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Created for: The Sims 4
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Ryan is a young Sims who loves nature. He loves to stroll along the beach and admire a sunset!
I hope you like it! Thank you for downloading!
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1389718
ItemID: 1389718
Filesize: 85 KB
No sliders
CC Genetic:
Skin - Markus Skin Overlay HQ by Ms_Blue TSR
Skin Detail - Skin Detail Kit N05 (Face Shine N15) by Pralinesims TSR
Eyes - Eye Pack N08 (Starry Eyes N68) by Pralinesims TSR
Eyebrows - VNM mouseyblue pow eyebrow (am-01) by Athymhormia
Eyeslashes - 3D Lashes Version2 HQ by Kijiko
Beard - Beard Style 24 by Serpentrogue TSR
Lipstick - LipsSet20 by ShojoAngel TSR
Hair - Sintiklia - Hair s49 Freeze by SintikliaSims TSR
CC Closet:
Boots - Male Combat Boots by Marigold
Choker - Men’s Strap Chokers by Kijiko
Swimwear - Movin'up swimwear by Pinkzombiecupcakes TSR
Sweater - 3DL Imperio Sim- iO by Jancy -Paco Sweater by eddielle TSR
Sweater - Viscose Shirt by OranosTR TSR
Boxer - Simplicity Cotton Boxer Brief by McLayneSims TSR
Shorts - Jeans Shorts No.3 by Pinkzombiecupcakes TSR
Jeans - Giruto14 jeans by 001StudioK
CAS - Backgrounds NEW Beach by Annett85
POSES - Male poses 02 by HelgaTisha TSR
- Custom content: Creation needs CC (links to all needed CC listed in the description)
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
- Markus Skin Overlay HQ by Ms_Blue TSR
- Skin Detail Kit N05 (Face Shine N15) by Pralinesims TSR
- Eye Pack N08 (Starry Eyes N68) by Pralinesims TSR
- VNM mouseyblue pow eyebrow (am-01) by Athymhormia
- 3D Lashes Version2 HQ by Kijiko
- Beard Style 24 by Serpentrogue TSR
- LipsSet20 by ShojoAngel TSR
- Sintiklia - Hair s49 Freeze by SintikliaSims TSR
- Male Combat Boots by Marigold
- MenÂ’s Strap Chokers by Kijiko
- Movin'up swimwear by Pinkzombiecupcakes TSR
- 3DL Imperio Sim- iO by Jancy -Paco Sweater by eddielle TSR
- Viscose Shirt by OranosTR TSR
- Simplicity Cotton Boxer Brief by McLayneSims TSR
- Jeans Shorts No.3 by Pinkzombiecupcakes TSR
- Giruto14 jeans by 001StudioK
- Backgrounds NEW Beach by Annett85
- Male poses 02 by HelgaTisha TSR