mckconor (2693229)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (45 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

trim motor factors hat male
Published Feb 23, 2011
About Me
Just a mod downloader right now, not developer. I had a lot of fun doing this however many years ago when I was active, community support was the best. I'm still around and more active than recent years, hopefully be more vocal around here.
My Latest Updates Show All
Sims 3 Custom Expansion PacksWritten Oct 30, 2010
I have some great ideas for the website. For all you who like stuff packs like Fast Lane stuff, we are selling some custom expansion packs and stuff packs. Learning custom animations too so I will have some acctual new special stuff too. They will only cost a quarter or half the price of a normal pack! Sims 3 Hotel Stuff Sims 3 Kitchen Stuff Sims 3 Fancy Dress Stuff... ...More developmentWritten Oct 23, 2010
Hey everybody! This is mckconor's development blog for the new website ! First, I need everyone to sign up to our Facebook page:!/pages/Games4Uie/105000526232268 Twitter page: Youtube Page: Coming soon!! If you can sign up to support us you could win a free ipod app or sims 3 add-on! Will keep... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
P.J.MM.Jun 17, 2018
Sereno fine settimana con Simpatia LadyBlackPantherP.J.MM.
Celtic 1Jan 22, 2015
Hello mckonor, I hope you are well I love your Honda CX500, Can you build my a HARLEY DAVIDSON FATBOY CUSTOM. Please contact me on my Guestbook as I have a problem with my PM. Look forward to you response Kind Regards Celtic1
CassieJo94Jan 30, 2014
i was wondering if you could make and Lancer Evolution IX MR Edition and a Subaru WRX STI! i like your stuff