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jsf's Guestbook

lisa9999Apr 4, 2010

Happy Easter Judi!\:wub\:

TheChiarocuristApr 3, 2010

You do some truely top quality work. Thanks, I really enjoy them!

topaz27Apr 2, 2010

Wishing you a very Happy Easter Judi \:\) \:wub\:

squeakersMar 29, 2010

\:wub\: Hi Judi! Thank you so much for your lovely entry in my GB, I can't begin to tell you how you made my day, and put a huge smile on my face. It was so sweet of you to say that, you are an incredible lady yourself, and it has been a joy and pleasure to be talking to you! You always seem to know just what to say!\:D I hope everything is going good for you, and that your able to go out in your garden, and enjoy your family and freinds, and that your not working too hard.\;\) I'm hanging in there, I've been in quite some pain, so I have been lying down, and trying to cope with it, I'm lucky, I could be in worse shape than I am! \;\) My husband was able to get out a couple of days ago with his metal detector, and is he ever happy he did! He ended up finding an 18 carat gold, with rubies medallion, it has 30.6 grams of gold, and it is soooooo beautiful!!!!!! he is hoping the weather will clear up soon so he can get back out!\;\) I'm off to sim for a bit, TC dear freind, and I hope you have a wonderful day!!!!! Hugs, Denise\:wub\:

topaz27Mar 28, 2010

Hi Judi, Thank you for calling by and explaining how everything works \:\) surely I could not mess that up \:rolleyes: , I really hope not anyway \;\) I shall take some pictures of my simmies homes through the week, and then when I next log in which will be next weekend, I'll call by your forum, and put in my shots, I am really looking forward to showing you how I decorated my sims homes with all your gorgeous creations, and I do hope you will like them \:\) I hope you have had a lovely weekend, and I wish you a wonderful week ahead \:\) hugs Topaz \:wub\:

GlamuritaMar 24, 2010

thanks for the congratulations! I am very pleased!

alandperrineMar 23, 2010

Hey Judy, I've downloaded all of these walls before- (and I'm still downloading a little each day) and just never left a comment or even pushed the "Thanks" button \:o ( only because it takes about 25 seconds for each simspack to go through- I hate simpacks ) and by that time I just want to move on to the next download Lol. But I'm redownloading! AGAIN! And this time everything is being put in folders with pics so I'll never have to redownload again! Lol My game wouldn't finish loading and then finally it would even startup! I think the  almost 6 GB of CC might have had something to do with it!! But anyways this time around I'm trying to makeup up for unsaid compliments and unpushed "Thanks" buttons! As for the sims 3 I gave it and World Adventures, and the TS3 Guide book to my friend's niece just yesterday! TOO MANY problems! And I camera movement NEVER improved with the "updates" or should I say "drawbacks"! And I'm rediscovering Sims 2! When u don't use cheats, or hacks, buyable reward stuff, motherlode, boolprop etc. The game is rather challenging! And amusing! Well I Love so many of ur walls and floors and I still have sooooo many to redownload and download for the first time! So I'd better get to it! Thanks for all the wonderful and beautiful and realistic creations!  \:rah\:  \:wub\: 

Terry1950Mar 23, 2010

I have been bouncing back and forth between TS2 and TS3, but I play TS2 ninety percent of the time because the Sims3 is just so glitchy yet.  I keep hoping EA will hurry up and fix these problems, but.... \:rolleyes:  Sooo, it looks as if I will be staying with TS2 for a long while.  Real Life is hectic these days and when I have the spare time I like to sit down and play a game that isn't constantly messing with my sanity. \:wacko\:  That's why I appreciate the artists who are still creating for TS2. I readily admit I am a download junkie always looking for cool stuff to add to my game.  I have downloaded a few things for TS3 but I am being very careful about how much I add to it because nobody knows yet just how much CC we can safely add to TS3.  I have a very large capacity harddrive, in fact, I have two harddrives on my computer, yet my loading time with TS3 gets slower as I add CC.  And what's the deal with having to update CC??? \:o  It's bad enough the game goes bonkers with every EP and SP ( two??? only two and look at the glitches we've gotten ) but then we must update our downloads, too?  \:rolleyes:  I have WA and HELS but have not installed them yet as I wait for fixes for the problems I am having with the base game.  Sooo, I was very happy to see some of my fave artists come back to creating for TS2.  It is the only reason why I subscribed to TSR for another six months. I had let my subscription expire as I waited to see if everyone was going to abandon creating for TS2. If you and a few others had quit creating I would not have signed up for another six months here. \:D  Thank you for your creations as I know how much time they require. But without you the game just wouldn't be the same. \:wub\:

MsBarrowsMar 22, 2010

The bathroom doors have been a long-standing pet peeve for me too... so when I finally figured out how to do them for the Eloquence set, it was obvious to me what my next project had to be! I'm most of the way through a second set of them based on the single-tile doors in the EPs and SPs, which I hope to wrap up and release some time this week. Your comment about using my panelled walls all the time made me laugh, since it's a rare house of mine that doesn't have some jsf textures used somewhere!

squeakersMar 18, 2010

\:wub\: Hi Judi!!! Your new walls look so wonderful in the game, I would definately love to have more muted colors, you have really hit on a winner this time!!!! They add such class and wealth to the room, and they are exactly what I have been wanting. A day in the garden sounds heavenly, does this mean your snow has melted and you are seeing green again? LOL It was beautiful today, lots of sun, so my husband enjoyed being out with his metal detector, and I was outside with my laptop!!!!\:D TC dear freind, and I hope you have a gorgeous day!!!! Hugs, Denise\:wub\:

klbjcbMar 17, 2010

Hi Judi.  I absolutely love your Park Lane sets.  They are so gorgeous.  I can't wait for your next set of them.  I will definitely watch for them, and THANK YOU for sticking with sims 2.  I am very grateful...really!  Have a joyful day.  Kathy

ayyuffMar 16, 2010

Thank you so much Judi \:wub\: Have an amazing day!

hiedibear75Mar 16, 2010

Hiya Judi. \:wub\:  Gues what? \:confused\:  MORE PEOPLE ARE COMMING BACK TO TS2! \:eek\: \:wub\: \:rah\: \:wub\:  Sorry so many people wasted their money but at least we'll be getting some more life back. \:cool\:  Guess some of that TS3 dust is starting to settle. \;\) LOL  Well hope you guys thaw out soon. \:D  Take care. \:wub\:

topaz27Mar 14, 2010

Hi Judi, Your new walls look gorgeous in the game, thank you so much \:wub\: I hope you have had a lovely weekend and wishing you a wonderful week ahead \:\) lots of hugs Topaz \:wub\:

AnGy-Hello-KittyMar 14, 2010

Hi again. But I am getting it back in no time ! \:rah\: so I will dowload them soon. \:cool\: well people just 'tried' TS3 \;\) TC, Angela \:wub\:

AnGy-Hello-KittyMar 13, 2010

Neat walls You have there! Very nice... But only if I had sims 2 again. \:\( Darn!

lisa9999Mar 12, 2010

Morning Judi, I keep meaning to write, but I seem to never get a a momnet any more. I am temporarily baby sitting my god daughters two year old. Today is the last day. Two year old can't be left alone. LOL The weather is the same here. It was sunny and warm for two days in row. Today is warm, but we are supposed to have rain. THey say we might get some flooding for it is supposed to rain all week end. Yuck. BUt I guess we have to look at the bright side, we will get flowers and green grass from it. I actually hung the sheets outside yesterday. It was so nice. How is everyone? Are the kids and grandkids doing well? I sure hope so. How are you doing? Have a most wonderful day, and I am going to try and write more often. Hugs,Lisa\:wub\:

squeakersMar 11, 2010

\:wub\: Awwww Judi, your so sweet, I was just going to sign in to leave you a message and saw the lovely one you sent me!!!!! You really made my day and put a huge, much needed smile on my face!!!!!\:D  Yea, I have been digging around, and am absolutely nuts about everything, you have such a wonderful imagination, and a flair for design, and it really shows in your work!!!!\:D I want to thank you, from the bottom of my heart for those beautifully elegant walls you did for me, tears came to my eyes when I saw them, I promise I will do them justice. I'll keep you posted on my progress, it may take me a bit, it's been years since I have really sat down to write.\;\) TC dear freind, and I hope you have a great day!!!!\:wub\:

squeakersMar 9, 2010

\:wub\: Hi Judi!!! I'm so glad you got my email, I was really worried that it wouldn't go through. I'm so excited to see the walls when you are done, I know they will be stunning!!! My husband thinks it's a great idea that I'm doing the project, he is so wonderful and supportive, I don't know what I would do without him.\:wub\: I'm finishing my new lot, I created it on my new computer, and hopefully it will do great, I used your siding on the outside and love how it looks. Well, I'm off to lie down, I'm not feeling too good right now, TC, and I hope you have a great day!!!! Hugs,\:wub\:

DOTMar 9, 2010

Hi hi \:\)  Thanks for the nice comment on the end to end.  Glad if you could find a use for them \:\)  Love the look of your latest walls!!  Very nice \:wub\:

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