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senemm's Guestbook

b-bettinaNov 13, 2008

Hu, Magyarországnak ilyen tehetsegei is vannak Sims terén????? Fantasztikusak a letöltéseid! És a jelenlegi projekt - egyszeruen gyönyöru!

SunairNov 7, 2008

Thank you very much for sign up my guestbook and the lovely compliment, I'm really appreciate\:\)

Shahriar32StarlineNov 3, 2008

Hiyya Marci!\:D Happy Halloween!\:D \:D

droopleOct 25, 2008

Hi! \:D If you would like to save the whale shark, then, marci, go to my cousin and I's website called!

cashcraftOct 22, 2008

Hi Marci! I stopped by to say "Hi" and thank-you for your lovely comment on my creations, not go on a shopping spree! Wow! Your creations are Amazing! I can't wait to play with them ingame! Take Care, Carolyn \:D

IllianaOct 18, 2008

Hello Marci! I was so surprised by your lovely compliments and request in my blog today. \:wub\: Of course you can link to the info if you wish! I would be honored! \:D If it helps anyone enjoy your wonderful lots more, then it will all have been worth it. \:\) Thanks again Marci - It is always a joy to hear from you, as I am a great admirer of your creations! Love and hugs - Tammy

simsfawn200Oct 18, 2008

\:wub\: Your work is so very beautiful! You are so very talented and I thank you for taking your time out to make these beautiful things for our games...great job!\:wub\:

lirunchikOct 11, 2008

Hello, dear Marci \:D Thank you so so much for your lovely comment on my Delease set! I'm so happy you've downloaded it. I'm a little bit nervious if I've made a mistake somewhere, but everything should be ok...I'm sure you do understand me as a meshes creator \:ph34r\: Hehe \:D Btw I'm so glad to see you around! We almost have no time to communicate. \:\( How are you? Hope everything's ok. Take care, Marci! Higs, ~Marina

droopleOct 11, 2008

Hi!!!\:D Unless you don't already know, I live in Dubai. I love your Atlantis creation!!!\:rah\: Unfortunately, the real thing isn't that good... The water in the suites ran out, the lobby was on fire, someone fell off a slide and the public (incuding me) hate how they are keeping that poor juvinile whale shark in the aquarium and not releasing it. (BTW I'm creating a website called\:\(

Shahriar32StarlineOct 10, 2008

Hi Marci!\:\) I finally got my computer back and that meens that I again can play the sims and to visit TSR! \:D I just saw your new Burj Al Arab and it me SHOKED!\:eek\: WOW!What an artist you are!\:P I can't wait for it to come out!\:D Have a wonderful day Marci!\:D \:\)Shahriar\:\)

CherryNDOct 7, 2008

Hi~ thanks for your support on my creations.I'm really glad you like them.\:wub\:

cashcraftOct 6, 2008

Hi, thanks for signing my guestbook and for your lovely comment on my upcoming set. I really appreciate it! Carolyn\:D

juhhmiOct 5, 2008

I'm glad you like my building. It's also my favourite from SC4. \:\)

MileySims123Sep 27, 2008

Hi marci. I'm the one who reposted Jirka's Jamie Lynn Spears I just wanted to have the same glory he does. Im not good at making celebrity sims. By the way I unpublished my re-post because I got reported on it.

NewtlcoSep 27, 2008

Hi Marci! Thanks for your comment on my lot \:\) Have a nice day \:\)

Shann116Sep 26, 2008

Hi there! Thank you for the complement \:\) I've feel flattered =XD especially after seeing you're creations \:rah\: I love that skyscraper \:wub\: Cya \:\) Greets: Monigue.

srgmls23Sep 25, 2008

Olá evi\:D August and a few days of september is my vacation months so I apologize for being so late to thank you for the lovely compliment you left me on my lot (CineAcordeon) \;\) Very sweet from you!!Thanks again Sergio\:P

IllianaSep 24, 2008

Ah Marci...nothing makes my day more complete than to get a compliment from one of my FAVORITE builders! \:D I see your talents are expanding into new territories as well! \:eek\: \:rah\: Magnificent! I KNEW you were wasting away on the build-a-lot forums. LOL! (((Hugs!))) I really am glad you liked the Grecian Manor though. Not my original building for Greece, but sometimes you have to "simmize" too. *Sigh* Ah well! \:D YOU liked it, and that's what is important. LOL! Thanks again Marci...I do so love to hear from you! \:wub\: - Illiana

Shahriar32StarlineSep 23, 2008

Hi marci. \:rolleyes: It's a shame I'm not going to be able to use my computer for some time! \:\( It's becuase of my school,in Iran most students are not allowed to use there computer at school time.\:wacko\: Then when I'm allowed to use my computer,the first thing I'll do is to visit your minisite to start downloading your beutiful creations again! \:\) Bye till then!\:D \:\)Shahriar\:\)

csudibabaSep 18, 2008

I have uploaded the screenshot of my new palace which uses your amazing Domes! Thanks again and keep up the pace with all these requests... expect a lot of them! (The Taj Mahal is breathtaking! I was showing it to colleagues in the office today! \:\)

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