Afro-American hairstyle
Well, I'm writing this because I've noticed that there are still so many
who want to know where the Afro-American hairstyle which I use in my
previews is from. At first this was really going on my nerves but now
I've just recognized a mistake in the credits that caused some kind of
confusion: So, the notorious hairstyle actually is a sims2 conversion by
simsxolove, which is not avaliable here on TSR. Unfortunately I saw the
hairstyle on EsyraM's blog the first time, so I erroneously thought it
would be hers. *lalala* Next time I guess I'll have to read the
descriptions more carefully, I think. And I'm terribly sorry about that,
the mistake will be corrected in my following creations. Anyway, here's
the link:
Thanks for your understanding