexSep 27, 2010

thanks for your comment \:\) \:wub\:

CleotopiaSep 26, 2010

we can connect my friend has a laptop with ebuddy TSR connects bad so come on msn

PretaleSep 26, 2010

Hi:P\:D yes it works XD but, how do you did that with the text? For this weekend? \:\( nothing special, I have to study maths \:rolleyes:I hate it! but I have no choice \:\(supposed to be now I should be studying, but i'm to lazy for do that. And you?.  Do you have plans more fun that mine? \:D

CleotopiaSep 25, 2010

Hi! After this message I take my jacket and my bags, say goodbye to my family and pick up my friends to go to the airplane. I'm pretty exciting to see what it is like in bulgaria, but I'll miss Yukon ofcourse. I hope you have a great time without me, beat me with creations, and I hope when I come back you have a golden badge under your avatar. You defenitly deserve it. I hope to see a lot of amazing things in Bulgaria, and I hope to see you back as soon I can. Maybe an internet-cafe if that's (probably not) possbile in my free time. I hope the school gives me time to shop and call and take pictures, haha!   xxxxxx \:wub\: Cleo

tigergirl131Sep 24, 2010

No Problem, Have a great day =)

tigergirl131Sep 24, 2010

I Love your work

PralinesimsSep 24, 2010

  Hello cutie\:D\:D  thank you for commenting on my screenshots\:D i really miss the sims 2 i only have the sims 3 installed lol\:D! i wish you a beautiful day and a amazing weekend!!! *hugs*\:wub\: ciao ciao honey\:wub\:  

theangeliquemonteSep 24, 2010

I personally downloaded it from one of the blogs (forgot the adress) but since they credited maty you can get them here: http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php.Just search CS \:\) Most of items are bace-game comparatible,I only have some doubts about trees that have custom functions (look at horison,eat coconuts,climb up) but it can be because in my game they show up at *forgot name of category*..well,where all seasons' expansion pack harvestable stuff is \:D    

micha89Sep 24, 2010

thank you very much for explaining the subscribe/free download(regarding Little Marc Jacobs set). I've downloaded several other things which are beautiful. thanks so much for sharing them \:wub\:

theangeliquemonteSep 24, 2010

hi!Thanks for your comment on my screenie \:\) Actually sims can climb trees,eat bananas and coconuts and other stuff if you have Castaway Stories convertions in your downloads folder \;\)

micamarianiSep 23, 2010

You're welcome... Have a nice day! \:\)

CleotopiaSep 23, 2010

Hi Dudee! Sorry about! I just came back to the party and had a really short time to go on TSR! xxxx

PretaleSep 23, 2010

Haha yes! but we also celebrate 200 years so we have a full week (and one day) to celebrating, I think here in my country we are lazy lol, we have a LOT of holidays, and if this day is on thursday, the friday is also a holiday \:D\:D Here is opposite! these days have been very hot. Haha but sometimes I would like that here snowing, I have to travel to "Andes Mountains" to see snow xD

sara_ashleySep 22, 2010

Sorry if my questions were too private, alright you are Vietnamese, this is so sweet, i would like to go in Vietnam one day , well I am 50 per cent Australian and 50 per cent Italian lol , my mom is Italian and my father is Australian !!

sara_ashleySep 22, 2010

also do you have any brother and sisters ?some animals ? Have you an idea of the job which you want to make later ?

sara_ashleySep 22, 2010

Montreal...I like this city a lot because my fiancé has a brother-in-law from Montreal but he lives now in New-Zealand (one of my favourite country lol), in fact i'm younger too lol i'm only 24. You are still has the school,  it's been a long time of me, i love study before but now i am in vacations with my fiancé because we prepare the wedding of his young sister, he's a litle more older than me  lol .. but which class are you? do you like school and what subjects do you prefer and do you hate ? Thus you say it is cold at your home, what season are we at home? We are in winter it is it ? and your nickname is chinese isn't it no ? \:\)

sara_ashleySep 22, 2010

well, maybe it's a bug but i don't know and yes I live in Australia since always lol because i was born in Brisbane but now I live in Melbourne but I think to move on with my boyfriend (in fact he is my fiancé and I am engaged since 4-5 years from now and i am sorry for the little story of my life lol), and you are from Canada (I like this country a lot) where do you from too ? I hope you will doing well and also what is the weather in Canada now ? and thanks for answer me too I'm glad and I love yours sims too ^_^

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