jasper321 (3414754)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (359 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Tall Half Wall Set
Published Jul 21, 2012
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My creationsWritten Aug 03, 2012
Due to a disagreement between staff and myself there will be no more creations from me. I would just like to thank all that have downloaded my stuff and thank's for the wonderful comments. ...More
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talonz57Apr 30, 2012
well this place is not quite the same -as much fun for me without you barking up my tree /creating tasty morsels to adorn my walls and alike .i can kinda figure out why that is -still doesnt change the fact i have to go and water all the trees myself now that you have gone AWOL just hopeing i will see the day that the bad gloomy weather changes and we all see calm seas ahead .
talonz57Apr 11, 2012
the site is haveing its hiccups especally in the pm and forum department.as far as me i seem to still have the doctors baffled as to wether i have a brain or if it is just a ingrown mole
talonz57Apr 11, 2012
hello my friend just stopping in to say hi and hopeing you& yours had a enjoyable easter holiday.