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Created for: The Sims 4
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
If male beauty has a name, that's Marcel. A handsome, seductive and elegant Sims! This Sims is an authentic urbanite! He loves living in the big city, in a modern penthouse in the center!
Ambitious and snob, Marcel takes great care of his physique, that's why I decided to be a vegetarian!
I hope you like this Sims, and enjoy it in your game!
You require:
Digital Deluxe Edition
Get to Work
Get Together
City Living
Outdoor Retreat
Spa Day
Dine out
Perfect Patio Stuff
Movie Hangout Stuff
Romantic Garden Stuff
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1366836
ItemID: 1366836
Revision: 3
Filesize: 89 KB
No sliders
CC Genetic:
Hair (FREE) - Hairstyle (FREE) J003m Ego by NewSea
(No register needed for free hairstyle)
Skin (details) - Skin Detail Kit N06 (Contour N05 - Eyebags N09 - Faceshine N19 - Nosemask N02) by Pralinesims TSR
Eyes - Luca Eyes N84 by Pralinesims TSR
Eyelashes - S-Club WM ts4 eyelashes 201702 by S-Club TSR
Eyebrows - EyeBrowSet2 by ShojoAngel TSR
Lipstick - [ Mellow ] - Lip Gloss by Screaming Mustard TSR
Body hair - Body Hair v4 (BH-Fine) by lumialover8 MTS
CC Closet:
Jacket - Dolci Gabbana Stripe Jacket by AAStyle
Scarf - male fringe muffler (scarf) by Marigold
Sunglasses - toksik - Technologic Sunglasses by toksik TSR
Jacket - DSquared Denim Suit Jacket by AAStyle
Swimsuit - S77 male 05 by Sonata77 TSR
Backgrounds - CAS Backgrounds Living Room by Annett85
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
- Hair (FREE)
- Skin Detail Kit N06 (Contour N05 - Eyebags N09 - Faceshine N19 - Nosemask N02) by Pralinesims TSR
- Luca Eyes N84 by Pralinesims TSR
- S-Club WM ts4 eyelashes 201702 by S-Club TSR
- EyeBrowSet2 by ShojoAngel TSR
- [ Mellow ] - Lip Gloss by Screaming Mustard TSR
- Body Hair v4 (BH-Fine) by lumialover8 MTS