xxxprettybabygurlxxx (2154497)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (7 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Published Aug 15, 2011
About Me
Not to much to say about me...23...I'm happily married (September 19th 2008) to an army soldier i have a 2 wonderful little boys (Vincent 10-30-2008 & Aiden 2-18-2011) I have 5 cats Milo LJ Cozmo Romeo and Lilly a husky Sky . I love each and every day of my life and I couldn't of married a better man. =) I'm a stay at home Mommy. I play Sims 3 and World of warcraft. I love to build houses for the Sims and I love to see a happy Sim exploring everything in there new home. I am a happy member od Equus-Sims and have a horse website for role play only. You can view it here ( ! I have a few lots up there and I hope to move to making custom content but I have yet to figure out how lol. =) Enjoy my houses I have up all and thank you for your support. XOXO
My Guestbook Show All
AlessaFayeSep 14, 2013
You might not have to wait for long, I haven't had much a life lol so the next chapter should be out in a day or two!
AlessaFayeJul 31, 2013
Hi! The next chapter will be out soon! I'm trying to hurry it up!
AlessaFayeJul 21, 2013
Once again, thank you for your lovely comment! It really does mean a lot to me