yagami-sama (1219982)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (162 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Asymmetrical Dress - Set
Published Apr 24, 2008
About Me
To anyone who reads this....I have moved to http://sims2artists.sublimesims.net/
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Anyone actually read these things??Written May 06, 2008
I have left and found a new home at Natural Sims. You can find me on the forum there, I have my own section so you can see what I'm doing at the moment. I am still creating, so feel free to go there and download my stuff, you don't need to register, unless you want to comment. Will I be uploading anything new here at TSR?? I might, but it's not likely, seeing as everything new I... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
evil_pixie6662003Aug 04, 2011
Some of your vampire Masquerade bloodlines clothing are missing meshes I was wondering if you knew where I could download them?
charrayOct 19, 2009
Your creations are very nice, Thanks so much for sharing them
hiedibear75Oct 19, 2008
I just found your converted maxis outfits for different age groups. Sorry you've left.