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samusa06's Guestbook

dreamergirl34Aug 25, 2010

your welcome for the comment!!!!! \:D keep up the excelent work!!!!!!!!!!! \:wub\: -dreamergirl34

katalinaAug 23, 2010

Hello Miss Sam\:D I just woke up from a nap, not that I wanted to wake up, I had no choice. You see we have this duet band upstairs right above my bedroom who are doing their practice here while entertaining the residents and it is loud! I really don't think they need the amplifier or microphone, they aren't that good\:rolleyes: I agree, you ought to build one of those houses in my banner and then you can say you were inspired by my banner in your description\:D LOL!  The Twilight cottage is comming along. I ended up making a Bella and Edward sim and moved them in and took some pics today before my nap. Soo, when are you going to submit that quilt pattern?\:P Well it is almost time to get ready for work. OMG!! What am I hearing...They are singing the same song twice!! WTH!?! Well they will never make it in American Idol LOL.. Chat ya later\:wub\:

ayyuffAug 23, 2010

Many thank for commenting on the 'Ocean View Avenue' ,much appreciated \:wub\:  Enjoy!

JCIssetteAug 22, 2010

Well, it is me again. LOL I see you left me a nice comment on my Sims2 home Carver Manor.\:D  I miss building for sims2, but just don't have the time or heart for it anymore. Sims3 has spoiled me in many ways. I do miss the build tools and objects though. That was the last house I built for Sims2.  Thanks for making me smile so much this morning. \:wub\: Hugs, Judy\:wub\:

JCIssetteAug 22, 2010

Good morning, Sam. Wow! What a pretty girl you are on your Facebook pic. You are lovely. I want to thank you for the wonderful comment you left me on The Rhett Butler Mansion.\:D  Many wonderful artists including you helped me make it look as good as it did. LOL  I do appreciate your creations and your lots are awesome. \;\) Well, got to run. Have a great Sunday, Sam. By the way, if you would ever like to email me, pm me and I will give you my personal email. We SA's have to stick together.\:D Hugs, Judy\:wub\:

katalinaAug 22, 2010

Hiya Sam\:D I can't wait for the sandstone recolors and also that quilt, I am drooling for that quilt pattern\:D

mrsimulatorAug 21, 2010

Hi, thank you so much for your beautiful comment on my lot Fan Leaf, Take care!!

dsrhnryAug 21, 2010

your welcome on the thank you for the maps, funny how you can look at something and just invision it in a particular room in your house. I think that is why i spend more time downloading and building and making characters than actually playing the game. My husband says it's sensless to do what i do and not play more, especially when he has to fix my game when it runs to slow or crashes, but i'm happy with what i like to do. I look forward to your next creation, have a great weekend. xxoo

marcorseAug 21, 2010

Hello again Sam and many thanks for your lovely comment on my Manderly Hall lot.   \:D Coming from someone with your talent for building, that is high praise indeed and made my week.  :P   Happy creating!

ziggy28Aug 20, 2010

\:D Hiya!! Thank for your comments, I thought it might be different that why I tried it \:D Time and downloads will tell \:P I hope you are having a good day \:wub\: TC Lorraine

missyzimAug 19, 2010

Hi Sam!\:D  Thanks so much for your nice comments on my Coastal Estate. That's one of my favorite building styles. I made the window just for the house, lol. Great job on your paintings. \:rah\:

wolfspryteAug 19, 2010

Hello! Thank you for the lovely comment you left on "Holbrook Collection'! I would love to see one of my creations in one of your homes!! I hope you enjoy!! Melissa

katalinaAug 19, 2010

Gosh Sam, what an incredible comment you left me on Rapunzel's castle and I couldn't have done it without you. Many thanks for all your the help and expertise you have given me, I owe you\;\) \:wub\:

paramitiAug 18, 2010

well your welcome and Thank You for making them!! You have Totally Inspired me..when i first downloaded the  Antique Architecture i was feeling inspired but not sure what i was going to do..then when i got the maps i Knew what my idea would i went into my game and began to create a Huge Flea Market for my sims..they will be able to buy antique paintings there ..well for pretend they can buy them there..tee hee..i am having a lot of fun creating the flea market..and your paintings gave me the inspiration idea..i love them all!! Great Creative Effort on your part..Thank You Again \:D\:wub\:\:D

ziggy28Aug 18, 2010

\:D Hiya Sam!! Thank for the comments on my Innocence painting \:wub\: Im glad I got there in the end \;\) TC Lorraine

dsrhnryAug 18, 2010

your very welcome for the comment i left. all of you creators deserve the all the praise you can get for the time and efforts you put into making things that make my game more enjoyable. thank you . have a great day. \:\)

missyzimAug 17, 2010

Hi Sam! Thanks for commenting on my perfume bottles. I've been wanting recolorable perfume bottles forever. I'm still working on your shutters. \:D Too many projects, too little time! I'll talk to you later. Missy

ziggy28Aug 16, 2010

\:D Its me again!!! Forgot to say I have given you special thanks for your help\:D \:wub\:  (But is not showing on the deltails yet) TC Lorraine

ziggy28Aug 16, 2010

\:D Hiya!! All systems go!!! I have posted my first 3 pic painting it will be available to download from the 18th August its in my upcoming pod \:D Let me know what you think please \:wub\: Thanks again Sam I couldnt have done it without your help \:wub\: TC Lorraine

dreamergirl34Aug 16, 2010

hi there!!! your work is beautiful!!!!!! \:wub\:  i think you do a great job and i am going to cheak out your videos!!!!!! \:\)  have a great day!!!!! -dreamergirl34

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