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pretty_baby's Guestbook

justkira.Sep 24, 2008

LOL! Oh yeah i see its under details, thanks for that. Yeah if theres a forever new outlet near you it most probably will have a lipsy section in the store. OHMIGOSH i love bardot! I shop there plenty!!!

olcia_olivineaSep 23, 2008

Hi my sweetie\:\)! I am so sorry that I didn't write to you for so long time... I was changing my Internet operator, then I had some technical issues and I had too wait sooo long... But I am back and wow! So great to see our clothes at Flickr photo\:D I miss you and your lovely messages so much! It is so nice to see that you haven't forget about me\;\) Hope that you are having a wonderful day\:\)HH, Ola\:wub\:

justkira.Sep 23, 2008

Yeah maybe it just is my moniter.. Im actually from australia too, i just made this account wayy back under all this fake stuff lol and now i dont think you can change your country \:wacko\: yeah and i live in SA and theres a store called forever new that stocks lipsy clothes!!

justtschibiSep 22, 2008

Hi sarah \:\) while browsing through the upcoming sets i saw your newest set and remembered that i wanted to thank you for your nice words \:wub\: you're getting better and better \:\) We'd no chat for a long time, maybe we'll see each other on msn soon, hugs tschib

twofeeSep 22, 2008

hey sarah. things are busy, but managable right now, but once swimming starts ill be crazy busy, but ill love (almost) every minute of it. \:\) how are things with you?? great i would hope! have an awesome day!

Megiie243Sep 22, 2008

Sarah \:D Haha thanks lol \:\) yepp evrything is swell \:rah\: How ar you ? x Love Megann x\:cool\:

hrekkjavakaSep 22, 2008

Casting spells on other sims my dear... MUAHAHAHA! You can make them dance around like chickens, which always gets a laugh in my book ;p Oh, and you can start fires... AL = Best EP since OFB \:D

charliefellSep 21, 2008

Hello!!!!!!\:D Yep the cats are all mine,my ginger cat tiggy is so gorgeous he's sitting right next to me at the mo \:\) lol.Have a great day ,talk to you later x Charlie and Tiggy lol \:D

justkira.Sep 21, 2008

Thank you for the comment \:wub\: im glad you like them. Its not like what i usually make but i was on the Lipsy London site and i thought, my sims could use some dresses like these. It sucks though because my preview pictures alway come on the site crap quality \:wacko\: do you know why? xxx.

hrekkjavakaSep 21, 2008

Any community lot really, i've always found them on lots i've made. Hmm, being a good witch, it's sweet... But being bad, you can torture other sims... Which is kinda fun.. lol! \:P x

*HollySep 21, 2008

Hey! Thank you so much for your lovely comment \:wub\: I'm glad you like my eyeshadows! Enjoy and have a wonderful day! Holly \:\)

ulkerSep 20, 2008

Thank you Sarah\:wub\:

simal10Sep 20, 2008

Hello sweetie \:\) Things are going great with me, I celebrated my birthday 2 days ago, got lots of presents so it was pretty great \:D I was a little bit upset because I turned 21 and I feel ooold \:\( How about you? I hope you are ok too.. And thank you so much for signing my GB & I'm glad you like new avi & banner \:wub\: Yep it's my creation, I'm hoping to upload it soon \:D Also I voted on your poll and I love it, I voted everything yes, bec. I love all those styles both for sims and myself \:D BTW do you use MSN? If so could you send me your mail with PM? Have a lovely day sweetie! XOXO \;\)

hrekkjavakaSep 20, 2008

When the witch turns up, my game slows right down, they appear at the front of the lot... With like a glow around them... And on a broomstick! To become a witch I befrended one, then you can ask them to learn the ways of the light/dark etc... And you can then study to become a good or bad witch. It's a really nice addition I think! Better than being a zombie or werewolf.. \:P

hrekkjavakaSep 20, 2008

Witches turn up on Community lots... In fact, they turn up too often for me, when i'm trying to play OFB, they leave cockraches outside my shops.. I'm spreading my witchyness to all the people in my neighbourhood, lol! I havn't seen a good witch yet, or a warlock. i think the more people you have in your neighbourhood, the more likely you'll see one... Yesh, Ditsy Dresses... At the minute I love saying that word... \:D xx

justkira.Sep 20, 2008

Aww thanks thats awesome to hear! Yes my teen sim is nearly always in a pretty baby design >< Yes well i just uploaded some new things so they should be on in a few days. Ive been so busy lately i can hardly find the time to make new things!!!

Megiie243Sep 19, 2008

Hey \:D Thanks so much for everything i can now upload clothes \:\) now i just gotta learn how to make other stuff so ill let yaah no wen im done Lol So how aree yuuhh then? Love yaah Megann x \:D

charliefellSep 19, 2008

Hello,Havent Commented in a while \:\),so are you? Just to say your new undies and pregnant outfits are wicked and i cant wait for your next undies set to come out \:\) polka dots!!! i love em \:D \:wub\: anyways catch you later \:\) have a great day \:\) \:D \:P

hrekkjavakaSep 19, 2008

I have no idea what I did... But my set didnt come out as a full set.. Confuzzled I am.. Ho hum... Maybe i'll give it a go, my game is lacking in alien-type-freak-sims... \:D Have actually been playing the game... I love Apartment Life! Most of my sims are witches now though.. \:confused\:

hrekkjavakaSep 19, 2008

HELLOOOO! Been a busy week... Making things, also getting ready to go back to uni... (nervous!) And I think I borked my mix and match outfits when I uploaded them.. DOH! \:P So am having to do that again... And it took me an hour in the first place... (I know, i'm dumb lol) Hows things for you... I saw you bought out your teen style for adults..! CUTE CUTE CUTE! And how is the meshing going...? Does it get easier the more you do? I'm sure my brain would fall out if I tried it LMAO! Hugs! Samantha \:D

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