whisperingsim (3357176)
My Latest Sims 4 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 4 Creations
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (231 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Racing Cars_whisperingsim
Published Nov 16, 2014
About Me
I am a short, cuddly aussie with an addiction to designing houses for the sims. I started with sims 1 and have progressed to Sims 3. I spend my spare time looking for ideas for my houses. I take photos, whenever I see something i think will come in handy for my building and paintings etc. I am really, really addicted to building. I love the outdoors,gardening, fishing and simming, but, not necessarily in that order. LOL
I am a happy person most of the time. Hope you like my original designs and enjoy them.
Thanks for stopping by. Have an awesome day , keep smiling.
Hooroo for now.
I would like to formally apologise to Jindann. I wrongfully gave credit for his painting mesh that I used for my Purple Delight painting to Pralinesims. I am extremely sorry for this huge insult and humbly apologise with all my heart for making such a stupid mistake . .
My Latest Updates Show All
Mi Casa BlancaWritten Jul 10, 2012
My house has now been revised and the new file is up for download. Thank you all for your patience. Have a great day. oxoxo ...More
MI Casa BlancaWritten Jul 10, 2012
My sincerest apologies to all who have downloaded my latest lot Mi Casa Blanca. It appears that i have mistakenly uploaded the wrong file, due to repeated failed attempts due to getting a rig fix error. After 4 efforts at fixing that error, I uploaded a trial version and it uploaded. I forgot to then delete that trial version before uploading the full version of my house and hten deleted... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
Whatever0623Jan 02, 2016
Happy New Year! Thank you for all of the wonderful creations you've brought into my life! May your year be magical!!
DOTDec 22, 2014
Happy Holidays to you whisperingsim! Wishing Peace and Chocolate to the world!
DOTDec 10, 2014
Thank you whisperingsim The Casa del Sol looks wonderful! Thank you