spacemouse (270882)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (794 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Fireplace Brick Series
Published May 10, 2008
About Me
I started playing The Sims and creating stuff when it was released in 2000. This continued with The Sims 2 and you can find the results of my creativity here at TSR.
If you like my creations, bookmark me.
Happy Simming.
My Latest Updates Show All
WelcomeWritten Jul 14, 2008
Welcome to my mini-site! Thank you for visiting and downloading my creations! Enjoy them and have fun! Spacemouse. ...More
My Guestbook Show All
eviDec 16, 2011
spacemouse I wish you and the people you love and care MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!
fredbrennyAug 09, 2009
Hey Spacemouse! Thanks! Bedankt voor je commentaar! Je komt uit Nederland dus ik neem aan dat je Nederlands spreekt...dat hoeft natuurlijjk niet het geval te zijn, maar dat merk ik gauw genoeg...LOL...Thanks for commenting on my stories!
fiery_wenchJan 02, 2009
Hmm... all I wanted for Christmas was... new Spacemouse Stuff! Yeah.. I'm here re-downloading (for the hundredth time!) a bunch of my favorites. Oh... I SO love your work. I can't play without my spacemouse stuff! Thanks again!