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pretty_baby's Guestbook

olcia_olivineaNov 14, 2008

Hi\:wub\: I exactly know what you are talking about... too little time! And even when I back a little bit earlier, I am sooo tired that I am not able to reply to comments or mesages... but, please-don't think that I am rude or lazy! Yes, I hope that you don't leave, because it will be a disaster\:P I envy you so much - we were expecting for snow in a few days and you are having so hot days... And your mom was right, but as long as it works it's fine to have freezing cold showers\;\). I need to get a new haircut, becuse I have too long hair now \:wacko\: (but it's good for winter - you don't have to wear a scarf lol!)I am not a fortune-teller but sometimes I have a bad feelings about something (probably this is what people called 'a feminine intuition'). Oh no, silly me-thank you my dear for commenting FC #23, it means a lot for me\:wub\: I have a lack of inspirations when it comes to create some clothing now but I don't know why... It frustrates me, but I can't do anything with it-just sit down and relax\;\). So now I will relax a little with logarithms and the rest of my lovely friends lol. Hope that you are having a lovely days(s) \:\) Huge hugs! xOla

06bekNov 13, 2008

Thanks for your comment it's always nice to hear from you \:D

simal10Nov 13, 2008

Heya! I loove your upcoming set and can't wait to download it\:wub\: Hope we can talk soon! Hugs & Kisses \:wub\:

charliefellNov 6, 2008

Hiya Babes,havent wrote in the guestbook in ages and i thought id better do so.How Are You.I told My friend about the kids dresses and she was like wow can i have them too, so i sent her the link and she absolutly loves them.So yeah just thought id drop by \:D Gotta Go now and have a great day \:\) charlie x

olcia_olivineaNov 5, 2008

\:\) So many days without chatting with you! And without frizzle lol. I need to tell you that I have survived and there wasn't any frizzle! And I should tell you that I have made a mistaake - but I think that it was because of my tiredness. My turtle wasn't 30 but 20 cm long! Silly me, hope that you don't mind... Last weekend I have finaly played Sims 2... and I couldn't get enough of it hehe. Yesterday I was telling to my friend that something bad will happend... and guess what - when the ticket controller was checking us did we have our tickets, my friend couldn't find his own! So he paid the fine. Then I have told him - check your pockets once again, it must be somewhere... and it was there! And our 'adventure' ends good\;\) And how was your day? Hope that great \:D Huge hugs! xOla

*HollyNov 3, 2008

Hello \:P Thank you for your lovely comment on my 'autumn set' for AF. I'm glad you like it \:\) Have a great day! Holly

Nisse2earsNov 2, 2008

What you can improve: I miss yellow pieces in your clothing sets =)

Tricia1994Oct 31, 2008

hi i LOVE your clothes!!\:wub\: \:rah\: do you think you can make some clothes with the jonas brothers in it!? that we don't have to pay? (by we i mean me) =p ohh it would be even better if you made the jonas brothers! =] if you can thanks sweety!\:rah\: \:wub\:

olcia_olivineaOct 31, 2008

Hi sweetie\:wub\: It was great to catch you on msn and chat with you a little\:\) I am trying to download gossip girls but my Internet is still so slow (I e-mailed net service three days ago and there is still no reply!) that I don't have even a half of first episode\:wacko\: How are you\:\)? Hope that you are felling better! But I am here not only to talk, but I'd like to thank you for your sweet comment about Fashion Collection #22! Your comments always make my day\:wub\: It isn't fair that time flies so fast when we don't have to go anywhere! I feel like I just woke up, but it was 4 hours ago... and it nearly afternoon:P. This weekend I need to learn geology if I don't want to be frizzle by my! I just had to write this to make you laugh\:D Hope that you are having a wonderful day\:\) Hugs! xOla

Deedee09 Oct 30, 2008

Hello.... Come on soon when its 10 in the morning hereit will be about 9:30pm were you live so i hope you come on msn agine and though sites are really helpfull i love them \:\).

HarmoniaOct 30, 2008

hi..thanks for lovely comment on my Little Fairys \:wub\: Your creations very cute & great \:wub\: Have fun & Hugs \:\) Harmonia

DANIELLE--XOct 30, 2008

Thanks For Your Comment, There Are Really Nice And Im Always Looking To See If You Have Uploaded Anymore:confused\:D

Deedee09 Oct 28, 2008

Hello, it was great chatting to you on MSN it was really funny when we found out are real ages. Kinda confusing ino i hope we can chat more on here it will be cool \:D.

olcia_olivineaOct 27, 2008

Hello dear\:\) It wasn't 'real' run, but some kind of it\:D Thumper (that's was his name - just like in a 'Bambi' movie\:D) was quite big (about 30 cm centimeters). Only sometimes he was on the floor, rest of thetime he spent in a special 'home' - some kind of aquarium. I have read about zones at wikipedia and it means that the time difference between Australia and Poland are 9 hours... very much lol. It means that if it's 10pm here, you have 7am! Of course you are having a great sleep\:\) But it's still possible to catch each other on msn - only I need to give you my nickname, but in pm\;\) Gosh, I am sooo tired! I was planning to make a spaghetti today but I couldn't get out of bed lol. I make myself a big mug of tea with milk and this is all I need to relax\:\) I hate that 'clean' smell of hospital just like you! Lack of money... yay, I exactly know what it means. But every bad thing someday will come to an end - even empty account\:\) I am searching for some funny and interesting tv series, but I can't find anything... oh, well! My sunday was good and how about yours? Can't wait to talk to you on msn too! xOla

simal10Oct 27, 2008

Forgot to add, I love your preview pics and I guess you are clutter addict too? Looks like you have some amazing items in your game \:D

simal10Oct 27, 2008

Hi sweetie!Thank you so much for lovely GB entry I'm really happy that you like it.. It looks like time difference between Turkey & Australia is 7 freaking HOURS!! (Between Sydney and Ankara to be more spesicific, since Australia is a huge country it still may vary -1 +1 hour depending on where you live...) I guess you are sleeping right now and it's 3 pm in here \:D\:eek\: Also it's autumn in here and I suppose you are having lovely spring days over there? But I'm sure we'll catch each other on msn someday *crossing fingers* Many many hugs & Kisses \:wub\: \:wub\:

charliefellOct 26, 2008

Just what i needed and wanted thanks \:D charlie x

Queenie1988Oct 26, 2008

You're welcome - your stuff is just amazing \:wub\: Keep the great work up \:\)

hrekkjavakaOct 26, 2008

Lol, tell me about it... Wish I had more money, especially to buy stuff from Ebay...!!! By the way, I adore your new Punk You outfits! Gorgeous! I've been busy today, made loads of stuff, just need to take the screenies... yawn, lol! \:wub\:

charliefellOct 26, 2008

Thanks for making the childrens dress set \:D Charlie x

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