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Off The Shoulder Embellish Dress for EF is now set to Free

If you tried to download my FREE Off the Shoulder Embellishe Dress for EF and found that is was subscriber only, this has been fixed and is now FREE. This was due to the issues we had with the Cloud power outage.

Well what are you waiting for? Go download it! I hope you enjoy my creations




Heel exposed!

I recenlty submitted color jeans for teens, adults and elders that will be published on May 4th.  While working on the set, I noticed in workshop that when I changed the shoes from flats to heels, the heel of the heel of the shoe could be seen through the back of the pant leg on the teens and elders mesh.  I exported the meshes from TSR workshop and adjusted the mesh in Milk Shape so the heels no long show through the back of the pant legs.  I hope you enjoy the colorful jeans. 


Mesh Fixed on Skinny Jeans


Dark Shadows and Fashion

You may be wondering what does Dark Shadows and fashion have in common.  I am not refereing to the color of shadows, but the 1966 soap opera. I remember as a kid running home after school to watch it with my friends.  Who doesn't like watching a soap opera about vampires, witches, ghosts and werewolves!

Recently my daughter and I have started watching the show together on Netflicks. We've watched the first 2 seasons which were in black and white. In the begining of season 3, they started to film the show in color! During the time we have been watching it, we commented on the fashions of that time. Many of the outfits they wore have been inspiring me to make them for the sims, especially for the elder sims. I noticed some of these styles being worn today. Well it's time to watch the next Dark Shadows episode. Let's see what I'll be inspired to create!  

70's Vintage Jumpsuit for Female Elders

I received a request to make my 70's vintage jumpsuit for Young adults / Adults for elders.  They wanted their sim to still be able to wear the jumpsuit after they became an elder.  I had not thought to make it for elders. I had to make the mesh for the elders jumpsuit. It took me about a week to do it between work and school. I had some issues with the mesh, but I finally figured out what I was doing wrong.  I hope you all like it. It will be published April 19th.



It's so meshy

Well, I tried to modify one of the in game meshes and it looked great in TSR workshop, but when I installed it into the game the arms are all wavey.  It seems there is a bug in the workshop and I'll have to wait until it's fixed before I can start meshing around again. Once it's fixed I can then share this top (without the wavey arms) with my TSR family.

That is why you haven't seen any of my creations lately. So I'm back to creating clothes using the in game meshes for now.  I just uploaded an embellished top that I hope you will like. So watch for it.


It's a mesh - my first attemp at meshing

It's been awhile since I posted anything in my blog.  I am finally taking the plung and trying to learn to mesh. I tried using Liana's mesh which she offer to creators like me, but I had to use an older version of TSR's workshop.  My top using Liana's mesh installed in the game just fine, but when I tried to upload it to TSR I just got a message saying something like "don't know what to do with it." I tried to upload it 4 times.  I thought it was the server, so I uploaded another sim pack I made from the current version of TSR Workshop and it uploaded just fine.  That is when I decided I needed to make my own mesh.

I hope Liana doesn't mind but I used her idea to tweak the same mesh she did which is the overhang top.  I liked the way my top fit on her mesh, but since I'm having issues uploading my top with her mesh to TSR I decided to make mine similar to Liana's.  Imitation is the best form of flattery. 

It's a little mind boggling, but I think I can do it.  I'm going to start small. I tried making a few adjustments to this top. I found a great video tutorial on youtube on quick meshing in milkshap and it really helped.  They used a different CAS Workshop similar to TSR's workshop, so I was able to figure out how to export and import to and from TSR. 

The fun part was tweaking the mesh in milkshape.  Yep, I broke down and purchased Milkshape. The difference between the youtube tutorial and what I was actually working on, is when I import the mesh into milkshape it had the Fat morph on the top.  I hide the fat morph and tweaked the base mesh.  Then brought back the fat morph and tweaked it so it was similar to the base mesh. 

Here's a screen shots of my first attempt at meshing.  I hope to one day make my own meshes.  I still need to figure out the whole UV Maps, Vertex and ploygon stuff.  Look for my top coming soon.  I really want to make a short skirt for girls. I hate the long skirt in the game. Wish me luck.


First mesh attempt

first attempt fat morph


13th Treasure Chest Finally Found!

I finally found the last treasure chest. I'm so excited. It was getting down to the wire since the competiton ends tomorrow  or today depending on when you read this.  I gave it one more shot tonight before I went to bed and I'm glad I did. When I clicked on the chest, I thought it was going to tell me I had already claimed it and much to my surprise, it was the final 13th chest!  I can't believe that the chest was right under my nose.  I thought I had looked every where and I found the last chest in a ridiculously easy place. I must have looked there so many time or at least I thought I did. 

I want to wish everyone good luck in finding all 13 chests before the completiton closes and those who are already entered. This made my day!

One of my first recolor submissions published!

After being a subscriber for 6 years to TSR, I finaly submitted by first recolors. I have only submitted residential lots and a couple of pets in the past.  My recolor of Holy Simoly's Arizona set was published and is now ready for download. I used Selina012's textures she submitted to Texture Challenge #136.  Here is a photo of my pubished submission.  I plan on making more recolor submissions. I have also submitted Wall and Floor sets that have been approved and are scheduled to be published 5/8 & 5/9. 

 TC136 Holy Simoly's Arizona Set Recolored

Texture Challenge #136

I have been participating in the texture challenge for the past month and have recolored some furniture.  I just submitted my first wallpaper and floor set using the textures and colors from the textures to create them. I usually just make wall and floors for my personal use in the game.  I finally decided it was time to share. I also plan to submit my first recolor using the textures from texture challenge #136. I have only submitted lots and pets in the past but I am branching out and getting out of my comfort zone.  I'll let you know if they are approved. With the issues with the servers, I know they are behing on the submissions. They really have their work cut out for them! TSR is still the best place to download custom content!

Looking for lucky thirteen

Well, I finally found the 12th treasure chest today!  Now all I have to do is find lucky 13! I feel like I have dug every where, but the 13th chest eludes me.  Here's wishing you happy hunting or digging or what ever it takes to find them all!

Latest Headlines

Off The Shoulder Embellish Dress... Heel exposed! Dark Shadows and Fashion 70's Vintage Jumpsuit for Female... It's so meshy It's a mesh - my first attemp at... 13th Treasure Chest Finally Found! One of my first recolor... Texture Challenge #136 Looking for lucky thirteen
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