orig1amy (2139675)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (11 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Ceremonial banquet Hs
Published Oct 30, 2011
About Me
Hi, people! My nickname is orig1amy now. I will choose another it.
I will tell about myself few. I live in Russia. I study to Sankt-Petersburg Marin University. My lead department is Department of Mathematica. I see Mathematica more than, when I studies in old shool. I look more cute even than early. Unfortunately I am lazy and dependent on the computer.
I hope to throw it, but the desire is stronger than confidence of my forces. I do not know that will be next year, but it is impossible so to live!
Your Miss Contradiction, orig1amy.
My Guestbook Show All
Youlie25May 28, 2012
Hi you, thanks for your comment on my climbing club for sunset . You can place it where you want in sunset. With the new TSR site, i haven't find where i can place my picture of my sunset city...so i drop.
minicartJan 17, 2012
Hello! Thank you so much for your comment on my Roll Neck Dress set!
MarkeshaOct 30, 2011
Privet! Spaibo tebe za tvoi komment) to4nee za smailik))) ja rada chto ti obratila vnimanie na moe tvorenie) Ti uchishsa v GUVKe?