This item has 62 required items.
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required items tab on this detail page to download
all required items.
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Created for: The Sims 4
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
This is a Room Build
Place on 20 Culpepper House Apartment in San Myshuno
7 x 7 Room
Medium Wall Height
Please make sure you download all required Custom Content for this room to look exactly the same as in the pictures.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1551280
ItemID: 1551280
Filesize: 58 KB
This is a ROOM Build and it does NOT include the Custom Content. You will find all the Custom Content needed in the required tab.
Make sure your game is fully updated.
I have the following packs installed in my game:
Country Kitchen Kit
Courtyard Oasis Kit
Expansion Packs
Snowy Escape
Eco Lifestyle
Discover University
Island Living
Get Famous
Cats and Dogs
City Living
Get Together
Get To Work
Game Packs
Dream Home Decorator
Star Wars Journey To Batuu
Realm of Magic
Jungle Adventure
Dine Out
Spa Day
Outdoor Retreat
Stuff Packs
Paranormal Stuff
Nifty Knitting Stuff
Tiny Living Stuff
Moschino Stuff
My First Pet Stuff
Laundry Day Stuff
Toddler Stuff
Fitness Stuff
Bowling Night Stuff
Vintage Glamour Stuff
Backyard Stuff
Kids Room Stuff
Romantic Garden Stuff
Movie Hangout Stuff
Spooky Stuff
Cool Kitchen Stuff
Perfect Patio Stuff
Luxury Party Stuff
Free Stuff
Holiday Celebration Pack
Grim's Ghoulish Guitar
Cheats used are:
Please do not re-upload on TSR or any other website without my permission.
If you post on your website always link back to my page on TSR.
All my creations are fully Play Tested
1 Download the Room and all the required Custom Content
2 Unzip the Room File
3 All the downloaded files for the room need to be placed in the Sims 4 Tray folder. The location of that folder is:
Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Tray
4 Place only the tray items in your tray, not the zip file.
5 Download all the Custom Content required and place them in your Mods folder
6 Once you have placed them there, you should be able to find the Room in your Gallery in the game.
7 If you can't see it In the game go to my library and in the column on the left scroll down to the bottom and click on advanced and then click on include custom content the room should show up.
Credits: All Artists on TSR, EA, TSR
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
- Naturalis bar stool
- Naturalis Dining chair
- Naturalis Office curtain tropical opened
- Naturalis Pantry Eggs basket
- Naturalis Stove
- Naturalis Dining table 1x1
- Naturalis Wall lamps right
- Naturalis wall kitchen paper towel
- Naturalis office plant 6
- Naturalis 2 bottles
- Naturalis Pantry Jars 2
- Naturalis wall cutting board and kitchen cloth
- Naturalis Pantry Sliced Bread pack
- Naturalis Pantry Bottle Champagne
- Naturalis Pantry Shelf
- Naturalis Office plant 5
- Naturalis Office curtain tropical
- Naturalis scales
- Naturalis Pantry Jars 4
- Naturalis hanging pots taller
- Naturalis Pantry 5 Cans
- Naturalis wall cutting glasses
- Naturalis kitchen sink
- Naturalis kitchen tools
- Naturalis Hanging fern tall
- Naturalis counter
- Naturalis Pantry Wine Wall Shelf
- Naturalis Pantry Grapes
- Rustiko Wall tile
- Naturalis glass bottle with rope
- Naturalis Wall Cabinet
- Naturalis Pantry Ceiling Lamp Tall
- Naturalis coffee maker
- Naturalis Fridge
- Naturalis cupcake factory
- Naturalis notebook
- Naturalis Pantry Wall Clock
- Naturalis Pantry Coffee Bag
- Naturalis glass cup with rope
- Naturalis Pantry Basket with Lid Woven
- Naturalis wall extension
- Naturalis Pantry Parsley Sack
- Naturalis Wall lamps left
- Naturalis Pantry wall Shelves
- Naturalis ovens
- Naturalis stove hood
- Naturalis Pantry Basket with Lid Wicker
- Naturalis Pantry Basket
- Naturalis Pantry Wall Drop Table
- Naturalis counter island
- Naturalis Pantry Cereal box
- Naturalis Pantry Homemade Cheese
- Naturalis herbs 1
- Naturalis cups
- Naturalis Microwave