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jsf's Guestbook

topaz27May 9, 2010

Hi Judi, I do hope your having a lovely weekend, I have just saw your new upcoming white panel set, they look gorgeous as always, I do love the white panel walls so much, they look so wonderful in the game, really bright and so beautiful, so I am so happy to see that you have done some more \:wub\: your white panel bookcases are my most used walls ever, I'm completely crazy about them \:\) well dear friend I do hope you have a fantastic day and a awesome week ahead \:\) hugs Topaz \:wub\:  

alandperrineMay 3, 2010

 Hey Judi- Yep I use them all the time. Those rug fringes were a very clever idea of windkeeper. My sims house isn't so "grand" as the last one. Since I haven't used any motherlode of kaching.  \:wacko\:   But one of these days I'll put some more pics on ur thread, but this time I want to figure out how to make the pics bigger. Lol They're coming out with The Sims 3 for the consoles Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, etc. in the fall. I have all 3 systems and I'm really looking forward to it. Since I did like the idea of The Sims 3. Just too many bugs/problems. I just hope the console version is going to be  like the pc version minus the problems. Since they can now add exps and stuff to be installed from Xbox live and the playstation network, Wii. They said they have custom stuff we can install and stuff. It's on The Sims 3 site. So it looks promising. I really, really love those walls! When my sims get enough money I want to redo one of the rooms so it will all match.

hatshepsutMay 3, 2010

Hi Judi and thank you so much for commenting on my Scalloped Roof set. \:wub\: The EA ones do get a bit boring after a while and I figured you can never have too many roof colours!  Have fun with them and happy building!  \:D

lisa9999Apr 26, 2010

Hey Judi, It has rained here all day. I was trying to catch up on my reading and ended up taking a nap. LOL It was beautiful yesterday. We haven't had rain in quite a while we needed it. My crab apple and apple tree are all in bloom since the rain came. If it wasn't raining I would take pictures.I will email you the page on the walls. I went looking and found it. Hugs, Lisa\:wub\:

katalinaApr 25, 2010

Hiya Judi!!\:D It is so good to hear from you!  Yes, I did mention your wallpapers and you know I wasn't able to find out where to make them like yours on MTS either. Judy (JCIssette) told me about it so I went searching and just couldn't find it. You know your walls are outstanding and no one has ever matched the quality you bring to them, on TS2 or TS3. I am glad you like my banner because it is a home I made last month called Beyond Summer Gate and was a painting Thomas Kincade did but I went wild with the landscaping like I always do lol!. I am thrilled to hear from you, as for me I have been busy with my job, building for TS3 and my new puppy. I saw your recent walls and they are warm and beautiful just like you. Keep in touch and have a wonderful day. Hugs \:wub\:

topaz27Apr 25, 2010

Hi Judi, I uploaded some more pictures for you to have a look at, do hope you like them \:\) I can't wait to download your new upcoming set 'Designs Mahogany10Rubies' these look gorgeous \:wub\: what would us sims 2 players do without your awesome talent and kindness, a huge thank you from me \:\) hugs Topaz \:wub\:  

dajaApr 24, 2010

Hi Judi! Just a hello to let you know I did not forget you. \;\) Playing the Sims 3 I`m often thinking of you, missing your marvellous TS!/TS2 floor and wall creations. Kind regards D. (daja) 

eviApr 22, 2010

Hi Judi\:\) Thank you so much that you took the time to comment on my cute toddlers. I very much appreciate what you did. See you around\;\)

tiggerlily67Apr 21, 2010

hi judy ... i just love youir pannel sets ... actually almost oall of your stuff :-) ... thankd you for sharing it with us

hiedibear75Apr 20, 2010

Hi Judi. \:\)  Thank you for commenting on my screenshot of the Sim playing the baby grand piano......& I'm glad you think the room looks elegant. \:cool\:  I wanted something extra special for my 200th lot. \;\)  Well I'm off to go work on #201. \:D  Take care. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Apr 18, 2010

Hi Judi. \:\)  Thank you for commenting. \:cool\:  The baby grand piano came with Free Time or Apartemnt Life.......I can't remember which. \:confused\:  But everything in that lot is out of the box MAXIS. \:D  I'm going to be posting pix of my Sims the Porters using 872 Park Ave. so that my friend ziggy28 can see what things were supposed to look like; she doesn't have all the stuff packs so if the lot loads in at all there are bound to be some odd-ball things like statues on tables, things that glow & such. \;\)  Oh & on a "funny note" go look at your telephone keypad you'll see that 8 ( T UV)   7 (PQR S )  2 so I think you may be seeing a few 872 addresses, but I thought Park Ave. would be a good name for a luxury home. \:D  Hope you've been doing well & had a nice Easter. \:wub\:

Elena.Apr 17, 2010

Hello Judi! How are you? \:D Thank you very much for your comment! I appreciate it very much and am glad that you like it. I always try to add all the colors since not everybody has the same hair color \:P I hope you're having a great weekend! \;\)

lisa9999Apr 13, 2010

LOL! I had to laugh when you said you admire my tenacity! LOL \:D It is a good thing no one is sitting here while I am working on theis stuff. My husband and son wear headphones while on the computer and they only hear bits and pieces. Words like, crap, what the heck, and a few more colorful ones. They say you can't teach old dogs new tricks, I never listen to anyone so why start now! LOL It is also getting warmer here, but it is too cold at night. I wait until it stays in the fifties at night before I do any major yard work. We have had snow in April. There is a freeze warning out tonight. Last Thursday we had a small tornado go through and it hit just my mom's street. It ripped off a few shingles from her breezeway roof, but it wasn't bad, her one neighbor lost their garage and another half his roof and deck. A lot of trees are gone around the street. There is this one big huge maple behind one neighbors house all the branches are off of it. It looks so weird. She isn't happy, but she is lucky. As soon as it went through she called and we ran over to check the house out. I called the insurance guy today and a contracter and they have already been there and it should be fixed tomorrow. I guess that is all the escitement here. How is the family. How are you doing? Keeping busy? Write soon. Hugs, Lisa\:wub\:

topaz27Apr 10, 2010

Hi Judi, Thank you so much for all your time and help with getting my pictures of my simmies homes uploaded on your page at the forum \:\)  I am hoping to get some sim time this afternoon so as I can take some more pictures, and will upload them soon \;\)  wishing you a wonderful weekend, hugs Topaz \:wub\:

jasonpamApr 10, 2010

Hi there! Been out of the loop myself. LOL!!! Good to hear from you! What a heck of a winter we had! I'm sooooo ready for spring! Iggy? How cool is that?! Takes me back to my callow youth in NYC.LOL! If you want to hear some of our music, go to garageband.com, and search for the band "Mad Musical Chairs". My hubbie and I do all the instrumentals, and most vocals (but are kinda lame with the vocals)..we're always looking for someone to to justice to our music vocally, but just can't find anyone around here. Oh well......the show must go on! Let me know what you think about our crazy music. I haven't had too much time to sim this winter, and I admit, have been a bit lazy about trying to figure things out in the designing. My hubbie and I are building an earthship this spring, and all our time has been devoted to getting things lined up and scoriing stuff like solar panels and waters tanks and such....it's a cool concept. Your should go to youtube when you have a moment and look up "Dennis Weaver earthship". Ours will not be nearly that grand, but it will be so cool to have an indoor greenhouse. Since we will be the second couple in Iowa to build one, DNR is working with us....they are VERY interested in this method of recycling tires! Write whenever you can, it's ALWAYS a pleasure to hear from you! Stay well and happy, Pam  

taokeatingApr 9, 2010

best walls in town

klbjcbApr 4, 2010

Hi Judi,  I wanted to stop by and wish you a happy Easter.  My granddaughter is coming over today, so it will be fun to have her.  We colored eggs last night, so we made a mess and had fun doing it.  Have a joyful day!!  Kathy

topaz27Apr 4, 2010

Hi Judi \:\) I do hope your having a wonderful Easter with your family \:\) I have sent you a 'PM' and will call by again next weekend if I can't get the chance before \;\) take care and have fun \:\) hugs Topaz \:wub\:  

katalinaApr 4, 2010

Happy Easter Judi \:wub\:

DOTApr 4, 2010

May dozens of Chocolate Bunnies fill your home today!

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