willsmom2005 (2158448)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (4 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Oak Dale
Published Jul 20, 2010
About Me
I am a 26 year old mother of two boys. My oldest is turning 10 in April and my baby is turned 5 in January. They are the wildest children I have ever known and together they make my life worth living. My youngest suffers from Autism so between caring for him, doing housework and putting myself through college I do not have a lot of time.
Since I was a teenager I have spent my free time on the sims, when I was 17 my father purchased the first sims thinking it was going to be more like sim city, which we had played for years. I feel in love with the game and have never looked back.
My Latest Updates Show All
New LotWritten Jul 16, 2010
Ok guys, I stopped making custom content for the sims 2 because I was so busy for the past 6-7 months. My father had a massive stroke and was laid up in the hospital, clinging to life, for two months. Then after he got to go home I was taking care of him and my 5 year old son. So now that my 5 year old has the chicken pox and I am stuck in the house for a couple of weeks, I thought that this... ...More
Nothing newWritten Jan 29, 2010
I have not posted anything in this blog in a while, mostly because I had a sick son at home last week and my school assignments for college have been kicking my butt. So as of right now I am no further with the story I am working on and I have just been playing the sims when I have time. I did post a new lot based on the home of the Golden Girls from the 80's t.v show but it was rejected... ...More
New lot ApprovedWritten Jan 23, 2010
My 2nd lot, has been approved. It is a small outside dinner for sims 2. I got the idea to make this lot while watching Dr Quinn Medicine woman. In the show Grace has an entirely outdoors dinner and I just loved the idea. I hope that everyone enjoys it. ...More
My Guestbook Show All
MAXImalistkaDec 16, 2011
Thanks alot for you comment on my creation! I wish you hapiness and wonderful holidays!
BBKZNov 02, 2011
Hello I'd like to thank you for wonderful comment on my creation. I'm very glad you like it. Enjoy and happy simming Barb
Shar_ScotlandNov 29, 2010
Hi there Thank you for commenting on my screenshot 'When Harry met Santa'! Have a great day