ulterior71 (891157)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (8 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Johnny Depp (Secret Window)
Published Dec 31, 2004
About Me
Hilo everyone! Well, there isn't much to say about me, so I'll get into some basic facts about myself. I'm from Phoenix, AZ and I'm going to college to get a BA in Photography and a minor in Business Finance. I've been playing The Sims since I was 14 I think, but I haven't really been active in the communities until now. I'm attempting to make clothes that are more stylish for my sims in TS2, and that's about it! I'm friendly, so don't be afraid to PM me! (well I'm friendly most of the time at least *wink*)
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DastiaJun 14, 2007
OMG! Your Johnny Depp is incrediable,unlike some of the other sim-stars I had no trouble recognising who he was supposed to be.
Are you going to do any more of him? Like maybe from Finding Neverland?
I think that you would do an incrediable job on a George Clooney sim.
But I would forever be in your debt if you could make an Alan Rickman sim from when he played Col. Brandon in Sense and Sensabilities. tee-hee
suprmomNov 27, 2006
You don't know who james carey is???? he is a household name. LOL He is the guy who played ace ventura pet detective and bruce almighty. and the mask.
Someone88Dec 19, 2005
i just wanted to say that i love you'r johnny depp...
it really look's like him...so...
good job(Y)