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missyzim's Guestbook

sunsetvalley4meMar 20, 2012

I don't think my last message sent about a week ago... I don't see it in the guestbook. Damn computer! Let me know if you get this please. Much appreciated! \:\)

JCIssetteMar 11, 2012

Hello there, Missy.\:D  It was so good to hear from you.\:rah\:  I am so glad you are getting back into your game again. We have missed you so around here and I miss your emails. The baby sounds like a little corker, but so adorable. I can't imagine keeping up with a baby all day and I can understand your being worn out. How can something that little demand so much attention? LOL Life has been good for me. Probably boring by some people's standards, but I like boring. LOL I am working on a Victorian world right now, but don't know if it is going to work or not. I am having trouble with my CAW. I think I need more ram as the EIG is hogging all my memory. What we do to play this game, but heck, it is better than going to therapy. LOL Well, write when you get time. I really miss our little chats. Big hug to you and the kids. \:wub\: Judy\:wub\:

sunsetvalley4meMar 8, 2012

I just thought I would let you know that after much tweaking and several uninstalls, I have managed to get your garage doors working and they are great! I wonder though if you would mind if I made a mod request? It's based on your standard garage door with added windows (http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/missyzim/downloads/details/category/sims3-objects/title/mz_4x1-garage-door_4-panel-windows/id/1055892/) but I was wondering if it would be possible to have a new upload with the following: * A two storey version. So what I mean is to have your garage door with windows for the bottom storey, then just a standard garage door with no windows above on top of that. (that's as good as I can explain it lol!) * Recolourable only on the front... so that you could have red on the exterior and a more neutral colour for the side of the door that is inside A smoother finish i.e. without the little square panels that make up the garage door. Just a nice realistic smooth look.   I'm building a fire station in game and want it to look good and having a two storey door like this would be ideal! And even if you are unable to do the above, thank you so much for your already amazing doors! \:\)

samusa06Mar 5, 2012

Well, I've just been on a download spree on you minisite! lol.. your build stuff is an absolute must for the lot builders among us.. \:D Congrats on the baby... September eh, me too... he must be a great little tyke! \:wub\:

samusa06Mar 4, 2012

Hi Missy!.. Long time no see... lol... I see you are still creating... I'm so happy about that! I've been away for ages due to compy issues but now I have a brand spanking new one and have to start over due to the other one dying before I got to back up my files.. :/ In a way it's refreshing though... new compy new start... OK I'm off to have a look at all your lovely creations! \:\) Hope all is well!

sunsetvalley4meMar 3, 2012

Thanks for your quick reply regarding your garage doors not opening for me! Still no luck I'm afraid, however, I was wondering if you could link me to the page to download the garage doors that do open up. I have tried both of the following, both last revised In March 2011 but encountered the same problem: * http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/missyzim/downloads/details/category/sims3-sets/title/garage-door-set/id/1055910/ * http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/missyzim/downloads/details/category/sims3-objects/title/mz_4x1-garage-door_4-panel-windows/id/1055892/ Hope you can point me in the right direction. Cheers.

mrsimulatorJan 29, 2012

Missy!! \:\)  I cannot thank you enough, you have my sincerest appreciation for congratulating me! I am very Happy! Take care!

thesorceressJan 23, 2012

Hi, I've been on a download spree the last days and a lot of your things found their way to my downloadfolder \;\)Thanks for sharing your talent \:D

framedarchitectureJan 8, 2012

Thank you for the wonderful roof recolors - very useful! best, William

RirannDec 25, 2011

\:wub\: Peace and happiness to you at Christmas time a nd throughout the New Year! \:wub\:\:wub\: \:wub\:  Merry Christmas! \:wub\:

D3VVDec 24, 2011

While drinking hot chocolate all the time, Writing this hearty Christmas rhyme, With my best wishes and heartfelt good cheer; Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :wub

hatshepsutDec 23, 2011

\:wub\:  Wishing you a joyous Holiday Season and a happy and prosperous New Year \:wub\:

srgmls23Dec 22, 2011

Open your heart ... Dream ... Wish ... Love ... Smile ... Be happy to be back child ... I wish you a Christmas full of peace, love and happiness. And you realize your dreams ... But mainly to continue to dream ...... always! Merry Christmas! and Happy 2012..\;\)Sérgio..

PralinesimsDec 22, 2011

  **\:wub\:\:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: We wish you a merry Christmas and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!! \:wub\:\:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:**  

mrsimulatorDec 22, 2011

Hi!! Thank you so much for your comment on my lot Austinville, Take care! \:rah\:

framedarchitectureDec 21, 2011

Hi Missy, Thank you for taking time to comment on the Painted Ladies - were fun to build! By the way I find the riffs of the french shuttered windows very useful in building- Thank you! Best, William

Mauszwerg1968Dec 19, 2011

long time not here, and now i will thank you so much for all your lovely and wonderfull downloads !!! \:wub\: wish you a wonderful and happy x-mas and good luck für 2012 \:D

lillkaDec 19, 2011

I wish you and your loved a merry, peaceful and blessed Christmas and all the best in the New Year! \:wub\:

ekinegeDec 19, 2011

I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year full of joy and happiness!\:wub\:

martoeleDec 17, 2011

\:D Merry Christmas y Happy New Year 2012. \:D I wish you and all your beloved ones, Peace, Love, Light and Health.

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