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Created for: The Sims 4
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Expansion module for Better Sleep Autonomy. I've always thought it was stupid that the reward traits "Morning Sim" and "Night Owl" had no effects on a Sim's behaviour. It was especially annoying to me that Night Owls wanted to sleep fairly early during the night even if their energy motive wasn't low.
This mod causes Sims with "Morning Sim" or "Night Owl" to go to bed at different times. Morning Sims will go to bed after 9PM and Night Owls will go to bed after 3AM. A Sim's career will affect the timing. A Night Owl on a night-shift job will stay up until about 6AM, whereas a Night Owl with a typical daytime job (or unemployed) will go to bed around 3AM.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1580077
ItemID: 1580077
Filesize: 187 KB
Known Issues / Limitations : Waking behaviour is unaffected without the Wake Up module, so Morning Sims won't wake up as early as they should.
Compatibility / Requirements : This module (Morning & Night) requires no expansions or game packs and should be compatible with all other mods. Tested with game version 1.80.69.
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