Member Blogs
Why Not Eoungh
Why Dont You People Who Makes The Hair For The Sims 4 . Dont Have Eoungh Hair For Toddlers & Children. The Sims 4 Dont Have Alot Of Hair The Girls Or Boys.... Toodler Or Children To Download From TSR.... And The Children & Toddlers Dont Have As Much Clothing Or Jewlwery. Please Make More Hair,Clothing,Shoes,Jewlery, ETC...... PLEASE!
"Too many CC's in your lots!"
...and you're right.
I've always loved to create houses full of objects and stuff, I think that make them so much more realistic.
The problem is...I know. I know it's a bummer to download every single CC one by one, and my houses require many downloads.
This is one of the reasons I decided to stop to post my houses here. Well, maybe I will post the most simple ones. I'll continue to post on TSR though, but I'll post almost only my walls and the recolors.
I noticed that, when I create my houses, I'm always thinking to keep the number of the cc's as low as possible, trying to compromise every time, and that's starting to stressing me out. It feels like I'm retaining my creativity all the time, and I started to lose interest in building houses for that reason.
So, having said that, if you like my houses you can follow me on my Tumblr page. I'll start to post my lots there, trying to enjoy building my houses again and making easier for you to download them.
My Tumblr:
Hey there, been a long time!
Decided it was time to get back to creating, so stay tuned as there will be new lots with no custom content!
Amish Challange - needs Parenthood pack
Mods/CC needed for this challange: (outdoor plumbing bathroom items) (male shirt with suspenders) (substitution for prayer cap) ( outfit for girls) (outfit for women) (toddler girl outfit) (toddler boy outift)
Women must wear the traditional garments as seen in links above including the prayer cap (beanie substitution) white for married and black for single
men wear a dress shirt with suspenders and dress pants, shirt is linked above
girls wear the same traditional garments as their mothers as seen in links above
boys should wear a plain white or navy blue dress shirt and slacks - typically they wear the suspenders like their dad but i cannot find any for boys
boys and men shall wear a hat that resembles a cowboy hat in black
toddler girl and boy outfits are also linked above.
Must live in newcrest and cannot travel outside of newcrest unless a teenager - you cannot speak to or have any kind of relations with anyone who is not amish while living in the amish community
when it is time to get marreid use CAS to create a spouse or you can put more Amish people around newcrest as townies
No electricty (that means no fridge, lights or normal stove), no indoor plumbing, no mirrors as they see it in vain to look in the mirror.
for lighting in your home use windows as it allows natural light in the daytime, you can also use candles and oil lamps.
you can make a kitchen with a wood burning stove but its all for looks as without a fridge the game will not let you use it so to cook you can use a grill and the fire pit if you have outdoor retreat.
the Amish do not typically have swimming pools, they just swim in the creek so if you want them to swim just make a different lot with a pool that they can visit.
You cannot use the phone and you cannot have a normal job, you have to live off the land.
men typically spend the day on the farm but since we do not have that ability in game they should help in the garden, fish, and build things to make money
women take care of the kids and the house as well as gardening. they can sell their fruits and veggies that they harvest to make some money as well as paintings if you so choose.
you cannot have a baby out of wedlock, if you do that particular sim is shunned from the Amish community and can no longer stay with the family or have contact with them, they are now apart of the rest of the world and can work and use electricty and indoor plumbing.
I have linked some bathroom essentials that follow the guidelines however if you have outdoor retreat, those showers should be fine since they are meant for outside.
Adoption is aloud and counts towards children requirements
Generations: Once you chose your heir for each generation, you may move non heirs out of the household and into another house following the amish rules. As teens your sims can use electronics outside of the household, this is the time they get to venture off and explore the world. once they hit young adult, its back to the amish comunity and no more electronics
Gen 1: abiding by all rules of the Amish faith listed above, complete the Super Parent aspiration and the Freelance Botanist aspiration in the order of your chosing
get married and have at least 2 children by the time you hit Adult.
Gen 2: abiding by all rules of the Amish faith listed above, complete the successful Linegage aspiration - once you have completed all but maxed career level for this aspiration you can use the cheat code to finish it.
once you hit adult get married, you must have at least 3 children
Gen 3: abiding by all rules of the Amish faith listed above, complete the big happy family aspiration, must get married and have at least 4 children.
Gen 4: abiding by all rules of the Amish faith listed above, you must get married and have at least 4 children with your spouse and complete the soulmate aspiration
Gen 5: complete the body builder aspiration, you must get married and have at least 1 child
Gen 6: As a teen you have the oportunity to see the outside world and how it works in the non amish community, while outside of the amish community you fall in love with an outsider and have a baby out of wedlock, you are now shunned from the amish comunity
continue with a non amish lifestyle or chose a new heir within the amish comunity and continue with the Amish family.
A LOT to Think About
After much consideration, I don't think I'll be uploading any more lots to TSR. Since revisions are no longer accepted (unless there's a fault), I need to upload these elsewhere.
Of course, no matter where any of my creations area hosted for download, all my creations will be listed over at my blog:
Shame really because I spent such a long time revising my Gale Farm build. Would really have saved a lot of heartache if TSR had updated their 'help' section because it still talks about how to revise published submissions. :(
Time to Bounce Back!
For the past year I put it upon myself to upload once or twice a week. I have honored that commitment for the whole time i have been on here.
Well all up to two weeks ago. A lot of things in life started to stack on me, and time seemed to be slipping away. Every second it felt like I was trying to do something.
I realized that this would probably be the cause of my first upload miss. But one week isn't too bad, but then the next week came and I was still lacking content to post.
I really did feel bad, becasue I view this as sorta a job in its own way. Not doing anything for it didn't feel good one bit. I value you guys so much and want to keep makig content for you guys, and not being able to accomish that was upsetting.
The thing is, I think this slump is finally going away. All the big events that cause my lack of work have passed for the time being. It really feels great to say I believe I can return back to posting for you guys! Blue skies are to come! No more rain clouds :)
The past month or so hasn't been all terrible at least to say. Like I am offically 16 years old! I could drive a car legally now, well techincally. I still have no idea how to drive, but that topic is for a different day!
Until then, I hope you all are doing great. And I look forward to uploading for you all one more!
See you this Wednesday,
Greek Aegean Sea houses
Greek comfortable sims 4 house with plenty of sun light, flowers and play.
Sims3 Kitchen Juwel (French Country)
For some reason this Kitchen was not working anymore.
Its fixed and ready for download. Pls remove all old files and install complete new
**debug** issue fixed
After several tests and the help of friends Colleen, Danuta and Sara we were able to fix the **debug** issue.
Please, if you are unable to find the Industrial Kitchen through search box, please redownload the files.
If you downloaded our newest SIMcredible files and is having the same issue, please read here
Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.
Happy simming :)
Hey guys, Sorry i haven't been active.
Im sorry I haven't been active recently. Life got in the way and im struggling on ideas for cc. Im working on something at the moment but im not 100% sure if i like it or not yet. Thank you all for being so patient. :)
**debug** instead of object name
Hello simmers!
We don't know why since March 2018 some few people started to have cc objects showing up with name **debug** instead of the set name and object description.
Seems that March 2018 patch messed up something and now, although it shows perfect to us in our computers (both of us) some users are not seeing nor description, nor name on their game, only **debug**.
We are talking with other artists, asking friends to test our own on their machines (thanks to Danuta ♥ and Sara ♥ ) and do what we can but maybe it will delay a bit to solve it since this is a very random case.
As soon as there's a fix for this, we will fix and reupload our latest sets.
Sorry for this inconvenience.
Wish you have a happy simming!
maybe first submission??
So I submitted my first piece of cc to TSR!! I'm hoping that it will get accepted. If it does, please keep in mind that I'm fairly new to this cc making thing. I will get better with time so please do not tell me that it's bad, I already know, but I will hopefully get better!
Collection postponed
Hello everyone,
Due to the Japanese version of the Dragon Ball Super Franchise ended a few weeks back, and with the English Dub still being not even close to being caught up.
I have decided to postpone the rest of the collection, i do it because of the following reason.
Some people do not follow the japanese version and only the dub, there for i can't make t-shirts regarding the upcoming episodes, as i don't like spoiling it for them. So when the dub version has caught up i will continue with the collection. (at this moment they are about 80 episodes behind the japanese version when it ended, so its gonna take a while.)
To any Creator!
I got a friend looking for a certain type of dress for sims 4
Pantry Collection Folder
The collection folder for the Sims 3 Pantry set is available for download at MediaFire, here. The collection folder includes all set objects, Part I and Part II. Enjoy!
Pantry Part II is scheduled for publication on April 9, 2018.
Hugs and take care,
News! Sims 3 set, Pantry April 7th
Lovers of organization, rejoice! Pantry Part I, is made for you and includes 8 new objects for your home, a 4-tile pantry cabinet with 32 slots, a decorative only upright, vacuum cleaner, a wall mounted spice rack and an assortment of canned goods and dry products. I hope you enjoy the set and Pantry Part II, is coming very soon!
Sims 3 set, Pantry is scheduled for publication on April 7, 2018.
Take care,
Carolyn aka Cashcraft
simblr this is my simblr! go follow me on Tumblr for more updates and such!
Today i had nothing to do, so i decided to play one of my cutest family's. The family was made to test out 'cats and dogs' but i decied i liked it so uch that i play it very often. My sims is a vet and shes on level 9!! (no cheats!!) What levels are your vet-sims on?
Thanks for reading
Just Sharing My Art!
To see all my work visit my art portfolio site: here.
I do take paid commissions on a case by case basis. Message me on here, DeviantArt, or from my website to make requests.
Well that is all for this post. To see more visit my site that I listed above.
I Love This Place!
Browsing TSR is theraputic! I can shop till I drop and not pay a penny! Sure, I don't physically get the clothes etc. BUT my Sims sure make out like bandits! THX to all the amazing creators're the real MVP's!
Margot Moreau - List of Custom Content
Margot Moreau - Custom CC - Skills Maxed!
**List of all Mods from!**
- Artist: Natalis Item: NataliS_Metal toe pumps FT- FE -FIXED
- Artist: Pralinesims Item: Chrome Tips Nails N15
- Artist: Stealthic Item: Stealthic - Persephone (Female Hair)
- Artist: Pralinesims Item: Feline Eyeliner N57
- Artist: Pralinesims Item: Taliesin Eyeshadow N49
- Artist: Pralinesims Item: Milky Berry Lip Gloss N72
- Artist: Pralinesims Item: Cyrell Eyes N125
- Artist: Toksik Item: toksik - Amanda Earrings
- Artist: Pralinesims Item: MM Eyebrows N17 - Velvet
- Artist: Pralinesims Item: Mania Choker
- Artist: MartyP Item: MP Strappy Plunge Swimsuit
Changes coming to my account
I will be changing the style to my artwork of my posts soon, about a week from now. I have another 4 posts pending at this moment before my style changes. (Might change photo and header too but not sure if I should???) Also I won't have photoshop soon so I will have to find a new program to use until I can afford photoshop again.
Design artist 3D modeling The Sims 3 game.
Usage: "MilkShape 3D is shareware. This means that we have made the software available to you for free evaluation. The trial period is 30 days. After 30 days, if you decide to keep the software, you should register your copy with us for a small fee, otherwise all saving functions will be disabled."
Web Page please visit:
Thirteen million and counting . . .who would have thought it . . .not me in all my imaginings when I first started here on TSR. It really delights me that even though I have not created for Sims3 for a few months now, the downloads are still happening . . .and the lovely people doing them are adding to my 'swag' every day. Particular thanks to you, whoever you are. If you have left a comment, then I will be thanking you personally . . .soon!
I have recently uploaded a few paintings and wall designs for Sims4 . . and am very happy with the response. To tose dear hearts who leave comments for both TS3 and TS4, I have to warn that I only get to respond about once a month . . so do not think you are overlooked, forgotten or ignored . . that is not happening . . what is happening is that I still have to ration my time for these catchup sessions . . .I seem to have more happening at 80 than I did at 40 . . but I will get to you . . .as soon as I can.
Have a great Sim year and happy downloading . . .
Marg xoxo
Sorry for the delay on the DBS Collection
Hello all,
Sorry for the delay on the Dragon Ball Super Collection i am making. It's because i am more focused at the moment on learning how to mesh.
And to be honest, its still not going the way i want it. I'll try to finish the next two in the list upcoming week, only need to do the sweatpants of those two.
Again my deepest apologies for the delay.
Comments and Insanity
I've been making houses for TSR for nearly a year now and I've really only gotten a couple of comments on my houses that I just have to shake my head at. When you download a house, or see one on TSR and you think something is wrong with it, download it and CHANGE IT. It isn't a real house, you don't really need money to do it. You just need to go to Edit Town, click on the house, click on the tools button and change it.
That's the beauty of digital manipulation.
Writing to me in a comment and making negative remarks is insanity. If you don't like it, don't download it. If you already did download it and decided you didn't like it, either delete it, or change it.
When I make a house or a building, I try to make it as realistic as possible. Lets take for instance my recent building, "Silver Dentures Senior Apartments." The only floor that has been decorated is the first floor. There is one communal toilet, and the building has stairs. But there are three other, undecorated floors with plenty of rooms...empty rooms. You can add bathrooms in any one of these or all of these. If you don't like the stairs, which would have been in an apartment for the elderly in decades past, make a place for elevators.
I make them so they aren't perfect so you can have the sastisfaction of fixing them.
We all have our thing on TSR. Some adore making contemporary homes that are perfection in every way, but I like making quirky houses so people can put their sims in a house that feels real, or can change them to their satisfaction.
To complain that the house or building is not up to your standards when you can go to someone elses houses and download them, or change mine, is insanity Personified!
Now that I've had my say, I hold no ill will to that lost soul who commented, I merely wanted to point out the insanity of the comment. Love to all!
Could someone please make me The Dolan Twins? I love them and I would love them in my game. I find them very attractiive haha! If someone could make me Ethan and Grayson i would be very happy if someone was willing to do it! xD If you do plan to make me them please reply to this post and message me the CC! Thank you!
Sudadera Retro PlayStation
Hola Simmers. ¿Que tal todo?
Somos LoveOfGamer. Una pareja dedicada al mundo de los videojuegos.
Venimos para ofreceros contenido personalizado y consejos sobre el mundo de Los Sims.
Como es nuestro estreno en la web, queremos compratir con vosotr@s una sudadera que
encantará. Si eres un amante de los videojuegos y las consolas concretamente de PlayStation,
esta sudadera le vendrá de perlas a tu Sim.
Hello to anyone who is reading this!
I am barely ever on TSR anymore, unless I am downloading CC. But I am making this post in the long shot that anyone may still be interested in the stories I have posted on TSR.
I have started writing very seriously and am currently in the process of turning my story Parasite into an actual book. The story and characters have evolved so much since the story posts I used to make on TSR. If you are interested in reading it or just want to chat then send me a message on TSR or email me at
Lack of posting
Hey everyone, really sorry I haven't been updating. My laptop broke a few weeks ago and ive been saving up for a new one. I plan to buy one within the week. Thank you :)
My Tumblr Blog
I have made a Tumblr Blog to show off some Sims I have made as well as some funny captured moments. Feel free to check that out if you think it would interest you.
I'm Still Alive and Playing
I'm still here playing but not creating. A stroke in 2017 left me with one functioning side of my body ( not my dominant side unfortunately). It's too difficult to create using one hand to push three keystrokes Imagine CTRL, ALT, DEL) at the same time, but I'm still playing Sims 3.
I still get comments on my Sims 2 creations. I appreciate each and every one of them. I have tons of ideas for Sims 3 & 4 but no way to implement them. Living post stroke can be frustrating at times. I rejuvenated the builder's challenges across the forum, but discontinued my attempts because of inactivity of other TSR members and a lifestyle change.
After the death of my husband, I'm currently operating a homestead property with the hopes of being more self sufficient. You can find me on YouTube (cockeyed homestead) or my blogs ( or
Oh, and BTW, I'm officially Grandmajam of 10 now!
Dragon Ball Super Collection
Hello all, here is a list with all the upcoming sets of the DBS Collection.
Set #01 - Goku - T-Shirt/Sweatpants
Set #02 - Goku Black - T-Shirt/Sweatpants
Set #03 - Gohan - T-Shirt/Sweatpants *
Set #04 - Vegeta - T-Shirt/Sweatpants
Set #05 - Freeza - T-Shirt/Sweatpants
Set #06 - Android 17 - T-Shirt/Sweatpants
Set #07 - Android 18 - T-Shirt/Sweatpants
Set #08 - Krillin - T-Shirt/Sweatpants
Set #09 - Beerus - T-Shirt/Sweatpants
Set #10 - Picollo - T-Shirt/Sweatpants
Set #11 - Zeno - T-Shirt/Sweatpants
Set #12 - Whiz - T-Shirt/Sweatpants
Set #13 - Kid Trunks - T-Shirt/Sweatpants
Set #14 - Goten - T-Shirt/Sweatpants
Set #15 - Bulma - T-Shirt/Sweatpants
Set #16 - Master Roshi - T-Shirt/Sweatpants
Set #17 - Future Trunks - T-Shirt/Sweatpants
Set #18 - Zamasu - T-Shirt/Sweatpants
Set #19 - Supreme Kai's - T-Shirt/Sweatpants
Set #20 - Jiren the Grey - T-Shirt/Sweatpants
Set #21 - Toppo - T-Shirt/Sweatpants
All tho it seems that every set has been locked down already, as it has a set number. The release order might be totally different, all i can say now that the first 5 are actually in correct order :).
If there is one set in the list you guys want to see sooner then its on the list, let me know, if there are enough people that want that specific set, i can put it higher up in the list for release.
Greets, EsEmNL (Steven)
* Set 03 (Gohan) will contain a generic DBS cap with just the logo on it.
From Set 04 forward the sets will be male AND female after all, i figured out my stupidity in what i was doing wrong. Good learning moment tho :P
My Custom Baby Content
Hi everyone I've been getting questions as to how to apply my baby cc to your precious little ones in the game. Because babies are basically "objects" in the game you can't just change their clothing like your other sims, at least for now. Keeping my fingers crossed that someday this will change. However until then just drop the baby package file into your "MODS" folder (Please only place one package file in folder at a time or it will not work"). Open up your game and when your precious baby is born depending on whether it be male or female will depend which outfit it will have on. Should you decide to change your babies outfit simply go back to your "MODS" folder and swap baby cc package out for a new one. Open your game and continue to play. Hope this helps and thank you for the love and support you have shown for my baby cc. Much love to all.
yourusername>Documents>Electronic Arts>The Sims 4>Mods