Member Blogs


Hope you all had great holidays. Wish you a healthy, prosperous and happy 2021. May all of your wishes come true.

Merry Christmas ♥

Hi everyone ♥

I wan to wish you a Merry Christmas spent safely with your loved ones!  

We're living in such sad world these days and I hope that this years celebration won't be overshadowed by the current events. I wish you a lot of health, hapiness and most importantly safety for you all and your families.

Much love, 

xx Caroll 



Now it is the end of a very very wierd year which was like a science fiction movie. I hope it ends good for every one of the tsr members.

From my heart I thank all of you who download my creations and you gave time to comment on them

Your support is appreciated

I wish you all cozy and warm holidays

Take care of yourself and the people you love .

Enjoy the season breake and have a great , a prosperous and without odd surprises New Year

with all my love





The future

I'm actually trying to make some custom content for you guys right now. Just you wait. Just you wait.

60.000 Downloads -Thankyou

Hello Simfriends,

thankyou for your more the 60.000 Downloads to me recolor creations.
I like to creat Sims4- or Sims3 downloads. Happy Simming. bye ws

Long Absences and Reworked Magic

Well - it's been several ... ahem ... years since I worked on anything for this site and it was at least a year since I last play the Sims 4 seriously before I got back into it thanks to pandemic. I come back here to discover my work Castiel's Warding Tattoo was no longer working properly and causing horrific glitches for people who used it or at least - turning their sims weird looking in-game. So I set back to work and have remade the tattoo as a 2.0 version. I will be trying to redo some of my other works and add to it as a means of making up for my absence...or just passing the time - take your pick.


Please... Watch this space and watch it with patience.

Keepsafe guys

it sucks and i hate it :( 

i'm COVID positive. take care of yourself guys.

My covid experience and more shutters.

I just thought I might add the details of my experience with this delightful virus that is killing so many people.

It was a terrible time, as my lovely mother in law passed away on the very same day I had visited her. It was a Thursday. We were devastated, of course. But it was all made much worse because we hadn't been allowed to see her for 6 months prior, thanks to the covid-19 pandemic and subsequent closures of nursing homes. So I kind of feel lucky that I got to see her before she took flight into the universe. She was diagnosed with dementia in 2014, and slowly disintegrated before our eyes. A tragedy and tragic disease.

We sorted out the funeral for the following Wednesday, and organised flowers etc, but all that had to be put on hold because I had contracted covid-19 somehow. I had been really careful and wore my mask everywhere I was supposed to, sanitised so often, my hands felt like leather and limited my movements to only a few places - school, supermarket, my son's martial arts club (which I don't participate in) and home. So I feel quite unlucky to have caught it. No one else that I knew had it, so it remains a bit of a mystery. However, my partner did test positive two days after I started to feel ill. And then my 82yr old father in law also tested positive. And I was so very worried about them, but they both suffered from only a slight cough and a sniffle. They were both very lucky.

Unfortunately, I wasn't so lucky.

I was one of those people who showed no "typical" symptoms, and by that I mean I had no cough at all, no high temperature, no loss or change of taste or smell, so I figured the sore throat I had was another cold that I had caught from my son and the germ factory (school). I had it for a week and felt fine. However, the day after my mother in law died, I went downhill rapidly. I had nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, the worst headache I have ever felt (like 50 migraines at once), really bad photophobia (my partner opened the shutters on a cloudy afternoon, and it almost killed me as my head felt like it was about to explode), and I was completely off all food. All that went on for an entire week. I was in bed the entire time (except for many emergency visits to the loo). I lost a ton of weight (which, in my case, isn't a bad thing) and although I still had slight botty issues, I made myself get out of bed the following Sunday and face the shower to clean myself up. It was a really strange time, because my taste had changed, and that included my home décor too. I couldn't stand my house and how I had decorated it. All the mid-century items were ugly to me, and my actual taste (in my mouth) had changed also. What I once enjoyed eating was now the worst... and my greatest loss was coffee. I was a 3-4 cup per day kinda guy, but following this rancid time in bed, I detested it and the smell made me nauseous. Bananas, strawberries, all fruit except grapes, curry, cheese, toast, cereal... the list went on and I was devastated and fell into a bit of depression. Mainly because I could no longer garner any enjoyment from food. I was reduced to only eating toasted crumpets with cottage cheese, spring vegetable cup-of-soups and cups of sweetened tea. That was my diet for about a month. Even activities I loved (like creating for The Sims 4) were abhorrent to me. I simply couldn't face the computer at all. Obviously that has passed and I have been playing catch up.

However, after about 7 weeks, I finally drank a cup of coffee, and it didn't make me sick, so hoorah! And slowly but surely, it has all returned to normal and I love fruit and my home again. Phew. I was concerned that it was going to be permanent.

So, I am making more shutters. That is what I was going to write about. Long, thin ones and short, wide ones. It's all going on here now. I'm back to loving the creative process again. It's a joy.

See you two around. xx

Thank you for an amazing four years :)

Hello! It has been awhile to say the least. This whole year was been crazy for me for many reasons. I have been uploading on here since I was 14 years old. That is crazy! I didn't realize that my hobby of making clothing would soon turn into its own mini career. The amount of support everyone has shown me over the past four years has meant so much to me, and I am so grateful for everything. With that being said, as of now I am stepping away from making custom content. I started college this year, and I just do not have time any more. I have been wanting to make a return for a bit now, but time never allowed so. My priotity right now is my education, and I hope you all can understand. 

The Sims 4 has helped me in so many ways. I am majoring in interior design at College For Creative Studies. CCS is one of the best art schools in the world, and I am so incredibly blessed to be attending. The funny thing is I learned my love for interior design through the sims! I would spend hours looking at all the custom furniture on TSR, then make crazy houses, stores, venues, etc. This place helped me realize what I wanted to pursue a career in. It is crazy how one small hobby can be the thing that defines your future! 

This place has been amazing, and I am so incredibly grateful for all the love and support I recieved over the years. Maybe some day I can come back, but until now thank you for everything! It really has been a blast! If you ever need to ask me a question or anything, please still reach out! I'll still try to answer as soon as possible! 

Seriously thank you friends, and I hope to return someday <3

- Emma 

Post covid-19 creations!

What a horror of a virus to have, I don't recall ever feeling as iil as I did at the beginning of October. I guess I had (have) "long covid" because I am still broken a bit. I can't exert myself without feeling like I have just reached the summit of Mt. Everest, gasping for breath. I am left puffing and panting by simply carrying items up stairs, and then into the loft. It's rather boring to be so exhausted after simple tasks. So I spend my time sitting. And sometimes standing. But mostly sitting. And eating. Oh and coffee! My taste buds have finally returned to normal - meaning I am, once again, able to enjoy coffee, bananas, toasted bread, strawberries and raspberries... It's a joy!

So. on to the relevant stuff. I have made some plantation shutters for the medium height windows - a set of 2-tile and single tile. I have also made shutters specifically for doors and arches. I hope you all enjoy them. They've been fun to make. Tricky, but fun.

Happy simming all two of you who might read this.x

Leave of Absence

I will be taking a couple of  weeks off, as of today.   Routine tests have indiciated a lump on my pancreas and [because I am extremely fortunate] the finding is being investigated immediately.  Therefore I will be away from home for various procedures from time to time and unable to access my computer, at least for the next 2 weeks.

I will take this opportunity to wish everyone a special festive season and hope that we are all safe and sound come the New Year.



67.000 Downloads in December 2020

I'd like to say each one of you thank you for downloading my sims 3 stuff. And I wish you a lot of fun with my creations. The most popular of my creations is Sim Alex and I am delighted I made him well because obviously a lot of you guys like him too. But even if only one person would have downloaded my creations, I had a lot of fun creating something for the Sims 3 because your fun is my joy. Happy simming and take care of yourselves! Sul, sul.

2 Million Downloads!

A million new downloads in just a little over 2 months, this is truly insane to me! Thank you all so much, I'm so happy you like my content! ❤

Take care!

Love, Ákos


Hey, it's Vern!

Hey, my name is Vern!


I am new to TSR that is why I wanted to create this blog post to introduce myself.♥

I am a Sims 4 content creator. I create sims and do speed builds on my Youtube channel. I also create custom content for The Sims 4 and you can download them for free!

Most of my custom content are a recolour of EA mesh but I will be creating my own mesh soon!


Let's be friends!






Buy me a coffee?


Feel free to tag me on Twitter, Instagram, or Tumblr if you use my CC! I would love to see and share them.♥

🎄 TSR 2020 Holiday Collaboration and I 🎄


One day of the weird year of 2020 (during which, practically EVERYTHING can happen) we,  the Creators of The Sims Resource, decided to collaborate in a Holiday project organized by Cath ( artist Mama)  and offer to our subscribers  and all sims addicts,  this Holiday feeling to cheer them up since we are all feel a bit depressed these days due to covid-19 .

We are not sure yet if we managed to reach our goal, you tell us, but we enjoyed the process for sure!

For me, personally the situation was a bit frustrated at the beginning  because of the language gap but the frustration lasted only for a little  since there were younger and fresher minds than mine around and pop up like Jack in the box every time I need help.  Besides Cath,  Danuta  with whom I was close before , I realized that all Tsr Artists are amazing people, they are friendly, loving,  they like what they do as much  I do, they are humorous, helpful, unbelievably creative and they like to give and enjoy giving.

We all are neighbors on the same planet, and we are enjoying it!

During the period of the Collaboration I had the opportunity to come closer to artists I did not had the opportunity to talk before. I realized how amazing they are, how willing and flexible. All these details in their work, the colors, the designs, the spirit left me speechless so many times during the process!  I was thrilled and I was proud that I had the opportunity to be a part of the team!

I THANK CATH FROM MY HEART. It was a really   hard work for her to organize us in such a big project for the very first time.

I am sure our downloaders will enjoy the CCs which Tsr offers this year as much as we enjoyed creating them. Let your sims furnished and decorate theirs houses, dress themselves with warm and elegant clothes, let them wear special holiday make-up and jewelry , eat yummy  cakes and dance forever having the best Holiday ever!


See you around







I'm new to the cc creators/modders community so if you welcome me in, I'd appreciate it! :D

Thank you

Thank you so much for my first 100,000 downloads.

I hope you like my recolors as much as I enjoy 

creating them.

Happy simming

and stay safe


Geulizz Here~!

How are you guys~ Geulizz Here~
It's been years since I'm MIA~
I'm going to start to write and making poses again~
If anyone have request for pose making, don't be shy to PM me~ *Wink

Stay healthy everyone~! ♥

Submit button

Anyone elses Submit Button been replaced and now only shows the "Sign up for VIP" badge? How do I get to my submissions, has it been moved to a different location? 

Megurine Luka and Hatsune Miku In The Sims 4

 Miku cc by:maminatumi

Luka´s hair by: Redheadsims

First entry!

Soooo, I didn't know you could post blog entries and stuff here... I think it'd be cool to start.

I don't really have much to say right now besides that I'm attempting to completely recolor every item in the game using a rainbow palette I'll call "Unicorn". Each item is going to come in over 20 different colors including a dark color burn and a brighter overlay which varies from high saturation to pastel depending on how it interacts with the base color.

So yes, if you, like me, wish the base game stuff in the sims was more colorful, watch out for that. First batch will be the cordelia buy furniture bc it's the first that appears in the sims 4 studio log.

Also I have it done already but I have a skeleton recolor that has a very shiny spec map so it looks like candy. So that'll be uploaded too once I have the time.

45.000 Downloads - Thankyou

Hey Simfriends,

thankyou for the 45.000 Downloads.

Happy Simming. bye Ws

Roooooommsss to let!

I love the idea of creating rooms and I was really thrilled to here we can upload them at tsr. My first attempt took me hours! I do not know how long I was trying to collect the CC I needed. I thought I spent an afternoon diging in these wonderful creations the Tsr's artists have uploaded. My hubby said it was a lot more than an afternoon since I was still in front of my computer when he went to bed at 11 am. It seems that creating a room is as difficult as creating a lot but I enjoy it more.

Here are some of my first rooms




ALEXA hair fixed

Hey guys, just letting everyone know I updated Alexa hair so now the issue most ppl had that showed the hair as if mesh was missing should be resolved. Just go ahead and redownload the file. 

91 Days Problem

Hi everyone

I need a bit of help on this one I have make a mod at change 28 days to days 91 days more so we can have more longer days it seems works at first then after it's has seemed to stop working and I try everything to make it work but nothings it's just stop working.
What happening is that the calendar will showed the 91 days but when it reach to day 29 it will reset to day 1 in current season and So you're stuck in an endless season and the calendar gets completely messed up.

I would be grateful if anyone ca tell me that I need a script or not.

2 million downloads

thank you so much for 2 million downloads! 


Dear friends!
All my doors and windows are fixed, you can download them again.

Fairy House set, Moroccan bedroom,  Monica dining room, Santorini addition set 02, Santorini addition set 01, Santorini bedroom, Santorini living, Old abandoned underground, Urban Underground, Children's Cafe, Monica hallway, Monica dining room,  Cottage windows, Kids bedroom 'Spring Birds', Serenity bedroom, Arched doors.

Many thanks to Anja (Mutske) for helping us fix it!


Update on Horror collection Part II

Great news the collection was approved and is set for release on October 31st! 

Update on Horror collection

Alrighty, so I had to reselect meshes for the Horror Movie/TV collection that I previously submitted but I have just spent 3 hours completley updating and making sure it meets all parameters! I hope that it is approved in time for Halloween! Stay Tuned :) 

🎃🎃🎃 Tomorrow new item 🎃🎃🎃

🎃🎃🎃 Hey tomorrow new item 🎃🎃🎃

🎃🎃🎃 "That bottom" 🎃🎃🎃


Dear friends
I proceeded to fix the windows and doors that were broken by the last game patch. But, since I have many windows and doors, as well as many non-standard CC, with round and curly cutouts, this work may take a little longer.
But I will definitely fix everything!
Information about the corrections made will definitely be indicated in the description of each set!

New creation on the way :)

Hey i'm working on a new creation called "On Hat" ;)



Hey all

I know its been a while since I posted anything, I didn't realize it but my Horror themed shirts were rejected, I have fixed the errors and they are resubmitted. I also have some Harry Potter earrings pending approval as well. Stay tuned! 

New creation on the way :)

Hey i'm working on a new creation called "That Bottom" ;)

luna hair

Toddler Tartan Shorts Suit (ItemID: 1509762)

I've set some flags wrong on this suit and forgot to include the thumbnail for the male toddlers . I have corrected this, so please download the fixed version. I am very sorry to have made such a mistake and apologize for the inconvenience.

Naturalis Office, Skills and Hobbies WCIF

Hey guys and girls :)

Here we go with the WCIF Naturalis Office list:

Naturalis Office  

Naturalis Skills and Hobbies

Naturalis Plants II 

To get prior published Naturalis Collection WCIF items, please see this blog post


'Natural Stone' 3 steps by SIMcredible @ TSR

 'Oh Reykjavik' whisky bottle by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Vogue' wine bottle 1 by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Vogue' wine bottle 2 by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Breezy' soda bottle by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Regenerate' wall lamp by SIMcredible @ TSR

 'Young Way Goodies' soda can by SIMcredible @ TSR

 'Amena' rug by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Athena' Star lamp by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Athena' Sphere lamp by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Athena' Little lamps by SIMcredible @ TSR

 'Nature In' Vertical garden by SIMcredible @ TSR

 'Come Cozy' faux fur rug by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Rustiko' cushion by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Tropics bar' 4 glasses by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Vitra' 3 cushions by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Granny greatest hits' glasses by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Theorem Hallway' mat by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Solatium' knitting Pouf by SIMcredible @ TSR

 'Beachy days' hammock by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Country Coffee' mug by SIMcredible @ TSR


'La Femme Extras' faux fur rug: > left menu > bedrooms 

 'Bontempo' separator: > left menu > misc rooms 

'Morning tea Decor' column: > left menu > bedrooms 

 'Mix it!' separator: > left menu > bathrooms 

 'Energy' vertical garden: > left menu > living rooms 

 'Scandifever' wall lamp: > left menu > bedrooms 

 'Call of the wild' curtain: > left menu > bedrooms 

 'Suavis' 4 cushions: > left menu > living rooms 


Windows from 'Lyne Build Set I' by Nynaeve @ TSR

'Lyne Curtains I' sheer curtain 1z1 by Nynaeve @ TSR


 'Patterned Jute rugs' by Peacemaker:


'Colour me black rugs' by Peacemaker:


LGBTQ+ Shirt!

Guess who's spending all their time on making cc? Meeee!

I figured out how to attach photos so uhhh- :D

Bisexual shoes!

Heyyo! I made some bisexual shoes! I originally saw these on pinterest and decided to make them! :D

I'm still trying to figure out how to upload pictures and make it look good so bare with me- Feel free to leave feedback in the comments!

Fixed all broken windows, doors and arches

I just wanted to let you all know that I uploaded the last set yesterday. All of my sets are now fixed, that is for the normal windows, doors and arches. Due to EA's patch I didn't do the Single windows, door and arches. You can use them all over the wall now.

I really like the new feature and am full of inspiration again. It was fun to go trough all of my sets again (it was about 900 fixes I did :)). I might do some add-ons for some older sets. If any of you have a request about that, please feel free to drop a comment! Have fun simming!

Latest Headlines

HAPPY HOLYDAYS Merry Christmas ♥ ☃️ 🎄 I WISH YOU HAPPY... The future 60.000 Downloads -Thankyou Long Absences and Reworked Magic Keepsafe guys My covid experience and more... Thank you for an amazing four... Post covid-19 creations! Leave of Absence 67.000 Downloads in December 2020 2 Million Downloads! Hey, it's Vern! 🎄 TSR 2020 Holiday... Hi! Thank you Geulizz Here~! Submit button Megurine Luka and Hatsune Miku... First entry! 45.000 Downloads - Thankyou Roooooommsss to let! ALEXA hair fixed 91 Days Problem 2 million downloads FIX DOORS AND WINDOWS Update on Horror collection Part II Update on Horror collection 🎃🎃🎃 Tomorrow new item... FIX DOORS AND WINDOWS New creation on the way :) Hey all New creation on the way :) luna hair Toddler Tartan Shorts Suit... Naturalis Office, Skills and... LGBTQ+ Shirt! Bisexual shoes! Fixed all broken windows, doors...
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    Published November 15, 2022 •
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