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pretty_baby's Guestbook

sandrinhaFeb 3, 2009

I was glad to know you're interested in pregnancy clothes 'cause I'm working on least I'm trying. don't know yet if it will work \:confused\: let's wait :P

olcia_olivineaFeb 1, 2009

Hiiiii\:D I think that I am already healthy, because I am eating like a vacuum cleaner LOL!! I don't need to go to see my doctor very often because my dad is a one\;\) I know that you don't live in Melbourne but I just have to know if everything is okay! Tomorrow I will see that ASSHOLE again but hey, that's life lol. It's really late and I should go to bed but I don't want too... Oh, I totally forget - you won't guess what I was doing today. Tadaaa - creating my very own site hehe\:D It wasn't be possible without your help (and application hehe\:D). *yawn* I am drinking a juice and it's sooo sour!! But why I am writing this? I don't know haha. I bet that you would do the same with this doll, you are so sweet and kind\:\). And I am not really, I am like a mad cow sometimes lol. ABout yellow chickens - you don't understand me because my English is horrible hehehe. And because it was so late and you should sleep then but no, I didn't let you do this hehe... Yeah, my dad is insane (but in a positive way) and my family is like... an Addams family LOL!! Of course I am joking but we are all crazy!! And that episode was from the first season. I saw it because they show friends again in our tv (it's great to see one of your favourites series again!). My dad told me that maybe I should write you that it isn't a premiere in our tv, because you may think that we need to wait few years before we can watch popular shows in our tv... LOL. I understand your problem with that nasty visitor... We have few friends just like her. But we must live it and after her leaves - relax \:D. My mum just told me Ola go to bed, it almost midnight... well, I must listen to my mum or I won't eat donner LOL. Hope that you have a great sleep\:\) xoxoxoxox Ola

sandrinhaFeb 1, 2009

\:\) Sarah, I mean it about your new site!!! Now thanks a lot about your words, you give me a lot of incentive :P  \:P I wish you have a GREAT day! Hugs, Sandra

Joy DesignFeb 1, 2009

You have the GREATEST clothing and sets! LOVE THEM! But there's one thing I just have to say... It really sucks when I can't download AWSOME clothes because the mesh is from someone's who you have to be subscribed to get! It sucks, when that happens... othr wise LOVE them! \;\) (if that wasn't already obvious!)

olcia_olivineaJan 31, 2009

Hello sweetie\:\) I am so sorry for not replying for so long, but I had a indigestion and I was lying in bed all day long. I think that I am sick too often. Maybe I should vitis my doctor but I am scared of hospital\:wacko\: And how about you?? I was watching news yeasterday and I heard that you have a really hot days, few cities don't have electricity and there is a huge number of fires out there. Ut's horrible! I hope that it is no concern of yours! And how about your gums? Ithink that maybe it's good that they are big, because when you would meet someone who isn't too nice , he or she won't even try too mess with you because they will be scared LOL!! But I am jokinng right now, I just wish you won't get any problems with your teeth again\:\). This doll doesn't have any magical powers, I just was so happy to get her that I forget about my sickness hehehe\:D. Unfortunately I don't have her now, because I gave all my dolls to a family of my mum's student. They have little kids and they were so happy to get them... A multiple persnality disorder?? It sounds similar - sometimes I think my dad has it too lol! But don't tell him that, he would dislike me bacause of it\;\). But you know what - maybe that was a twin brothet of Tinker?? You know, like in a soap opera... the twin brother, but the bad one haha\:D Do you remember that scene from friends, when Ross told to Brooke Shields that Joey is a dr Drake Ramoray's bad twin brother?? hilarious lol. Ohhh, you are a wonderful student - I am sure that your professors loved you \:\) Look out for a submashine talking Ola LOL!!! You asked about my dad - he is a funny, one, he is laughting all the time and making jokes of everything. Even when I am in a bad mood he is mocking me and he looks so funny that I can't stop giggling hehehe. I bet you were having a great time together at your friend's work! I know that this message is sooo dull but please forgive me! I am weak just like those little, yellow chickens about which we were talking some time ago \:D Hope that your day was great\:\) Have wonderful sleep!! Hugs xoxoxox Ola\:\)

sandrinhaJan 31, 2009

\:rah\: I saw your beautiful new site, Sarah, and I'm going shop there! \;\) Many hugs! Sandra

olcia_olivineaJan 27, 2009

In fact, I am rambling all the time, don't need any medicines lol. But I am curious how long do you sleep after that pills? Because if not so long there is nothing to worry about them but I suggest you not take them again until you'll see your doctor. Because I don't want you to be in a coma\:P Of course I am joking, but I know that I shouldn't make jokes of health things. And don't tell that your messages are boring, for me they are always interesting, great and FUNNY! I am giggling all the time when I read them (giggling because I can't laugh - my mum sleeps and I don't wont to wakes her up... but even when I am acting REALLY quiet she says that she didn't sleep and hear everything-which means me \:D). Ohhh did I use that word? Yes lol!! Becuse I was so frustrating yesterday... because I have learnt everything and I spent whole weekend for the education and what? He is an asshole lol. Yes, it's Joey's words but first time when I said it I didn't realize that. And now it's my motto\:D But of course I can share my precious food with you \:D. They look like after bar fight? Oh no... I remember when I had mumps - I was really thin as a child and because of that disease my head was GIANT hahaha. I was so embarassed that I didn't get out of my house for month lol. But tehn my parents bought me a doll about which I was dreaming for a long, long time and gueass what... The next day I was healed!! Hahaha... but hey, I was a kid and I didn't need fancy things to be happy, only a little doll\;\) Ohhh my, if you want to share your shiny textures with me that's... wow! But I don't know if I should because they are yours\:\) Hahaha Tinker is a devil, how could he scratched you?! This message is too long but I don't feel like I shuld stop writing lol. I think it's one of these days when I am talking like a submashine gun (my dad's words) and can't stop! Poor students fom my class... \:D Now I think about my physicist, when it was getting louder in the class he knows where he should looks... at me of course! And he was like "Miss Olga- pay attention, please". But after 2 minutes I start chatting again... LOL! I hope that I will be able to talk with you soon but I also hope that I won't kill you with my 'submashine gun talk' lol. Hope that yourr day is great sweetie\:\) xoxo Ola

olcia_olivineaJan 26, 2009

I love long messages from you darling\:D They are always so interesting, not like mine... only blah blah blah lol. My professor of Economy is an asshole! I wrote everything at the exam and my answers were perfect but no... he failed me!! and I will have to write it again next monday\:mad\:Anyway, I had really good mood today and don't know why. Too much sugar maybe hehe... But wait! your tooth is aching! poor little thing\:\( I am really wondering which painkillers you are taking... because my dad can't sleep very well and maybe they will help them\:D but really, your mum is right - don't take them when you are alone, because falling on the floor is painful! I wish that my mum will loves my favourite movies just like yours, but noo... she thinks that most of them are boooring hehe\:D Old sim people and no furniture?? Sarah, you are a bad girl:P! You could give them at least a toilet lol. Because we both now that even a Queen Elizabeth must go to the restroom\:D I am a confused one, sometimes people tell me simple thing and I am like "what? are you talking to me?" I am a huge daydreamer and maybe that's why I act like that\;\)? I really hope that you will like this outfit-it's simple but nice (I think so hehe). Ice cream!! I love them. I always buy a huge box and eat them alone (because I can share with you everything... except food LOL!!!). But I should change that! And how about you? I hope that you will soon see that movie and of course that I will be able to see it too, so we can share our opinions\:D Wish you a lovely day\:\) xoxoxox

olcia_olivineaJan 26, 2009

Hi Frizzler \:P Ohhh I am so tired. I woke up at 6am and was learning economy... yuck! You have so hot days there and mine are so cold... why we can't get something between? I have only few minutes but I feel like I couldn't go out without saying hello to you\:\). You asked me about twilight - I have finished 3rd book and downloaded 4th from torrents... but shhh\:D It's so frustrating when you lost all your saved games. I have the same problem with sims from time to time... too lazy to make a copy of important files lol... I have last 2 exams - today and at Wednasday, next will be at 20th February (but I am sure that I didn't pass one so for now I have 2 more=4). Ohh Iam so bad at maths but I hope that you understand me hehe\:D I hope that you will like my newest set - I use that top which you have send to me\:P only 20 minutes to my bus... because it's 10.50am. I don't want to go boohoohoo\:P Hope that you aren't melting because of the weather... Huggles\:\) xoxoxox

twofeeJan 25, 2009

hey missy. yeah fl was fantastic, much warmer than it was at home. although our last morning there, it was about 50*F and we still had to get in the pool and swim. hows things with you? better be most excellent! \:\) i checked out vivians site...mighty cool and i stopped by your flicker...neato \:\) lots o love!

lacey2408Jan 25, 2009

\:P Hi Missy...:P How are you?? Long time no seen right..\:cool\: Well,You are doing great i see. I made a creation...and i have a banner now \:D . Kind regards,Lacey

simal10Jan 24, 2009

I'm really really sorry about what happened \:\( I don't know why Xp acts like that and I never had any problems with XP like that \:\( And I've been using it for 5 years.. I don't think that it's a virus also... Well if I were you I'd install XP from stratch again and still had problems after that, I'd turn back to Vista... But it's your choice, since I suggested you to use XP and it turned out like that, I feel terrible about that and I don't want it to become more messier \:\(\:\( I'm sorry \:\( Please keep me updated ok?  Hugs & Kisses \:wub\:\:wub\:

simal10Jan 22, 2009

Allo sweetie \:\) Yes it was so o great to finally talk to you!! I've missed you \:\) I didn't understand what you meant but did you download all the parts and exracted them with winrar? Where did you get the gray screen :S?Could you explain ? OXOXOX \:wub\:

meygan13Jan 20, 2009

Hi,Preety.You have so beatiful and amazing creations i and my sim chiks like them Kisses and Hugs \:wub\:

olcia_olivineaJan 19, 2009

Hello sweetie\:\) I have just seen your photos at flickr and they are awesome!! Especially the one with you "pretending" to throw the controller at me lol\:D Radio stations is the best thing in gta, without it this game won't be the same... you know what I am talking about - you can feel the atmosphere of that town \;\) Ohhh I wish I could see your criminals listen to the jazz station hehe\:D I saw you online at msn today, but I was going out to catch the bus and I was really mad that I could speak to you even a little... but maybe it's god because you have some time to prepare for a log talk lol\:D Just kidding...! Lucky you, I love pizza especially with mushrooms and... a HUGE portion of cheese on it\:D Everytime when I make a pizza  at home, I put at it all cheese that I have at home and because I always have quite a lot you can imagine how does it look like... like a giant cheese monster lol!! But really yummy\;\) Do you know that coke is healthy:P... my mum says that to me but I can't stop drinking it... well, it's my bad habit\:P Your town is really wonderful... I wish I could live so close to the beach and ocean... when I want to go for a swim I must drive 650 km (on polish roads... and they aren't cool, belive me! 650 km means that you mts spend 12h in car....:wacko\:\) to the nearest see but even in summer you can't be sure if there will be good weather\;\). You like Jacob too? It's great because he is so sweet... (but I am not talking about the movie one because I am not sure if he fits this character... but oh well:P). Well... I talk to much\:P I must go to bed because it's almost midnight (okay, 11pm:P) but I am really tired...\:ola yawn: So please forgive me\;\) Wish you a great day dear Sarah! xoxox

NataliSJan 18, 2009

\:\) Thanks for comments to my NS Hermes Birkin bag! I really appreciate a feedback.

olcia_olivineaJan 18, 2009

Hello Miss Frizzle hehe\:D No no, I didn't watch twilight on the net\;\) And I don't know when it will be in my town - now they are playing movies from November... but well, I can't have anything - I am happy that I can read every book from this series\:\). I have just finished 2nd book and I am feling really strange... maybe it's ridiculous but Jacob reminds me of my very good friend. And my relationship with him is the same as between twilight characters. Which means that we are friends but he wants something more... it's only a book but it doesn't mean that some situations can't be the same? of course I am not talking about falling in love with vampire hehe\:D I am so curious about your pictures with our sims... you just have to show me hehe\;\). Do you like blackberries? I am eating cake with them right now and yummm! My belated cake hehe\;\) It's sunny day here and the snow is metling down. It sound like someone is running on our roof. Everyone are using cheats so we should be ashamed of it \;\) I know what you are talking about - even when I have the lowest wanted level as use cheats lol!! And a possibility that we can ride a bike is just great!  Most of the time I am doing the sightseeing on a bike\:D And the cities are really huge so I don't even see the half of the first one\;\). You are busy last days because everytime when I log in at msn (of course in the mornings) you are offline so I can't talk to you \:P But maybe you are tired of my chatting because I can't stop doing that lol... ANyway, hope that your day is great\:\) Tell me about it, please - I am so curious \:D (as always hehe). Hugs\:\)

twofeeJan 18, 2009

hello sarah sunshine! i jet away to florida for a week and come back to find that you have your own spiffy cool website. im totally in love with it, its so bright and you! the banner photo for it is pure awesomeness, but im sure you already knew that. anyways just wanted to let you know you did good and i wanted to stop by and say hi! \:\) hope all is rockin with you! \:\) -stefi

olcia_olivineaJan 16, 2009

Ohh, don't worry about anything I know that it was my fault \;\) I though that it was a singing not a screaming\:D Thank you for your wishes (in my gb and at forums)! That day was funny as always, because I can't stand when someone is unhappy... I always try to make everyone smiling and laughing. Maybe I should work as a clown lol!! And what I get - as aways some sweet greetings card and some monies - because everyone always say that they prefer if I will buy something myself\;\) Now I feel a lot better than before but when I found out that today we have unannounced test... well it wasn't a good message. I have missed it! I just hope it didn't meant being frizzle again but this time by another professor... Why I am always running into difficulties? I always loved Math but this guy... I am really scared of him. I have already sent my sim so tell me what you think about her hehe (thanks for letting me know how to extract sim for my game\:D). I was trying to download and watch just a little of twilight but I found Italian versions hehe\:D. I am watching some net cameras from your town and I must say that you have a wonderful weather... I almost forget how world looks like when it's summer...\:\) Bully? I never heard of this game... but it must be nice if you played it. Sometimes when I can't pass some mission I use cheats in gta but shhh don't tell anyone \:D And when I will upgarde my pc I need to play gta IV... \:P I am reading new moon and just can't stop... I am obsessed lol. Even when I am typing to you I am still reading\:D now I need to know what will happen between Bella and Jacob... so forgive me but I will leave now\;\) Wish you a great day (for me it's 9:20pm...)\:\) xoxoxo

olcia_olivineaJan 16, 2009

Hello\:\) Ohhh I feel so horrible! And it's not because of bday party... because there wasn't any. My tummy hurts so much and I feel sick all the time. My mum says that I fake but I don't! I am not a hypochondriac\:P I would love to see a pohoto with our self-sims but I created this sim in CAS, not Body Shop so I can't send her to you\:\( Well, I must try another one... hehe. You won't belive but I passed this exam! And that Frizzle Professor was really nice to me (shocking, isn't it??). I get the highest grade in my class \:D I was so happy that I spent all day smiling to myself lol! Next weeks will be a totally disaster (everyday I will have an exam) but that's what they called "student's life" \:D My mum is wonderful - she borrowed new moon from her student who loves twilight series too and I will read it today (because I stay at home)!! Alice is a sweetheart, I wish I could have a big sister just like her\;\) Jasper is hottie indeed \:P July is my summer so you can imagine how I feel when it's about 40 degrees and I have hay fever... but I don't complain because last year it wasn't so hard\:\) I haven't played Sims for months (really!), because I though that maybe I should "rest" from this game and try different ones. So now I am playing GTA or old Game Boy Color games (like Donkey Kong or Warioland) lol. And  you asked about my bday plans\:P Well, in fact I haven't got any because at Wednesday I came back from Uni late so there wasn't any chance to throw even a little party... But I have whole weekend hehe\;\). Thank you for letting me know where did you get those great eyes from your sim\:\). Hope that your day is great... and that your potato chip sandwich was delicious \:D xoxox Ola

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