linegud's Blog
Skulls set
I found out I forgot to include the dirty states on the items but they are now updated..... sorryBlackberry IMPORTANT NOTE
I had a request for more colors for my blackberry sofa and for me as a downloader I love color options so i decided to make some....IMPORTANT NOTE: But in order to make patterns look good I had to reUVmap the sofa in order to have the new recolors display correctly, so you need to redownload the mesh file.
I also updated the old recolors to display correctly if you download the reuvmapped mesh, so if that's the case you need to redownload those too.
Stove Update
I found that my updated stove diddn't pick up the recolors as intended. (Stupid me for not testing properly I just saw the recolors were there and thought everything was fine).Anyway I am very sorry for the inconvinience and the stove is now fixed and I'm just about to reupload.
Please let me know if it dosen't work for you.
Again sorry....
Modern Kitchen appliances update
I have updated the stove and the frigde from my Modern Kitchen to use all the interactions from OFB and Seasons.NOTE: If you download them they will overwrite the base game version if you have that but the recolors will still work.
They will be released on april 5.
Updated retrodern desk
I just found out that only one of the subsets on my retrodern desk was recolorable so today I fixed it and re uploaded it so if you want to use future recolor you must re download the file... sorry for the inconvenience.Childrens room done
The childrens romm is now done and is being tested. Meanwhile I am prepping the pictures for the upload, so I'm hoping it will not take to long before it will be up for download. I sure hope you will like it :-)
childrens room almost done
Okay so my childrens room is coming along. I,m on item number 9 and have 2 or 3 more to go, so hopefully I will be done soon. I will post a pic in a short while :-)Childrens room
Looking at my little poll I see that the childrens room is a little ahead. So I have startet a set aiming at children.I am afraid it will take a little while as I am in the middle of writing my bachlor assignment (due 3 of january, can you belive it.. bye, bye new years).
Anyway I have the design planned out, so I on to meshing. I will be kind of retro modern and hopefully to your liking...
I'll keep you posted :)
New cat pet bed
I'm putting final touches on my troublesome cat bed. It has been in the works for quite a while and has not been an easy task.But it is almost finished and I hope to upload it to be available this weekend.
If you have any wishes for color scheme please post here....
It is designed for cats but dogs will use it as well, large dogs however don't really fit size wise.... gliches will occour when they use it (parts of it will go through the case.
I could make it larger but i decided to make a bed for cats and wanted to make the bed a bit smaller.... in general I think the pet beds are so BIG :)