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jomsims's Guestbook

SandwichesNov 11, 2021

You are my absolute favorite creator. Your content is such creative, beautiful masterpieces. Thank you for being you. \:wub\:

judylamNov 6, 2021


MzReka3791Oct 28, 2021

Thank you for all you do \:wub\:

wineobabyOct 19, 2021

Merci pour votre excellent travail, vous êtes extrêmement talentueux.\:\)

BlissfuliceOct 9, 2021

I know that I am so very late with my appreciate to your wonderful comment in response to what I sent, its been so long truly I can't recall what I said. Thus because its you I know it has to do with your artistry as well as the dynamic creations you share here. Moreover, with all the wonderful creations that you share the fact you took time out shows your heart and I thank you for that. With that said thx for sharing and I hope that goodness follows you all the days of your life.

purplefoxx13Sep 29, 2021

Your work is spectacular. We all appreciate the time and effort it takes to make these beautiful mods!\:\)

dasie2Sep 12, 2021

Thank you for the comment \:\) and your wonderful creations! \:wub\:\:wub\: Have a fantastic day \:\) Kisses \:o\:o

mershamia252Sep 8, 2021

I recently decided to convert 35GB of CC slowly but surely using the TSR CC manager and in doing so realized that I had almost ALL of your content!! I never comment on here, but your gallery is truly STUNNING! Your work is beautiful. Thank you for what you do \:wub\:

H8H8HSep 3, 2021

Thanks! Love most of your work!

kylyanlya78Aug 21, 2021

J'adore tout ce que vous faites..Merci pour ces belles cretaions

iPrimmieAug 19, 2021


gjmnsimsAug 8, 2021

Hi since i play sims 4, let le tell that your creations they are absolute stunning, i have all the sets of decoration and some clothes. You have a gift to create and thank you so much to share with us. For myelf you are te best creator of cc , specially in furniture. You understand what players need , a very big hug from Portugal Gustavo

LordOfTendonsAug 5, 2021

I love all your creations! Please never stop making sims stuff! You're the best! \:wub\:

candescoJul 30, 2021

hi, i'm using your creations for a while, actually since the sims 3. Like them all. Last year i barely downloaded stuff, so i've missed some things. Now i saw your cheneye camouflage dress over at sims4downloads and tried to download it from your blog. However, it says that the page doesn't exist anymore. It seems to be removed from your blog. I also can't find it here. Could you upload it please or say where i could get it. I'm talking about this one:

EthanODonnellJul 27, 2021

Hi, I've used your creations for years now, loving them. You are my first port of call for this and yes its a request. Could you please consider creating Kitty Spencers wedding gown? It is gorgeous and so are your gowns! Thank you...a fan

chigirlJul 19, 2021

I love your work. It's amazing. I can do so much in the game thanks to your creations. Keep 'em coming!!!! \:\)

Kamelia_HellSingJul 12, 2021

You and your work are amazing! I really enjoy the detail and picture quality. Thank you so much!

GwenadJul 11, 2021

Toutes de belles créations !! Merci beaucoup...

soize71000Jul 6, 2021

Merci beaucoup pour toutes ces merveilles. Beaucoup de travail, beaucoup de temps. Et notre jeu est magnifié grâce à vous.

Cocoa4947Jun 10, 2021

I just want to say thank you so much for your creations. The detail in your designs is amazing. I always look forward to seeing your creations. Thank you!

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    Published November 15, 2022 •
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