Member Blogs
I've tried to post to each comment but for some reason it isn't letting me. So I want to take a moment to thank everyone who has downloaded my content and like it. This really means so much to me. I'm have stepped away from creating in order to grieve family losses, but intend to return with more comment. Again I thank each and everyone of you and appreciate you. Much love to all...
A Huge Thank You!
Hey luvs,
I just hit 1 million downloads here and I'd like to say a huge thank you to all of you! I'm absolutely blown away by the lovely comments and guest book entires you're leaving. Even though, I don't reply to all of them, I want you to know that I read every single one of them and I appreciate your kind words very much! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! ❤
Stay safe and take care! 😘
Love, Ákos
Amazing Hair!
Hi! My name is Bella, I have a youtube channel called Bella Bean Queen! I do sims 4 & Roblox & lots more. Make sure to like & subscribe. Bye!
Hello my friends ! If you wish to create a Greek summer house like these you see in Santorini, Mykonos, and other Aegean Sea islands you actually need the following:
- A summer mood (very important)
- White and blue colours (the basic)
- A huge number of flowers in many colours.
- It has to be child-friendly
- It has to be placed near a beach. A pool is welcome.
- Many terraces on different levels
- Love all around it
- Your personal creativity (especially important)
You may need some CC from these I use in my Greek/ Hellenic lots:
Mikonos furniture
Santorini furniture and building items
Walls and floors
Some ideas:
The Radon Detonating Toilet Review
This week's Cyclonesue Trusted Review is the self-detonating Radon toilet...
Read why you should not use this toilet!
The Dama Beady Toilet Review
What is a Beady? I wondered that too! Welcome to your first Cyclonesue Trusted Review!
The HARSH TRUTH about Sims 4 toilets
Did you know that toilets in games are the most fascinating item of all?
Janus Sanders makeup!
First post! Here are links to Janus facepaint and half yellow/half black lipstick! Please keep in mind that this is my first time uploading cc! If there is anything wrong with it, please tell me!
(I promise you it looks good, I just can't figure out how to upload images-)
New Content on the way.
I have done some work on my Mystery Shack but for some reason, am not able to update the current listing on the lot here on TSR. Please head over to my blog to see the new work. That said, I am currently working on a renovation of the Science Lab lot, to create Aperture Science Laboratories ("A Trusted Name In Science") from Portal and Portal 2. This is a much bigger project than I'd initially realized, so watch this space, or my website to see the progress on that.
As you can see, I have updated my banner and have several more CC projects as well as new Lot builds on the way! Let me know if you'd like something or give me a comment!
Be Seeing Ya!
Naturalis Bedroom WCIF list
Hey simmers :)
Bringing to you the WCIF list of objects we used on our Naturalis Bedroom set and also its decor and plants screenshots.
Here we go:
Purse, shoes and rug from Calligaris decor set by SIMcredible @ TSR
Sandals from Zara decor set by SIMcredible @
Shoes box from Glory set by SIMcredible @
Bird sculpture from Connection set
Under Dining rooms - page 2
Cushions from Rustiko set by SIMcredible @ TSR
Jute rug from Rustiko set by SIMcredible @ TSR
Sandals box from Go Trendy add-ons set
Under Bedrooms - page 2
Curtain from Lyne Curtains II set by NynaeveDesign
Blinds from Finding Grace set by SIMcredible @ TSR
Rug from Amena set by SIMcredible @ TSR
Faux fur rug from Amena set
Under Bedrooms - page 2
Books from Teen Edition set
Under Kids/Teens - page 2
Decor column from Amena set
Under Bedrooms - page 1
Rug from Oh Reykjavik set by SIMcredible @ TSR
12/09/2020 Update
Hi everyone ♥
I'm coming with a small update which is important.
From today onwards (12/09/2020) I am no longer able to provide you all WCIF CC links under my creations. I am currently working on alternative that everyone will be able to find the content I use. I know how helpful it was for you in the past to have links directly in each creation's notes and I appreciated every lovely comment with your grattitude. Sorry to disappoint.
Have a lovely rest of the weekend,
xx Caroll
Stepping Away To Regroup
Due to losing so many family members I'm going to need to take some time and regroup. If you did not update and purchase the Nitfty Knitting pack you should not have any issues. I want to thank each and everyone of you who have liked, loved and/or commented on my baby cc. I just can't deal with losing my mother and brother who was my biggest fans at anything I attempted to try to do. I sincerely apologize to those who have updated to the newer patch and content. I will Lord willing be back sometime to pick up where I left off but I just can't do it for now. Much love to all.
Broken windows, doors and arches due to latest EA patch
I am aware of the broken windows, doors and arches due to the latest EA patch. I do need to wait for the software or patch before I can update them. I will try to update them all, but as you all know I have made a few LOL. So be patience I do my best :). Although I like what we can do now with the windows stacking on top of each other, I am full of inspiration again :).
Cannot stop creating
What do you do when inspiration strikes and although you are really keen on releasing the set you've made, you continue making things for it, thus delaying the publish date even more? I had a set all ready to release and publish, but I found more and more items to make for it. So I took it out of the pending pot and am still adding to it. I will have to split this into two - maybe three sets because it has gotten out of hand a bit.
My son is malnourished and has been without me for so long, he has developed an intimate relationship with the wall.
"Hiya Wall" a la Shirley Valentine. It answers back too.
I will complete it soon. I promise... ooh look. A piece of paper. I should make that for TS4!
All the best.
Ps. Does anyone actually read these things?
Hi everyone! Is anyone else having problems with the cc windows or doors since the most recent update to the game?? The Sims team added the ability to have stackable windows in addition to being able to move them off of the grid along with the doors, since the update, ALL of my CC windows/doors show up as just a frame. Has anyone else had this problem? Does anyone know of a solution?
In-game functions
I love the [ and the ] keys in my The Sims 4 game. I LOVE them. To be able to adjust the size of almost every item in game is a blessing. It is the single most useful function in my game. To have made a plant for example, and to have made it small enough to fit onto surfaces, and wanting to have the same plant fill a gap on the floor... It's nothing short of genius. I use it often. That, and, the bb.moveobjects on cheat code. In fact, I begin my game by immediately entering that code. Once the game starts, that is. I have over 20gb worth of mods and cc. 20GB! So much that I had to create a junction link and move the Sims 4 mods folder to my D drive because my C drive was full.
Anywho... I also love the alt key now. That too is a favourite in my game. Free movement of items... it is like wearing jellly on one's feet. It's awesome.
So thank you, Maxis and EA. I am eternally grateful.
New sets and saving lives.
Hello all. I have been busy making a new set of furniture items for you to download and ignore in game. A bit of a departure from my norm - it hasn't a single mid century modern item in the set. At all. Not one. Perhaps I should have started this blog post with a warning - NO MCM! What is going on in the world?! First a global pandemic, then a financial recession, and now, I, padre of TSR publishes a set without a single, solitary mcm item.
2020 is a strange year indeed.
So this set of items has an industrial-farmhouse feel to it. Large timber items coupled with wrought iron and steel. It is a dining room. And it is almost complete.
And I am trying really hard not to get distracted by the passersby on my road. Gazing out my window from the first floor study room, (through the plantation shutters), is a favouirite pastime. Alas, we live in a close (cul-de-sac), so the foot traffic is limited to my neighbours. But they're good to gaze at occasionally. I wonder if they know I see everything?
In fact, I recall a few years back, one of my elderly neighbours shouting for help as her husbnad had collapsed in their back garden. I rushed over, shoving another, elderly neighbour aside, and helped pick him up. He was mortified as he vomited and vomited. I pretended not to be bothered by it. But I do have a weak stomach for that sort of thing. Still, I rubbed his back and told him not to be silly, quitely gagging to the side. He was rushed to hospital and was released the following day with news that his internal defibrillator hadn't shown any activity and gratefully, it was his blood pressure. Too low. So the dose was adjusted and collapsing prevented.
Oh my. That was a bit of a tangent.
New set. Coming soon! Look early for disappointment! (my new catchp phrase). Smooches.
A thank you to you
A thank you to you
I wanted to thank you for every single download. I'm really speechless because in the short time it went quite fast to crack the 100.000. I'm also happy about your comments and thank you for this. I also get ideas from you and suggestions, thanks for that.
So that's it from me in a nutshell for you.
Greeting Alixdekostube
Submissions taking a long time
I understand that there may be shorter staff etc atm but I've never had my submissions take this long for approval. I submitted my Horror Movie/Tv Collection over two weeks ago and its still pending approval. Has anyone else noticed a delay in submission approval?
I’m so sorry to those who use my baby cc. Ive been down with uncontrollable muscle spasms in my back since end of July. Have made a new onesie for nifty knitting and testing it. However I’m on medication so it will be a bit before I release it. In the shape I’m in and sedated right now you never know what will end up where. Please forgive me for not getting them updated.
My sims are real and they adjust to external reality. Keep safe everyone!
I know that nobody is wondering but the reason I create and I upload so many bohemian lotsand decotrations is simply because I love playing bohemian households. The sims I play are all bohemian artists and writters ...well, I have one in... thief carreer but he is a bit boho too. especially his adopted kid.
I hope you will enjoy my bohemian lots , both residential and community.,boho/

Aaaaah I can't believe I have hit 40k I plan to continue uploading and making content thank you to every single one of you who has downloaded my content! To celebrate 40k I have created a Horror Movie/TV Collection for both male and female, these have already been submitted for approval and I have big hopes for them! As always I'm open to requests and suggestions.
Thanks for the support!
Country Coffee - our farm themed sets - WCIF list
Hey simmers :)
Bringing to you the WCIF list of objects we used on our Farm themed sets, the Country Coffee series.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Here we go:
Faux Fur rug from Come Cozy set by SIMcredible @ TSR
Curtain from Morning Tea Decor set by SIMcredible @
Under Bedrooms - page 1
Separators Trellis from Chlorophyll set by SIMcredible @ TSR
Cushions from Rustiko set by SIMcredible @ TSR
Separator from Bontempo set by SIMcredible @
Under Misc Rooms - page 1
Spice from Time to Plug set by SIMcredible @ TSR
Stacked plates from Tea Time set by SIMcredible @ TSR
Pots from Industrial kitchen set by SIMcredible @ TSR
Cactuses from Green Time set by SIMcredible @
Under Outdoors - page 1
Cactus from Gardening Foyer set by SIMcredible @ TSR
Window by NynaeveDesigns @ TSR
Rugs from Rustiko set by SIMcredible @ TSR
Glass wall lantern from Rustiko set by SIMcredible @ TSR
Bayleaf plant from Coastal set by SIMcredible @ TSR
Large plant from Squadros set by SIMcredible @ TSR
Wall lamp from Squadros set by SIMcredible @ TSR
Blinds from Finding Grace balcony set by SIMcredible @ TSR
Plant from Zara extras set by SIMcredible @ TSR
Scandinavian Triangles wall by SimFabulous @ TSR
Snake Plant from Solatium set by SIMcredible @ TSR
Cookie jar and butter from Home Cafeteria Goodies set by SIMcredible @ TSR
Hair Updates
Hello everyone!
I have updated all of my hairs fixing alot of weight issues
I also have made new previews and new thumbnails for my hairs
My hairs will now be in order of release in CAS (once you download the latest version)
I am in the middle of getting a new tumblr page and I have just finished my new and improved downloads page which you can check out here
Baby cc and Nifty Knitting
I'm sorry to have to let you know that since the nifty Knitting update my baby cc no longer works correctly however if you did not update to the latest pack everything still works fine. Again I'm so sorry but as soon as a work around comes out if it does I will most definitely update my baby cc. Please forgive me for not being able to update a.s.a.p :(
If you thought you were safe...
Hello everyone - thank you so much for all your wonderful comments in my guestbook and on my creations. I read them all and feel massively grateful and humbled. It's your comments that make me want to create and I love reading them all (unfortunately, given my work schedule I don't have time to reply to them individually but I read every single one and feel very appreciative - and often amused)!
Just in case you thought things had become a little tame in this dark corner of the site, rest assured I'm now working on my particular brand of horrible toilet! Pictures will follow just to make sure I truly upset your otherwise pleasant day. Are there other horrible things you'd like to see? Let me know in the comments if so. Note: wondows are being a bit of a bane right now, not sure what is wrong yet but once I've resolved it I shall start making collections of windows too. Right now though, windows and doors are a bit off the agenda. Anything else, name it as it might inspire my next set.
Happy Simming and stay safe. Hugs and love.
Harry Potter male shirts
I've submitted my male version of the Harry Potter shirts five days ago 7/25/2020 and they have yet to be approved. I hope they will be approved soon!
my Creations Sims3 July 2020
Hey, i like to creat pattern, tattoos, pictures for your sims3.
I creat sometimes houses or sims.
Happy simming.
Anto Vega Recolor
So, this is my first Recolour... I hope you like it Guys :3
You will need the mesh you find it here ;
Happy Simming :)
W języku angielskim - Cześć, jestem Iwo i pochodzę z Polski, mój profil jest głównie tworzony po stronie wyszczególniania modów z dodatków, paczek rozgrywki i akcesoriów. bo wiem, że dużo osób kupuje rozszerzenia tylko na 1, może z 4 obiektów, więc przychodzę tutaj, opublikuję obiekty z rozszerzeń, możesz napisać o rozszerzeniu i obiekcie od niego, a ja będę na Wystawa. Będę też wystawiał stworzone przez siebie mody, ale później.
W języku Polskim - cześc jestem Iwo i pochodze z Polski mój profil jest głównie tworzony w strone wystawiania modów z dodatków,pakietów rozgrywki i akcesorii . ponieważ wiem że spora część ludzi kupuje rozszerzenia tylko dla 1 moze z 4 obiektów więc przychodzę tu ja będę publikować obiekty z rozszeżeń możecie pisać o rozszezeniu i obiekcie od niego a ja spokojnie to wystawie.też będę wystawiać mody stworzone przezemnie ale w późniejszym czasie
Newbie Builder
Hello, Im new here in tsr but I have been playing the sims for several years now. I love downloading lots and items here, so I tried making my own build although mine are so simple and of course not as beautiful as most of the creations here. But I am trying and am still learning. I hope you visit my blog sometime. I would really appreciate it. Thank you.
It's been a while since I created anything new for the Sims game. It's been a difficult year for me, but I hope to start back creating for Sims 3 and possibly Sims 4 later in the year. Thanks again for downloading my creations and for all of your lovely comments, I appreciate it.
Take care,
Inconvenient: Several people take pictures of their sims with the tools (Andrew pose player) known to the community. However, a group of players are concerned about not knowing how to take photos of mermaids that have a new tail (new mesh) with a new shape. Some poses deform the new tails, the reason is explained in my previous article INFLUENCE OF SOME POSES ON CUSTOM MERMAID TAILS.
Proposal: This illustrative article is to assist this stakeholder in the gaming community where possible. I hope it helps you.
Preamble: You can capture images of your mermaids, to do so requires having your game.
· Andrew pose player (to insert the pose in the avatar)
· Teleport Sims (teleport or locate a sims in an area)
· Poses: If you want to photograph mermaids (with new tails / new mesh) I propose to use human poses, you must ensure that the legs of the sims are close or joined, thus preventing the tail from deforming.
Example: Consider the poses D E L P H I N E III - Pose Pack by Beto. You can find them here.
1. Decorate the ambient to your liking and add the sculpture "sims teleport" in the desired location.
2. Transform your sims into mermaid, take her to swim, once she shows her tail she can pause the game to facilitate the process.
3. Teleport your mermaid: click on the sculpture and choose the option teleport to sims here, a window will appear, there choose your mermaid. Then the mermaid will be positioned right where the sculpture was.
4. Select the poses of your preference: click on your mermaid and choose the “Pose by pack” option, a window opens with various poses, choose the ones you like, these will accumulate as actions, when finished you can close the window and remove the pause from the game. The mermaid will perform the poses, she will maintain her mermaid outfit. I prefer not to record after taking the pictures.
5. Take screenshots. As you already know, you can take your pictures, using the letter C on the keyboard. When you are finished be sure to stop the poses.
I do not speak English, I apologize for possible errors in the narration.. Thanks for your attention.