steppinpepper (776021)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (656 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Care Bears - For Children!
Published Mar 28, 2007
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About Me
Hi there! My name is Stephanie, I'm a freelance artist in North Saanich, British Columbia. I am in LOVE with making my own recolours and just started to make my own meshes.
Outside of sims2.. I live with my parents, two of my five little brothers, and my wonderful puppy dog nytro. Alot of my artwork is donated to local organizations (Operation Trackshoes, and Penninsula Minor Hockey to name a couple.). I'm a bit of a hockey nut, and hope to flourish my download portfolio with tones of hockey things in the future. I also like fishing!
I guess that's about it!
Comments are always appreciated and PMs too
My Latest Updates Show All
Moving on upWritten Apr 18, 2007
well, not really up, but more to the left. Haha. I won't be able to submit for a while, as I'm moving across country :P Well almost. Over half way there! Ontario bound I shall be. I will be working on stuff on my spare time, but once I'm on the airplane internet usage will be to a minimal with me. You can expect lots of stuff when I get back from my voyage. ...More
Yay for mini site!Written Mar 21, 2007
Curiosity got the better of me while browsing the kudos shop (finally.. I'm glad I did! Lots of neato stuff in there.). I found out I had enough to buy a minisite, so I thought why the heck not :) And this blog thing is pretty nifty. Hmm lets see.. I guess I should writ what I've been working on huh? Right now I have just submitted a Care Bears clothing set (which is absolutely adorable on... ...More