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Created for: The Sims 4
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This is the main framework for Better Sleep Autonomy, which simply forces Sims who are on their home lot and not in bladder or hunger distress to go to bed around midnight, regardless of their energy motive. They'll continue to want to sleep for about 7 hours (if they're able to*) but the call to bed doesn't cancel other actions and can be easily overwritten by the player, so it shouldn't be intrusive or bothersome. If a Sim gets up to use the toilet and is still in their "sleep window", they'll go back to bed afterwards.
Other modules expand upon this and create different sleeping behaviours depending on a Sim's traits, moods, and lifeskills.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1580075
ItemID: 1580075
Filesize: 119 KB
Only affects non-vampires who are children or older. Sims with the "Never Weary" reward trait are unaffected and I've included a hidden gameplay trait that can be manually added (with cheats) to any Sim, if desired, to prevent enforced sleeping on an individual level.
This module doesn't affect waking behaviour. If you'd like to change that, I suggest using it alongside my "wake up" module, or Little Ms Sam's "Sleep All Night" mod. Otherwise, Sims will still tend to wake up too early.
Known Issues / Limitations: The time that Sims will ultimately go to sleep is affected by their career schedule. This is mainly of interest if they're going to work at night because that more noticeably alters the default behaviour which defines when Sims will prefer sleeping to napping. Frustratingly, this completely blocks the ability to force to Sims sleep autonomously before or after a certain hour, rather than simply making naps more likely, which could have been worked around. This isn't something my mod can change, as it would require delving into the Python code. So, Sims with nocturnal careers will go to sleep in the early morning hours.
*Sims become unable to autonomously sleep after a certain hour in the morning, which depends on their career.
Compatibility: This module (main) requires no expansion packs or game packs, and should be compatible with all other mods. Tested with game version 1.80.69.
Credits: Sims4Studio, Mod Constructor by Zerbu
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