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Created for: The Sims 4
This is a Set with Creations - Click here to show all
They are three basic game clothes ... a red flame. one autumn leaves, one blue with little blue flowers
Short URL:
ItemID: 1418313
Filesize: 383 KB
- the hair is from Juice_NewSea-SIMS4hair-J094f_DarkBrown, the shoes are
Madlen Corona Shoes_black.
- the hair is from Nightcrawler_Nightcrawler_AMUNET_201701160509297245_201703210256003501
the shoes are by Madlen Corona Shoes_black_201804301816465493
- the hair is from Sharareh_Skysims-hair-p121_Black_201712070947140303,
the shoes are by Madlen Deangelo Shoes_black_201802171847118502
- the hair is from Juice_NewSea-SIMS4hair-J094f_DarkBrown, the shoes are
Madlen Corona Shoes_black.
- the hair is from Nightcrawler_Nightcrawler_AMUNET_201701160509297245_201703210256003501
the shoes are by Madlen Corona Shoes_black_201804301816465493
- the hair is from Sharareh_Skysims-hair-p121_Black_201712070947140303,
the shoes are by Madlen Deangelo Shoes_black_201802171847118502
- Recoloring Allowed: No
- Creating Tool used: TS4 CAS/Mesh Tools
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.