Hi everyone! The growth of my little neck of TSR has grown so much and I'm so happy seeing how much people are enjoying my new items, recolors, etc. I love creating new things for you all!
So I have set up a new Tumblr completely dedicated to my Sims CC work. You can find it here: https://neinahpets.tumblr.com/
I also have set up Patreon as I was asked if I had one recently. By no means do I expect anyone to donate, nor am I asking or plan to charge for my CC. I don't want to put my work behind a pay wall at all. I want everyone to enjoy my creations at their leasure. That being said, if you DO feel so inclined as to drop a little donation my way, I have set the Patreon up so that I can use anything received towards learning how to create new meshes (and new mods potentially in the future). I am not including the link as I do not know TSR's policy on that, but you can find me there by my username "neinahpets" :)
Thank you all for your support! I hope to be able to provide even better content for you all in the future! I'm actually out of my day job at the moment due to injury (I'm a hairstylist by day) so I have the extra time to devote to hopefully getting extra creations than usual or working on educating for mesh creation.
Again, thank you for all the kind comments and support! This community has been so welcoming :)