solfal's Blog
Kid Bed
I am working on a kid bed kloned from an adult bed but only usable by kids to go with my retro toddler set.
I have also featured my halloween items.
I have featured my medieval and some of my living in nature items on my site to make them easier for you to find. I hope I will be able to uppdate with different themes on the site regulary. Next will be Halloween!Retro Toy Oven
Finally a new uppdate! A toyoven that workes as a Maxis toyoven, except the toddlers can have a little fun playing with the oven door.
Have you seen my new retro items. A playable mechanichal toy and a retro nurcery. Just the kind of bed I had myself when I was a kid

Low bed with new animations. Made of hay or bushes. The animations was very hard to make but some are still a bit stiff. At least they are not floating in the air before going to bed:).
Child Box Car
I finaly managed to get the child box car together. Comming soon!It mooves a little forward and back just as the toddler box car.

Climbing Wall
New Item upp for download today. A climbing wall for kids. i made the animations myself and I am quite proud of them.I made a lot of recolours so they will match my other palyground items.

Easter Flip Flop Chicken
A toy that can be used by all ages, but the toddlers will have most fun using it.HAPPY EASTER! To you all!! :)

Toddler Box Car
Finally a new uppload. I have been busy with real life problems lately. I am very happy to fianally have this car ready. The toddler can drive a little forward and then back and gain mecanical skills while playing. I made the drive animation myself.
Lucia gown and crown
My first clothing meshes. I did want to make a lucia, so I had to make gowns. I made them for adult, teen and childs.I also made a crown that is an object with new animations.