moschino_K's Blog
More Hairstyles
Again many people contact me via "comment" and "PM" about some hairstyle I use in my previews.
Usually when I download stuffs for Sims 3, I dedicate about an hour especially for this, I navigate from a link to another and I download lots of hairtyles and objects and I can't remember from where I got all of them, but I will post some that I remember:
Most of the hairstyles I use are from PeggyZone and from RoseSims2. Other hairstyles I tried to post them here,
and if I missed something, I'm sorry but I can't remember all sites from where I download.
Happy simming.
Future Projects
OK, I see a lot of people downloaded Cara's Body and I guess many of you download them for the Body and not for the cloth.
Maybe some of you downloaded her because you like this type of body, or if you just wanted more diversity in you neigborhood.
Actually I get bored to see all the sims having the same body type. EA gave us the option to make them thin or fat but the body construction was always the same and the diversity was quite limited.
As we want more objects, more clothes, more hairstyles, etc... I think also we should have more body types, so this is what I'm planning to do in the future.
First of all I want make an intermediate size between Game Mesh and Cara, so there will be 3 tipes of busts.
Maybe some curvy hips like Beyonce it will be a good idea, I'm not sure at the moment.
And also for more diversity, I think Pot-Bellied man should be interesting to have him in our town, as an old gardener, a very specific couch potato or whatever we want.
If you have any other suggestion it will be very interesting to hear what others need in their game and maybe in the future all of these will be there.
Wonderful Accesories
Here I will post any beautiful accesorie I will find to download it you too.
Today, at "toolregame" I found some wonderful accesories, like these:
Leaves Earrings - New Mesh
These ones are my favorite. They look great in any conditions.
Heart Clips Earrings - New Mesh
Some interesting fashion earrings.
Beaded Bracelet - New Mesh
Some New Hair
Because many people asked me where I found those hairs and other stuff, I decided to post here when I find something interesting to download it you too.
Peggy 03844 Converted
A lot of people asked where did I find this hair.
This is PeggyMesh04341_ConversionbyAviniti, it was converted and uploaded by Aviniti at The Sims 3 Forum.
Because I couldn't find an official picture I added one of myself.