Tiki Match
First an apology, seems I rushed my uploading, late at night, of this last set again :(
I accidentally uploaded my "work in progress file" for the end table, rather than the finished one. So, if your Adirondack end table seems to have gone astray, that's my fault :(. Please re-download the end table, as I've updated it with the final file (with the new GUID).
Second, I've received quite a few more requests for Tiki match items.
I am still working on several more that will be ready for publishing soon.
At present my list includes the following, although not limited to: Tiki sofa & Ottoman, DW, Fridge, Trash compactor, 1x1 dining table and possibly a stove.
Due to requests, I'm also working on a recolor set for the crib and bedding to match my cushion recolor.
I am also contemplating a Tiki match bathroom, but have not finalized any designs yet. my plans are for a mirror, tub, toilet, and shower (no sink as any sink and Tiki counter should cover that).
Fell free to PM me with any additional items on your Tiki wish list that I may not have thought of. I can't make promises, but generally consider all.
Alex aka Simaddict99