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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
Let your Sims enjoy the tropical atmosphere of this combined kitchen and dining room. The mix of brown, white, and green creates a positive environment for your Sims to stay in and enjoy themselves - or invite friends over for dinner!
$ 23,802
Size: 10x12
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1566752
ItemID: 1566752
Filesize: 55 KB
- Please make sure to have bb.moveobjects enabled when you place the room!
- I additionally used bb.showhiddenobjects and bb.showliveeditobjects
- Tested in-game multiple times, should you still have issues, feel free to reach out to me anytime!
- Please do not re-upload or claim as yours
Installed packs:
- Get To Work
- Get Together
- City Living
- Cats and Dogs
- Seasons
- Get Famous
- Island Living
- Discover University
- Eco Lifestyle
- Snowy Escape
- Outdoor Retreat
- Spa Day
- Dine Out
- Parenthood
- Jungle Adventure
- Vampires
- Strangerville
- Realm of Magic
- Dream Home Decorator
- Luxury Party
- Perfect Patio
- Cool Kitchen
- Spooky
- Movie Hangout
- Romantic Garden
- Kids Room
- Backyard
- Vintage Glamour
- Bowling Night
- Fitness
- Toddler
- Laundry Day
- My First Pet
- Moschino
- Tiny Living
- Nifty Knitting
- Paranormal
- Holiday Celebration Stuff [free]
- Bust The Dust Kit
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
- Cheers Candles *decor*
- Naturalis kids plant basket
- Naturalis Plants
- Naturalis Plants II
- Naturalis Pantry Organic Foods
- Naturalis Pantry Foods
- Naturalis kitchenware
- Nature In Fridge
- Rustiko Decor
- Screaming retro - artichokes basket 2
- Solatium vases recolor
- Solatium vases
- Tropics bar - 4 glasses
- TV corner hanging plant
- Vogue fruits
- Gardening Foyer plants - plant large