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jsf's Guestbook

SimDetailsMar 26, 2011

I'm so glad you like the pink dress. I hope it looks great on your Sims. \:\)

SimDetailsMar 25, 2011

Your wish is my command: the green dress in pink will be published Mar 26, 2011. I hope you'll enjoy it. Have a nice weekend!

sims1latina88Mar 21, 2011

hey!! thanks for the comment on one of my pictures!! \:\)

sawcawMar 21, 2011

Great walls! Thanks!!

hiedibear75Mar 20, 2011

Aww! \:wub\:  You are an MVP Most Valued Painter. \:cool\: (I think it sounds better than Most Valued Paper-er \:P LOL )  Yes I do know what you mean about "not being the same". \:\(  It's that darn TS3! \:mad\:  I'm temporarily on free-B status.....but just as soon as I'm back to PAY status OR use some kudos.....which ever happens 1st \;\)  I'll so be downloading your newest walls. \:cool\:  They look wonderful in ANY room that I want to have CLASS! \:wub\:  Victorians or only one style but your gorgeous walls look wonderful in all sorts of lots from country to modern. \:cool\:  I need to make some screenshots of some CC lots using your walls......only a small portion of my lots are Victorian but TONS of my lots have YOUR walls. \:rah\:  Squeakers/Denise has been....."OUT" \:puke\: ,the winter weather has had us both down for the count......she's just having a bit rougher of a time with it.....which is why you haven't heard from her on your walls lately.......I KNOW if she were able to get to her PC she'd be downloading & leaving you comments ASAP! \:confused\:  Take care Judi. \:wub\: \:cool\: \:wub\:

klbjcbMar 20, 2011

Hi Judi, I will test out your carpets for you.  I have been building, so not playing as much, which is what I like to do.  I will put them in some rooms and show you the pictures.  Jordyn was over this weekend, and we played and worked on book report.  We had fun, as always.  Lots of hugs, Kathy

topaz27Mar 19, 2011

Hi Judi, Just wanted to callby to thank you or your absolutely gorgeous new sets, 'Denimgrayrose' and Roseflorals' for some reason I can't do comments on anything, or get the smilies to work, I'm just hoping this message will go through, anyway as soon as I can get the comments to work again, I'll put mine in, for they are truly awesome sets, thank you and wishing you a lovely weekend, hoefully you'll be enjoying some nice weather now, it's a beautiful sunny day here today, makes such a change, lot of hugs, Topaz

drouinrMar 13, 2011

Thank you for comment on my Man Cave walls. I didn't want anyone to think that I was going too "foo foo" and forgetting about the guys out there. \;\)

topaz27Mar 6, 2011

Hi Judi, Don't get discouraged friend, I have heard alot of sim 2 creators saying the same as you, that TSR don't seem bothered anymore, it's all about sims 3 now, but yet some of the TSR staff have stayed with sims 2 game \:confused\: I think the general service of TSR is becoming very poor and it's nothing to do with sims 2 or sims 3, so please don't let that put you off, your creations will never be worthless \:wub\: while you enjoy creating you should continue, and there are many people who are enjoying your creations so much, but sadly a lot of people just don't take the time to comment or even say thank you \:mad\: I know my game would not be nearly as good as it is without your creations, and believe me you have not run out of idea's, for I have just saw your upcoming set and they are so beautiful, the white and beige are absolutley gorgeous, and those beautiful matching carpets, yeah I'm so looking forward to getting that  set into my game \:wub\: by the way thank you for your sweet comment on casey, all I can say, is 'you and I both' :P I have fallen for him too, but I have began recreating my game from scratch, yes again \:D and I must say, I'm having a difficult time to recreate casey exactly the same \:\( and he must look exactly the same, so I shall not give up :P I'm looking forward to doing some more pictures once I get everything going again \;\) well dear friend, you take care and wishing you a lovely day and also a really good week ahead \:\) lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:  

topaz27Mar 5, 2011

Hi Judi, How are you friend \:\) do hope your having no more snow now \;\) do let me know what hair you liked that you have not got yet, was it either Albert's or Casey's \:confused\:  I promise I will get it sorted for you \;\) just let me know which screenshot it's in \;\)  I know I have already told you how awesome your 'White and Beige' carpet set are, but I really need to tell you again, I love these so much, they are now my favourite carpets of all time \:wub\: awesome and gorgeous does not even come close to describing how beautiful they are \:wub\:  how I love your creations Judi, you are absolutely brilliant, all your creations are always of such high quality \:wub\:  thank you for giving all us sims 2 players such amazing creations to make our simmies homes so beautiful \:\) it's truly appreciated \:wub\:  wishing you a lovely weekend with lots of warm sunshine, sending you lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:

SimonkaFeb 22, 2011

Hey! \:\) Thank you so much for your nice comment! \:wub\: Have a nice day!

SimDetailsFeb 19, 2011

Hi Judi, I feel so flattered you appreciate and enjoy my work. You've made my day by writing such a lovely message in my guestbook!

flody888Feb 19, 2011

You're welcome! \:\) I don't usually look at the Sims 2 downloads but I was bored that day and your walls were featured! \:D My good luck! I really meant it. Those walls are simple and perfect or simply perfect! \:D

alandperrineFeb 19, 2011

Hi Judi, How r u? Yes I'm still loving The Sims 2- much more than Sims 3. But I find myself downloading stuff and saving to discs, rather then playing. Since so many sites r going out. I want to get everything I can before it's gone. I discovered so many wonderful hacks such as Community Lot Parties, Sleeping on Community lots, Casual Dress for work, Community Lot skilling, No 20k handouts and sooooooo many more. I can't wait till I feel satisfied enough with my downloads so I can start playing. PS. Did u see NewSea's Elisabeth hair... It's GORGEOUS (Like ur walls) \:D

SimDetailsFeb 16, 2011

Thank you for your lovely comment on the Versace dress. I hope it looks beautiful in your game.

cashcraftFeb 14, 2011

Hi Judi! I miss you too! \:wub\: Thanks so much for your lovely comment on my French Chateau Bedroom set. I'm glad you like it! Take Care and Hugs, Carolyn \:\)

topaz27Feb 13, 2011

Hi Judi, I had trouble finding that Peggy hair myself today, the reason why is because it is with the gifts, if you click on gifts, then click on 2010 and number 5, you will get it \;\)  I am sending you a 'PM' also \:\)  wishing you a lovely day friend and a wonderful week ahead \:\)  lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:

topaz27Feb 11, 2011

Hi Judi, I have just read your message, I will try and track down that Alberts 'Peggy' hair for you \;\) I won't get back into TSR until Sunday, but I'll hopefully sort it out for you then \:\) by the way your white and beige carpet set is 'Awesome' \:wub\: I so need those in my game \:\) can't wait until the 26th \;\) wishing you a great weekend Judi \:wub\: lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:  

TJDasen1Feb 11, 2011

Hi Judi. So very glad to see you here after all this time, and you're still making lovely creations for us to enjoy! I have been through several computers since I first started palying Sims2, but I always remember to bring your downloads with me to each new one. LOL! Thanks again for all your work.  Tim

klbjcbFeb 7, 2011

Hi Judi.  Thanks for your lovely note.  I have had the flu for weeks, and I am slowly recovering.  It went straight to my lungs.  I haven't felt like doing much, so I get home from work and just rest.  New Mexico has had record cold here, so I am ready for some warm weather.  Your beautiful wallpapers inspire me \:\) and I think of bright sunny days. \:cool\:  I will share my work with you.  Hugs, Kathy.

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