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Cashcraft Request

Today I am uploading five walls and one carpet using cashcraft's absolutely beautiful and vibtant VanityFair red texture. She had asked me to make her some wallpapers that match her new sewingroom and I was thrilled and honored to do it. I have also added to two other mouldings she likes to use besides the ParkLane that she wanted, just to round out the collection and give you all some other options. These will all be published the same day as her set on June 17th. I hope you like them.

Chicago Bound

Well, actually its Evanston. Celebrating four family birthdays in a week amongst the eight of us that will be together. Balloons for the kids and Russians for the adults, YAY !
Play nicely while I'm gone. See you soon.
We need smilies for our blogs. "-)


What fun grandson number two is! He's one and the all important half and he is the light of my life along with his brother, Henry

New walls Cottage Blues

Plaids, stripes, solids, full and railed in soft baby blue, yellow, and white all held by my deep white Cottage mouldings. Carpets to mix and match in each color.

Homecrafter Crashes

I'm sorry I haven't been able to submit for the last two weeks. I am desperate to fix the problem, but so far nothing I have tried has worked. I am going to try to find out if any of the walls I was making recently somehow got corrupt. Any new version of HC+ crashes on launch. I'm going to empty my groaning wall folder and see what happens. Wish me luck!

New walls Dentile Scrolls at Last!

The images of the Dentile Scrolls set are compressed, when you get the walls in your game they will have no flaws. If you find any let me know, please. These were seventeen hours in the making and I'm tired.

No Submissions in three weeks

I hope to get some new walls uploaded tomorrow. I lost my work computer and three weeks of work, five sets were ready to go and now they are gone. Having to install Homecrafter again, I lost alot of already made walls. I tried to run clean installer on what was left and it can't read anything. I've decided to start from scratch. My game refuses to load even after having cleared out the cache. I checked my wall folder and half of the walls left are corrupt with long strings of numbers. On the bright side, I do have a computer, no sound yet, but I fired up paint and the new homecrafter and managed, after about ten hours, to get walls made and packaged to upload. I'm exhausted LOL. Anyone have a chocolate chip cookie?

Floor Tiles, maybe ceiling tiles?

I've made two ParkLane floor tiles, one to match the egg and rope detail and one plain, one cherry to coordinate with all my cherry bookcases and panels and one Oak tile. Ferret made a request for ceiling tiles, I've asked CycloneSue and she has agreed to give it a try. I'm very excited and will keep you posted on those.

New CashCraft PLdoors and window

Cashcraft has been using my wallpapers for her screenshots, and wanted to recolor her new fireplace in the textures of some of my ParkLane panels. Now she has made a fabulous set of ParkLane doors complete with glass doorknob, brass backplate, and keyhole to coordinate with the basic panel and the new egg and rope detailed panel. They are gorgeous in their detail. They will match beautifully with any of my ParkLane wallpapers and floors. Thank you, Carolyn!

New Additions

Pink and Lime Plaid in white marble beaded moulding match the WMBRLimeStripe in the WMBRStripes2 set and will be used by KatCat in another recolor of Cashcraft's wonderful Vintage Charm bedroom set. Please to sure to watch for all the recolors she's doing, they are really awesome.
I'm also including an image of a very fancy silver frame I'm still working on. I'd love to know what color interiors you think it should have. Please feel free to comment!

Latest Headlines

Cashcraft Request Chicago Bound ~Frederic~ New walls Cottage Blues Homecrafter Crashes New walls Dentile Scrolls at Last! No Submissions in three weeks Floor Tiles, maybe ceiling tiles? New CashCraft PLdoors and window New Additions
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