mensure's Blog
Dining Deco 2
A few days ago I received a comment from blah76, on my "Red Line Dining Deco". She says: "You can't place it on any surface it hovers in midair." Yes its true. You must use "moveObjects on". After that you can put it on the table. If you want the perfect way, selected object and use the alt key. You will see it works.
However, this item is not allowed in any surface. That's why I made a new one. "dining deco-2". Now, you can put it any surface. But your Sims can't eat his meal on it! Because, it has a place on the table and Sims can't put the plate.
Preference is yours. You can choose your favorite one. Happy simming, Melinda!
Love is Red Series continues ...
*Second and third parts of the series was released and the fourth part is ready! RedLine_FoodSet. I hope you all like it. I had fun while working.
Happy simming, Melinda!
Fourth part, Red Line Food Set
Third part, Red Line Gift Set
Second part, Red Line Style
So Sorry!
Hi everyone, after a long time.
First of all, thank you very much for your comments on my creations and your messages in my GB. I know this can't excuse but I was a little busy. I've read all comments and messages from you and I will answer them all as soon as possible.
In later days, there will be good surprises. I hope you will forgive me.
Yours, Melinda!
Winnie the Pooh Toddler Room
At the end of a long time I've completed set. But the dresser has a work problem and I couldn't fix it. Iam so sorry.
Toddler Room
Hi everybody,
I am working on this set a long time. Problems don't stop. I wanted to share with you the last form. There are a few image problems.
- In the red circle; it has shadows on the drawer. I couldn't fix it.
- In the blue circle; shelf doesn't appear. Objects are in space. I hope, I'll fix it.
- In the small pic.; there is a new musical toy and it is working. I am happy!
See you soon, Melinda!
Winnie the Pooh for Toddlers
Hi Everyone! I'd like to share my latest work with you. I am working on a toddlers room. Here are some pictures of my work.
cribs for toddlers...
winnie bear view from mesh.... winnie bear view from Workshop...
Fortunella Living Add-ons Final ...
I think it's finished. I will upload as soon as possible.
I made 2 TV units. One of them cloned from coffee table. You can put something on it. The other one is only shelf. Decoratives are another object. You need "moveObjects on" cheats to bring together them. The set has a DVD player decor with DVD films. And........ I kept to the end, my favorite "flower chair". It is from my own home. I have 2 big flower puff.
Floorlamp is from the "CarpeDiem". CarpeDiem's beautiful work "Opal Lamp Set" is very compatible with the set. I hope you'll like everything. Happy simming...........
Fortunella Living Add-ons ...
I am working on a TV set. I think it, for the "Fortunella Living". It will be add-ons. It looks good in game but needs some decoratives like shown picture.