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thesorceress's Blog

Back at Simming ;)

Hi everyone,

After many many years of not playing The Sims I finally gave in the temptation of Sims 4. At the moment I am enjoying, exploring and learning to play the game very much, but I hope to start creating again too in the near future. Life is really busy right now, we are renovating the house we bought and hope to move in by the end of may. After that I can use some relaxation by creating for The Sims ;)

It is great to see so many creators from previous Sims versions still around and creating awesome things. I am so in awe by everything I have seen and downloaded. I hope everyone is doing well and healthy.

Love and hugs :wub: 

Update on my mom

It has been an emotional rollercoaster for all of us so far but luckily my mom has "recovered" so far that she will be transported tomorrow, to a fysiotherapy facility to help her go home quickly. That's what she wants the most, to go home and be with my dad. She gets antibiotics till they don't work anymore and then that's it. The docs have no idea how long it will take for my mom to get resistant against the antibiotics but she has suprised them so far by still being around. They didn't expected that at all. The most important i think is that the time she has left is as comfortable as possible and that's the main goal. My mom is 88 and the whole hospital treatment has been a torment for her mentally, heartbreaking to see. So we are very happy she is medically allowed to begin her way home. Many thanks for all the Christmas and New Year wishes and the wonderfull warm thoughts and prayers. Big hugs to you all

Not a good month so far

My mom is in hospital on the ICU since last friday. Saturday was her 88th birthday and that is not a a good way to celebrate it. One moment things seem to go in a better direction and the next the opposit. I had many plans for uploading for Christmas but i'm afraid they have to wait, my focus and energy are towards my mom of course. So i want to wish everyone a positive and loving Christmas time and hope to have better news next time.

On to December

After being very busy to get everything finished for Halloween, i'm now working on getting everything ready for December. Lots of Christmas things to sort out and make ready for upload. Walls, Floors and Rugs for Sims 2, and Ice terrains, Patterns and other things for Sims 3. I've also been learning about making Colorable Walls for Sims 3 and i hope very soon to upload these too.

My problem has allways been and still is, i want too much ;) I just love making a little of everything and of course i hope people will enjoy what i create as much as i do making them :D

TS2 Set Download links not working

Might you encounter a Download link that gives an error, or isn't working PLEASE click the "Report this download" link so the TSR staff can fix it. There is a system problem with the Zipfiles of the Sims 2 sets and i can't fix them myself, it has to be done by the TSR staff, so please report it!!!

Thank you kindly :)

Oktober is comming closer

Wich means ..... Halloween time :D

And so you will need items to create spookyness for your Simmies ;) Atm i'm working on making my Spooky Terrains for TS3 also for TS2. Both will be uploaded soon. I'm also planning on doing my Sims 2 Paintings in Sims 3 format and upload them both too. So lots to do, but here is something to get an idea ;)

A Silver Star on my minisite

It's such an amazing compliment to become a SA and i'm honored and proud, because it says that what i've done is liked and appreciated. Isn't that the best compliment a creator can get, i think so :D So thank you very much for downloading the things i've made. Happy Simming :D

My Sims 3 Textures

Slowly i've also started uploading my Sims 3 Textures and i want to share some info about them with you. All the textures i make are colorable and 100% seamless. Every texture can be converted to a package file with Delphi's Multi installer and combined in merged packs. I will never ever upload CAP textures because they have only caused me trouble and i get allergic reactions by now 

I use filters and programs to create textures that are "hopefully" original. And i hope you like them as much as i do making them. Happy Simming :)

The Link to the HM Picture of Fans

I'm really sorry the link to the mesh doesn't work as it should. The link in itself is allright but somehow it doesn't work. So i'm placing the link here and you can copy and paste it into your browser. Maybe because it's a https link it gives problems. Here it is, enjoy the paintings and thank you for reporting the issue :)

Please report anything that does not work properly, they can only fix things that they know of ;)

The Halliwell Manor stuff

I'm almost done with all i made for your own Halliwell Manors i hope to get the pictures up soon too. They are the last thing and then i'm moving on with other things. Loads of walls floors rugs and paintings comming. For all the Charmed fans among you that are playing The Sims 3, for now i have no plans to do everything in Sims 3 format, no time for them in the near future neither but i will keep it in mind, so you'll never know ;) In the mean time i hope Sims 2 players have lots of fun with everything i upload. Thank you for downloading my stuff :D

Latest Headlines

Back at Simming ;) Update on my mom Not a good month so far On to December TS2 Set Download links not working Oktober is comming closer A Silver Star on my minisite My Sims 3 Textures The Link to the HM Picture of Fans The Halliwell Manor stuff
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