katie_kibble (591814)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (9 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Ready? Dress
Published May 28, 2006
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About Me
(Updated: 11th June 2006)
I'm an average 14 year old girl living in the north west or England. Well, maybe not average as I'm not one of those who is so totally obsessed with make-up and clothes etc. but otherwise I'm fairly normal :p
I spend most of my time on a certain forum called Internally Yours, which some of you may know as it was originally a sims forum, but has since expanded.
I find I don't play sims much any more, but I'm trying to get back into it. As I have just gotten OFB, this shouldn't be too hard anymore. I am trying to make some more content for the sims as I haven't in a while. But, as I can't make meshes and don't particularly want the hassle of learning, I will specialise in just using Maxis meshes.