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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
This is a Set with 7 Creations - Click here to show all
- Nordic bar: 2 colors, cost 500$ you can find it in entertainment - bar. NEW features of the object: Ambience 3, Skill bartending 5, Crafting quality drinks 8. Base Game compatible.
- Nordic bottle rack: 2 colors, cost 500$ you can find it in decor - sculpture (wall). NEW features of the object: A-imaginative 5, Ambience 5. Base Game compatible.
- Nordic chair: 2 colors, cost 50$ you can find it in comfort - chair (dining). NEW features of the object: Comfort 10. Base game compatible.
- Nordic clock: 2 colors, cost 100$ you can find it in electronics - clock. NEW features of the object: Ambience 3. Base game compatible.
- Nordic hutch: cost 200$ you can find it in decorative - misc. NEW features of the object: Ambience 4. Base game compatible.
- Nordic shelf: 1 color, cost 150$ you can find it in surfaces - display. NEW features of object: Ambience 3, more slots added. Base game compatible.
- Nordic table: 2 colors, cost 200$ you can find it in surfaces - dining table. NEW features of the object: Ambience 2. Base game compatible.
All my preview screenshots are taken with the game camera.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1566862
ItemID: 1566862
Filesize: 2 MB
For paintings, visit my Tumblr so87g-design.tumblr.com
- Creating Tool used: Sims4Studio

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