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simal10's Guestbook

Spiritwings1202Jan 18, 2009

I just want to thank you for your awesome creations you are very talented. I think I have downloaded almost every outfit! LOL Can I encourage you to continue with your creativity and even make some Gowns for like ballroom. your creations have made my simming so much fun!!!!\:D  Thank you again!! Spiritwings1202

simsfawn200Jan 15, 2009

I was wondering about this beautiful Christmas gown your wearing in the this available somewhere? I may have overlooked it, but I can not find it any where...a heads up would be greatly appriciated!! I just love all the things you do and I want to thank you for taking your time out to make such beautiful items for us all to play with!!! 

pretty_babyJan 15, 2009

Heya darling. I have missed you too!!! OMg your eye\:\(  How did that happen?? Is it all gross ..bloody and infected..does it hurt..I hope you are okay!!! make sure its okay for twilight this weekend!! YAYAY~ so excited\:D I hope you enjoy it...They are taking it from the cinemas here because its been on for a month..only a month though..terrible.  I hope your eye gets better soon...Yowzaa!!!! And whenever your eye is better we can talk.  \:\) Get better very soon\:\) Have fun at twilight. Miss you heaps xoxo Sarah

theplayanitaJan 14, 2009

I just love all of your creations they are all so cute and artistic. You are a great artist !!!

drummajor212Jan 14, 2009

Hi, I just wanted to thank you for your wonderful downloads and tell you that you're very talented. Keep up the great work!

lemonloveshaneJan 11, 2009

Hey hun! How are you? It's been quite a while, right? I missed you, so I thought I'd drop by. Love your new stuff, they're so colorful, and really really pretty! I hope you're having a great new year, and that you keep're so talented and you have a good taste in colors. Keep up the fantastic work, and bye for now! \:wub\:

Elena.Jan 8, 2009

Hey hey! \:wub\: Thank you very much! I had a little trouble putting it up though \:P I am glad that you like it! It doesn't beat yours though, it's really beautiful and it shows once more how talented you are! I always wanted to mesh objects so here I go \:D It makes me really happy that you like it *yay \:wub\:* and that it had a good general response. \;\)Hugs and kisses \:wub\:

laura bunnyJan 5, 2009

Hi!Thanks for replying!I really like your hair recolours for the peggyzone hair.I think you should publish them,you are obviously talented at hair recolours as well as the wonderful clothes you create.Thanks Laura_bunny x

laura bunnyJan 4, 2009

Hi Simal!Just been looking at your Rave set for teens,i love them and will be downloading soon.Just wondering if you could tell me where you got the hair with the pink streaks on the girl wearing the mixed outfitThanks.Laura_bunny x?

UM CreationsJan 2, 2009

\:wub\: lovely creations! bookmarked \;\)

KatelysJan 2, 2009

Hi Simal, thank you so much for the very sweet comment on my "Pinkies" set, I'm happy that you like it\:wub\: Hope you enjoy\:\) Kate

simaddict99Dec 31, 2008

Wishing you all the best for the Season and a Happy New Year! \:wub\: Alex aka Simaddict99

muggelx1Dec 31, 2008

\:wub\: Wish you a happy new year good luck and health\:wub\:

lemonloveshaneDec 28, 2008

Happy Holidays hunni! Have a wonderful new year, with loads of happy moments! I wish you a Lovely and fruitful($) year! \:wub\: Oh, and thanks for leaving that lovely comment in my GB! Love you! Faranak

Audrey MayDec 28, 2008

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and have a happy new year, too. \:\)

pretty_babyDec 28, 2008

Oh Darling she isnt a fan..she is obsessed. A twilight mom. LOL!!! She wont put the books down and I told her MAKE THEM LAST but she cant. ahah She doesnt even watch telly. She sits infront of tv with it turned off reading shes up to eclipse. haha. I havent gotten that far in gg yet..... But I just watched ep 7 today when chuck rejected blair yea I gota start downloading more and getting Ugly Betty because Free to air tv is catching up with me. Im a bit excited coz I gota gta 4 for pc...since i have the ps3 version but dont have a ps3 lol. Argh it took ages butits so good!! I miss my actiongames Im scared that the sims will get neglected. haha Oh well!!!! Hope you had a wonderful day! xox

kibanahnahDec 27, 2008

I wish you a happy New Year; with lot of love,joy and happiness.May all your wishes come true! *Cassandre*

pretty_babyDec 27, 2008

Oh Simal..It has only been a few days since I stopped by and I cannot see my comments anywhere, I must fix this\:D How are you!?!? My mother is obsessed with twilight now..She just finished new moon and was saying like a child "Im not going to sleep until edward comes back" ahahah. \:\) Hope things are great for you and hope to catch you on msn very soon \:\) oxoxoox

huabanzhuDec 27, 2008

Hi,I wish you happy holiday season and bountiful New Year,too!\:D

TugmeLDec 27, 2008

Hi Simal, Merry Christmas.. I wish fulfilment of your hope next year. I wish you happy and peaceful year!.. Huggles Renate -Meltem-

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