
460Creations 5,147,082Downloads

lirunchik's Blog

I'm gone.

Hi there all!

Well, this is the recent news. I've decided to retire and I have a lot of the reasons to do so! I just should think more of my education than about TS2 so I guess this is the best way for me to do now.

And also I'm in need of changes as soon as it possible! It concerns for TS2 world too... So I guess TSR it's not my place anymore.

That's why since today's evening you can find me at BlackPearlSims.

And, please,if you feel like you want to ask me about smth or comment on my items don't use TSR for it now. Because I'm not sure will I be able to thank you/answer you here. 

Wishing you all the best I can imagine.

Best regards,


I'm still here

Hi everyone!!!
Just letting you know that I'm still somewhere here))

Firstly, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2009!!! Wish you all exciting 2009, full of bright positive events!

As for me, I just hope 2009 will be indulgent to me! 'Cause there're a lot of the difficulties for me and it's just the beginning!

And well, I haven't been here for some time, and it's just an awesome event - I have more than 1 million downloads!!!!!
I'm very excited about it. Thanks to all who has my items and who leaves feedback!!!
Sorry but I can't answer everyone's comment - there're so many of them so I just don't know from where I should begin! Lol.

I'd like to have a rest from TS2 for some time, so guys, sorry for the lack of updates!

Love you all!

Over 500,000 dls?!

Hello all!

OMG I've reached 500,000 downloads! Just can't believe it had happened to me. Lol!!!

Oh, I only could dream about it! But it's true.

Without all of you there will be no dls at all, so thanks so much to all people who downloaded my work, who commented my items, who visited my GB, who wrotes me PM and so on and so forth!!!
I'm truly happy to feel myself a part of the great TSR community and I'm too excited to express my love to all of you through the words!
Btw I just don't have so many words in my vocabulary...

But, well, I'm always happy to recieve a feedback from everyone of you, really!!! And I want to bring my excuses for all who was left with no answer on his comment on my item! I'm a person too and I just can't sit and all the time answer, answer and answer, so I'm telling you here that I'm always reading comments and be sure I appreciate it with no writing back to you.

Love you all, TSR!
Hugs, kisses and best regards,

The Poll)

Hey hey!

Well, current poll is closed - I've decided (right now xD) that it's the time to do it. So this is what we have:

Did you ever downloaded my houses?
Yes! 53.93% (103)
No... 43.46% (83)

Do you usually read required EPs?..
Yes! 75.92% (145)
No... 22.51% (43)

...and Installation Instructions?
Yes! 51.31% (98)
No... 47.12% (90)

Did you ever had problems with my houses when you followed ALL the INSTRUCTIONS and have ALL required EPs?
Yes...(please PM me - I'd like to help you!!!) 5.24% (10)
No! 70.16% (134)
I didn't ever read what you wrote... 14.14% (27)

To be sincere, I'm pleased with the result that almost nobody, except 10 persons, had problems with my houses. That's sooo sooo great. Love you all. Thanks so much for taking time to take part in the poll! I'd love to make more houses for you as soon as possible.

I'm starting new poll... It's all about houses again! I'm looking for fresh ideas while waiting for new PC...

Wish you all spending good time with your family, friends, etc)

I'm 17 today!

Hi to all of you, who ever read my blog xD

Well, wanted to say that today is a special day 'cause it's my birthday! and, as you can see, I'm 17. Yeah, already 17! Can't believe it.

And it's my 2nd B-Day when I visit TSR! I've started submitting later in October 2007, but just wanted to remind to myself the information...

So here we go) Let's celebrate!

P.S. Sorry, guys, for lack of updates - I'm too busy, but I'm working hard on new set. Hope to finish it someday! Lol))

Wish good working days to everyone.

Entirely yours,

*eats cake and drinks a tea! yammy! =p *

~Important - About The Motion Set.

Hey ya, users!

It's quite sadly but I must post that 2-tile Arch + Diagonal version from my The Motion Set are re-uploaded because of the GUID conflict, it replaced Glass&Matte 2-tile Arch.

I'm so sorry for that trouble! Thanks to people who noticed it.
Now everything's OK, I've got new GUIDs for both versions.

So, please, re-download them again. Other items from the set work fine.

Kind regards,

A note!

Hi, guys!

Well, probably some of you have already started a school (educational) year, so I hope that these are not the new things of which I'd like to talk about...

Because of the school I have not so many time for TS2. I'm not going to create smth everyday etc., 'cause I need to think about my future firstly.

But I'd love to stay here as an SA, so you won't forget me! xDDD

Also because of the school I can't answer all your feedback in one moment, guys. Sorry for that! I love to thank everyone individually but sometimes I just can't do it. No dependence on how rapidly I want to do that...

I just hope you do understand that first of all we all are people who have their own lifes which we need to live and you do not expect me making all the time items for you...

Wish you all a wonderful day!

Kind regards,

Old poll & New poll

Hello, guys!
Thanks for reading that post! xD

I want to close my poll You prefer when recolours... with those results:

Go together with meshes in one set 75% (105)
Go separately from meshes in two sets 25.71% (36)

Thanks to those who took part in it! Your opinion is very important to me. Myself I voted for the 2nd variant, but I'd like to make it more comfortable to you.

And I now I'll publish new poll. Thanks to xXnatalieXx for a thought.
It'll be published in a few minutes. I'd like if you'll answer sincerely xD

Thank you all again! TSR, I LOVE YOU! You with all the people here mean a lot to me!

Hugs and kisses to all,

Some recent news. Please, read!

Hello there!

Well, I have some recent news that I need to write here... In my opinion )))

I want to thank Renate - Shino&KCR for her lovely notice about the Ceiling Lamp in my Spiritio Livingroom set. It had a GUID conflict but now it's alright and all, who had problems with it, PLEASE RE-DOWNLOAD the LAMP! I'm so sorry for that, guys. When I test it in my game before uploading it was OK.

Then, I've decided to delete my old files and some sets. I've already deleted some of them but not all that I want to... I just don't like them, maybe I could re-make them but I had been thinking of making new items. And I have some cool (maybe?) stuff for you, guys!
Of course, I won't stop making houses. This is the last month when I could create, create and create, 'cause on the 1st of September I should start to study the last year at school, woohoo! I suppose, I'll have not so many time for Sims 2. :(

Wish you all a great weekend! :)

Watch out, I'm back! :))

Hello to all!
I missed TSR and you guys sooooo much!!! It's so pleasant to came back home and to read your comments and GB signs and to understand that you didn't forget me while I was away for some time!
So, I had 2 weeks vacation and I've spend it quite well, now I'm full of energy and ideas in building houses, creating objects etc...
And I can't wait to make my plans true. So, please, wait for a while! :))

As for the poll...Thanks to all who had participated in it! Frankly speaking, I've forgot how to make small houses but I'll try to remember it as soon as I'll finish my other projects...

Entirely yours,

Latest Headlines

I'm gone. I'm still here Over 500,000 dls?! The Poll) I'm 17 today! ~Important - About The Motion Set. A note! Old poll & New poll Some recent news. Please, read! Watch out, I'm back! :))
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