lirunchik's Blog
On vacation
Hey ya, people!Just want to say that I'm on vacation for 2 weeks, so I'll be not able to answer all your feedback, sorry. But when I'll come back, the first thing I'll do - check out TSR 'cause it's a great pleasure for me to read all your comments etc!
Thanks so much to all for that.
P.S. I hope you'll like my upcoming mesh set.
Good summer to every one, hope that you're having fun!
Hugs and kisses,
200,000 downloads?! Can't believe it!
Hi, my dear friends!I can't believe that my downloads number has reached to 200 thousand downloads!!! I still remember the times when I get my first 10 thosand dls)))
It's so amazing to share my work with you, guys! Thanks so much for all your comments, GB signs, pleasant words in you PMs to me! I do appreciate all your feedback and I want to create for you! Thanks so much for inspiration!
I wish amazing weekend full of entertainment to all of you! <3
Best regards,
First mesh set!
Hey ya, people! :))Well, I guess you've already seen my set and maybe some of you already have seen it in the game)) I haven't enough time to write this message before, but better now, than never! :)
I do hope you all like White Eternity, your feedback means a lot to me, really, I've been thinking that if nobody will download this I'll stop my tryings in meshing.. But now I think that I should make something interesting for you! :D
Big thanks to all, who downloaded the set, I also hope you'll like recolour set!
Entirely yours,
Poll is closed...
Thanks so much to all of you who had participated in my poll about size of lot file. Frankly speaking, I like the results so much, 'cause it means I can continue what I'm doing now. Thanks! Here are the results:Does the size of lot file bother you?
Yes - 52.78% - 114 votes
No - 47.22% - 102 votes
You prefer...
Lots under 20 mb - 31.02% - 67 votes
Lots over 20 mb, but under 30 mb - 17.13% - 37 votes
Lots over 30 mb - 4.17% - 9 votes
You just don't care about it - 46.76% - 101 votes
Hope you'll participate in my new poll.
Best regards,
I'm a Select Artist!
Wow...Some of you maybe know what I do feel now...What can I say - it's an amazing feeling!!!I still can't believe that it's true and I'm not sleeping, lol, but it seems to me that I'm not...
At first I want to thank you Thomas for giving me an opportunity to show my skills here at TSR! And it's so exciting to be appreciated in such a great way!
Secondly I want to thank you all kind people of TSR who had supported me, believed in me, signed in my GB, wrote good comments on my creations, it's very very warm feeling to know that people like what you do and that they look forward to see your upcoming creations! And, of course, thanks so much to all who congratulated me with my unbelieveable promotion! I'll answer to all your feedback tomorrow!
Also hope that you'll like my upcoming lot.
Best regards,
entirely yours,
My own little problems......
Hello, friends!I've not so great and unpleasant news...Unfortunately, my operational system is broken so I'm afraid that I've lost all my downloads prepared for TSR...And now I'm not able to answer all your comments and GB signs...I'm so sorry! I'll answer you asap.
Thanks so much for understanding!
With best wishes,
Busy with making meshes!
Hi to all!Well, not so long ago I've tried to make my own meshes and I've found this occupation really interesting and exciting. I'm trying my best to learn how to make my own objects 'cause I've always felt lack of it in my game, lol! I know that there's too many meshes now but making something by yourself is really amazing. I don't want to do smth else now beside making meshes&building houses...But it's really hard to make everything at the same time)) So I think that I'm taking a small break now...
Hope you like my published creations! Good luck to all!~~
Hi!Wow, it was a great surprise to me to see 100,000 downloads today!
I want to thank everyone of you who had supported me by your nice comment and GB visits. Thanks so much, guys! It means a lot to me.
Hope you all will have a very very nice and full of pleasants day!
Also I'd be nice of you to participate in my current poll. Thanks so much to all who had already done it.
My TSR forum thread - check out, please!
Hi to all!Well, I finally decided to show my houses at TSR forum!
If you're interested in - check this thread, please:
I'll be so happy if you leave a comment here. Want to know whether do you like this simple style or not :)
1 of 15 pics:

I'm taking a break.
Hello to all!As you can see I've no items to be pusblished soon or have no items had been published this week... The cause of it is that I've no time to make previews of my upcoming sets... I wish I had a little bit more time to do that but it's unreal now... So, you could download only what I already have for you :))
I want to thank everyone who took time to participate in my poll, thank you guys!
I'll comeback with new sets approx at the beggining of next week.
Happy St. Valentine's Day to you all!!!