sinful_aussie's Blog
Trouble uploading...
I'm having trouble uploading at the moment but when i get it sorted i have some bedroom recolours to share...
Upcoming Creations...
I've been doing a bit of everything lately but have a habit of procrastinating when it comes to taking screenshots so i can get my creations ready to be published! I have set some time aside to do just that this weekend so over the next week you should see a few sets from me.
I have a few girls t-shirts i have been working on as well as a set of bedding. The one i have pictured on the bed is my favourite out of that lot so far! I will also have a new bigger earring set (i know, i know!) ready by midweek i reckon. I put a few of them up here to see what will be included. :)
1,000 000 Downloads!
Ok, so i was a little late in realising i finally hit the million mark! I'm just happy people are interested in the stuff i make and share, thanks everyone who takes the time to download! xx
My Christmas effort...
Some Christmas earrings! Planning to publish these at the beginning of next week. Hopefully if time permits i will be able to upload some i have made for children as well.
New earrings coming soon...
I've been busy the last week or so making another set of earrings for adults/teens/elders. This set is going to be made up of earrings from Michal Negrin, so very colourful with lots of flowers, crystals and beads. :) Hopefuly they will be uploaded in the next day or two! A few of the earrings in the set...
Saw this written somewhere -
You know that moment when you walk into a room and forget why you are there? That's because the Sims player controlling you has cancelled your action...
Creating for Sims 3
Well i think i may have finally gotten my head around creating clothing for sims 3, thanks to a couple of tutorials on here. I don't know why i found it so hard to get my head around at first lol. I'm starting off slowly by converting some of my sims 2 stuff to sims 3, probably more child/toddler focused at first. There wont be a huge output at first for sims 3 as i still plan to upload mainly for sims 2 at this point.
Anyway it feels good to finally 'get it' lol Here's an example, i still got a bit of work to do on it though...
Busy creating!
Hmm it's been non-stop for me the last few months with study and placements and i haven't been able to create half as much as i would have liked. So many ideas, so little time! Anyway the next few months should be a bit steadier study wise so i'll be able to put more time towards making things.
As it is at the moment i have an earring set ready to go as soon as i get off my butt and make the previews/screens so that should be up Monday or Tuesday hopefully and then most likely a few things i put together for my young simmies and some teen stuff. I do plan on making clothing for adults again at some point but i think they're pretty much covered on this site at the moment.
Also i've been working on a few costumes come Halloween and will probably upload them once October hits. These are some of the kids ones i've done so far...
TSR items not showing up? Anyone else having this problem?
Hmm i haven't downloaded clothing in a while and decided to go on a bit of a spree but i've found with the exception of the two or three thing by the select artists none of the clothing from septemper is showing up in my game? I dont think its my game as clothing from other sites have been working normally, is this happening to anyone else???
EDIT* Well ok today's worked but the others still dont for me lol
Ha ha ha Very Funny... Bangs head on desk :\
*Yawn* Well i stayed up a little later than i should have last night because i wanted to finish taking screens for some things i had been working on. Well it took a while cause i had quite a few things and poses i wanted to capture. Low and behold i finally exit the game and go to check my work and only half the screenshots are there! Seems the program decided to close itself halfway through and i didnt even notice!
I dont have the *energy* to sit and go through it all again right now so my next update will be a few more days lol
Here is a peek at one of the purses/wallets i'm working on for anyone interested...
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