helda12345 (2668514)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (39 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Gentle Red Lipstick
Published Apr 17, 2011
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (18 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Illuminating Spirals Wallpaper...
Published Feb 26, 2011
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
~~~NOTE~~~~~~~ I have moved to a different account. When it is up and running, I will let you know. Thank you for the support and you will see me soon!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hi there! I'm Paige AKA Helda12345. I am a young girl who loves the Sims 2 and Sims 3.
I discovered TSR over 1 year ago now, but I had not been an active submitter until November 2010. Since then, I have made houses, makeup, sims, wallpapers, patterns and paintings for you all to download. I very much enjoy making things for the Sims 2 & 3, and I hope that you enjoy my creations!
My aim on TSR is to become either an SA, or if I was to really try my luck, an FA. They are my aims, so I will keep on creating and improving and just maybe I might get there one day.
If you have any enquiries, requests or questions please email me at: helda12345@hotmail.co.uk.
Thank you for visiting and I hope that you have a nice day! ○(•^.^•)○
My Latest Updates Show All
Some Updates •Written Apr 05, 2011
Hi All! Okay, so to start off this entry, I would just like to state some updates on upcoming items etc. :) First of all, I am hoping to release some more painting and pattern sets, preferably in a Japanese/Chinese/Typically Asian style. In fact, you might be seeing a lot more items from me that are Asian-based, as I am currently working on an asian-based world, which is actually my... ...More
More Complex Houses for Sims 3!Written Mar 22, 2011
Okay! So I recently became a subscriber to the Sims Resource, and I have been downloading some cool furniture and housing accessories etc for my game. This may mean that I use some of the •CC• in my game which is subscriber only :S I hope you don't mind this as it will help improve my houses by a great deal, and it will help me provide you all with better quality houses to download... ...More
Realistic and Celebrity SimsWritten Mar 20, 2011
Okay, so, I am sure that you have all seen that I have been posting some realistic sims. Well, I've decided to start expanding my capability and I thought that maybe I should start providing you all with a range of Sims 3 things, other than houses and paintings. So, I have started to upload some Sims for you all! I am also having a go at celebrity sims- the first one that I have done is... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
ziggy28Apr 27, 2011
Hiya!! Thank you your for your comments
PralinesimsApr 24, 2011
Happy Easter
mutskeApr 04, 2011
Hi Thank you for your nice comment on my Sutton Window set. The Sutton Doors will be released soon!!!